Frasier On Film

S1E8 - JoBeth Williams in Poltergeist (Beloved Infidel) Feat. FilmBusters Paul

Season 1 Episode 8
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00:00:00 | 01:02:49

"They've already looked up your skirt and they've seen everything there is to see."

It's a crossover episode which means it's a BUMPER episode! I'm joined by my best friend and long-term podcasting partner FilmBusters Paul (of @filmbusterspod @dcandproud fame) for this episode which dives deep into a classic episode of Frasier, a fascinating woman and an iconic film.


01:30 Intro

04:12 Frasier Talk: Martin's caught being a dirty dog... Or is there more to the story than meets the eye?

11:55 JoBeth Williams Talk: Genuinely fascinating insight a woman who has done more for female filmmakers and storytellers than most have, with her influence predominantly being behind the scenes.

27:30 Poltergeist Talk: Is it a Tobe Hooper or a Stephen Spielberg film? Is it even... a good film? Listen to Paul and I dissect and compare notes on the infamous classic. 

Thanks for listening!

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