Becoming Lit AF

Tracy King | Honoring the gritty, embracing the mystical

Tracy King Episode 62

My soul-friend, Tracy King, from across the big lake, gives a peek inside the experience of waking up in a life shaped by evangelical Christianity, only to realize it was a life they never wanted, and could no longer tolerate.  Tracy shares their story and how they landed in a life full of grit and mysticism. I always love my time with Tracy, I think you will too.
Tracy King activates potential.

As the Gritty Mystic, an intuitive channel, transformational teacher and coach, Tracy reveals where her clients are in the levels of awakening to take the guess work out of divine development allowing for more "YES!" and less "WTF?!" The goal is to embody your SoulSelf - the same aspiration as the spiritual alchemists of old. The transformational formula is to Align, Allow, BE®.  In their self mastery mentorship, they facilitate experiences forging greater connection to one's inherent wisdom and integrating that BEING perspective in day-to-day life. It's not so much SMART #goalgetting coaching, it's experiencing-your-I-AM coaching. It's profoundly healing and empowering.

Join me on the Fall Retreat in Northern Michigan November 2-5th. 

More info @

Check out my Fall Retreat: