Frasier On Film

S1E7 - Bruno Kirby in The Freshman (Call Me Irresponsible)

Season 1 Episode 7

"What's your stomach have to say about this?"

Episode 7 and I cannot believe this film is not better known. We may be focusing on Bruno Kirby this week, and all respect due to him, but it's Marlon Brando's appearance in The Freshman which will steal the conversation. It's basically the Don Corleone all over again. Played for laughs - but played entirely straight. Who else but Joe Pesci's sound-alike could be our reason for visiting this insane cinematic offering?


01:30 Intro

03:08 Frasier Talk: Frasier crosses some moral and ethical lines when he starts dating a caller's ex-girlfriend. 

09:30 Bruno Kirby Talk: The guy may immediately make you think of gangster films with that voice, but he's far more versatile than that!

16:30 The Freshman Talk: In case I haven't stressed it enough - DON CORLEONE LIVES! Brando, Broderick and Bruno - together!

Thanks for listening!

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