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Real Grassroots Crowdfunding (How to Make Your Indiegogo Go So Good) - Please Advise… Episode One!

Sam Season 1 Episode 1

Crowdfunding presents a paradox for founders. You use it to raise your initial seed funding, but you also need to heavily promote it, which can be expensive in its own right.

We recently worked with Dave McNeeley and The Keeper's Hive to launch their product on Indiegogo. They raised more than double their goal.

While Dave, as our Operations Director, had plenty of access to our agency's resources, a big key to their success was how they spread the word among the beekeeping community.

Admittedly, we also ran a campaign on Meta that got a 7x return on ad spend. But the Indiegogo campaign had already met its goal by the time we started those.

I think this discussion will be helpful to anyone who's thinking about crowdfunding or launching any kind of product that appeals to any specific community or subculture.

This is our first episode, and we are making efforts to improve the production value.

You missed your chance to pick up a hive through their initial offering, but you can learn more about The Keeper's Hive here:

And this is our website: