The Violin Gospel Podcast
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The Violin Gospel Podcast
Chasing Contentment: Embracing Faith Over Materialism - Episode 4
What happens when the relentless chase for more leaves you feeling empty and worn out? Discover the profound insights Maya and I share in this episode of the Violin Gospel Podcast, where we unravel the biblical theme of contentment, inspired by a moving sermon from Rick Warren. We open up about our own journeys, battling the pressures of success and material gain, only to find true peace in God's provision. Through scripture like Proverbs 23:4 and Ecclesiastes 5:11, we explore the wisdom of living with restraint and the unexpected complications of having too much.
Balancing wealth with generosity is no easy feat, but it's a crucial aspect of living a fulfilling life. In this episode, we reflect on personal stories that illustrate how the single-minded pursuit of financial success can wreak havoc on our closest relationships. Drawing from biblical references such as 1 Timothy 6:9 and Ecclesiastes 5:10, we emphasize the dangers of greed and the beauty of contentment. We encourage you to cultivate a strong relationship with God and focus on setting realistic financial goals that allow for both responsibility and generosity.
Romantic relationships aren't immune to the corrosive effects of greed, and Maya and I tackle this sensitive subject head-on. We share candid reflections on how impatience and desire for more can lead to dissatisfaction in love. Choosing a life partner wisely, with shared values rather than material wealth, is key, and we offer insights from our ebook "Choosing to Date God's Way." As we wrap up, we extend an invitation for questions and prayer requests, providing support for those facing financial challenges. Maya closes the episode with a heartfelt rendition of Travis Green's "Made A Way," reminding us of the power of faith and divine intervention.
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Hi guys, michael Sanchez here, welcome to the Violin Gospel Podcast, episode number four. I'm excited to have with me today my wife, maya Sanchez.
Speaker 3:Hello everyone. It's so great to be with you and to be able to spend this time together.
Speaker 2:So we're really excited to be offering you guys some hopefully advices and talk about some great topics. As you guys know, I like to start with a violin. That was actually a classical piece that I played a lot growing up, so I thought you guys might enjoy that. So, yeah, we have great things going on right now, things to talk about. We actually just recorded our first song, so we're excited about that. How'd that go, maya?
Speaker 3:It went well. You can listen to it. It's available on all platforms. The title is the Night's Soft Song and the artist is Violin Gospel. That's us, and it's a beautiful song about trusting God in the darkness, in the dark moments, in the quiet moments, when you don't really hear his voice, but you know that his presence is there.
Speaker 2:Amen. So we are going to be covering a topic today on the topic of contentment. So, basically, talking about, the biggest thing that I took from a Rick Warren sermon I just recently watched was wanting more brings more fatigue. So I want to talk about that today. I feel like that will be really powerful. We actually went through a lot of different comments and things that people were saying over the week. Maya, you actually highlighted quite a few things of what people were saying out there. So, yeah, you want to touch on that.
Speaker 3:Yes, so the reason why we felt contentment would be a good topic for us we are receiving from all of you different submissions and different reactions to the question what are you struggling with, what do you need prayer for? And one thing that we just notice as a theme has been just the topic of stress, the topic of needing just needs, needs not being met, and so we just felt that contentment would be a good message for us, and so that's why we're focusing on that today.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. So I want to mention just what a lot of this is inspired by. Is that Rick Warren sermon on the topic of contentment. So I encourage you guys to go to YouTubecom type in Rick Warren contentment. So a lot of the verses we're going to be going through today and a lot of the spiritual points definitely are from that particular sermon. That's absolutely excellent. So, yeah, I want to start with.
Speaker 2:The first thing that I wrote down is an early part of life Most people give up on their health in order to get money. And the second part of life a lot of people they give up their money in order to get their health back. So I found that pretty interesting, pretty funny. Actually, it's kind of ironic, right? So, basically, we put all this effort into, you know, try to make a living, to try to be successful.
Speaker 2:You know the world is telling us all of these things related to that, right? So I mean, if you just watch TV for a while or you just, you know, browse social media, it's pretty obvious that the world is trying to tell us that the most important thing is to be wealthy, to be successful, to have power. So God in the Bible definitely teaches a very opposite message of that, which is that we need to be content in the things that we already have. And that certainly isn't easy to do. It definitely takes drowning other things out, you know, not paying as much attention to media and doing different things. But if we're able to do that, it really allows us to listen to God's voice, connect with him and ultimately do the will of God, which he tells us that he'll give us everything else that we need, everything else that we you know survival, you know everything related, so he's going to take care of us. Basically.
Speaker 3:Amen.
Speaker 2:So next thing I want to point out is a verse so Proverbs 23, verse 4, do not wear yourself out to be rich, have the wisdom to show restraint. I just feel like that's so important. I mean I want to go into my testimony a little bit that I've talked about in the past other podcasts and such. But you know I went through a very difficult divorce, very tough bankruptcy. Basically in my 20s I lost basically my entire business and you know I can really relate to this verse, how you know it's tiring to really push and do everything you possibly can to be successful, to be wealthy, and I really pursued that. You know I've always been a Christian but didn't necessarily focus on God during those times. I was more just kind of obsessed with building a business. So there's just so much that I can relate to with that verse. You know that you really get worn out, you know, if you basically try to climb the ladder of success instead of ultimately climbing the ladder that God wants us to climb, which is to know him and to pursue him. So you know that verse is great. I highly recommend. I'm going to read it again.
Speaker 2:Proverbs 23, verse four do not wear yourself out to be rich, have the wisdom to show restraint. So that's a great verse, and I also wrote this down from that Rick Warren sermon that wanting more also brings more expenses. It brings more things to worry about. And he said in that sermon if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, so is the water bill. So that's so true that you know the more complicated your life is, the more things you have to worry about, the more it's going to cause conflicts in your family. It's going to cause conflicts in your mind that you know you're anxious about trying to be successful. So those are really good points that I took from the sermon. I'll read one more verse and then I'll let Maya comment on all this Ecclesiastes 5, verse 11, a comment on all this Ecclesiastes 5, verse 11, the more you have, the more people will come help you spend it. So what is the advantage of wealth other than to see it slip through your fingers? That's a really great verse.
Speaker 3:Yes, I think that you know, one of the things that comes up for me when we talk about contentment is the fact that there is a stress that comes with, you know, needs not necessarily being met. But I think that's a little different than what we're talking about here today, which is that you know your needs are met. You know you've got your food, shelter, water. You've got your basic needs.
Speaker 3:But once we get the things that we desire, you know how god places desires in our hearts, sometimes, especially in our in, like american culture, um, american culture especially, there's this, there's idea of uh, comparison, and we live in a hustle culture, we live in a grind culture. People tell you, you to, you know, get the bag, focus, you know on, keep your head down and work, and things like that. The only problem with that is that once we lock in on what we want and receive, that there's very seldom a moment of peace and enjoyment being able to just enjoy what you already have. And so I think what Michael and I are talking about today is really being able to identify when there's an imbalance between what you need and what you want.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I actually wrote that down. That's amazing. You just said that. So my next point was we think that we don't make enough, but the truth is we want too much. That we don't make enough, but the truth is we want too much.
Speaker 2:You know, that's such a great thing to really think about in your life is that, obviously, you know there's the main necessities of life. You know shelter, food, but then there's a lot of things that we want that, you know, we could easily identify as being more of a greed. So Rick Warren says, things that we think are needs are actually just greeds. So there's a lot of things out there like that. So the key is that and this applies, you know, to my own life is, if I'm pursuing God, if I'm putting him first, he truly does provide me with my needs, my basic needs. He's able to provide me with those things. Now, the extras, he's ultimately going to bless me because I'm following him, I'm putting him first, but a lot of things I have to be able to identify as potentially being greeds in my life and by doing that, that allows us to experience more of his joy, his peace, because I'm more content, you know, in my life.
Speaker 3:I believe that greed is actually very sneaky. You know, I don't. When I hear the word greed, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Like I think of, like a green, like a green face, and like eyes are, like you know, money signs, and the eyeballs or something like that.
Speaker 3:I think of my 20s yeah, yeah, I think of like a very, I think of a very specific image, but I think that greed can happen to anyone at any time and I think it's just a very slippery slope.
Speaker 3:And I believe that what happens with greed is that it takes a very good thing and it spoils it. I think you see something, you see evidence of that in the garden. You know where Adam and Eve are in the garden and they have access to everything, every single thing that you could ever want, any fruit you could ever desire, and there was one tree that was forbidden and all the others were there for the taking. And it's like what happens with greed is that the very good thing that you already have is not enough, and so then that good thing basically becomes a sticking point, a bad thing, and it just kind of spoils before your very eyes. It's like God gives you a perfect piece of fruit and right before your eyes it just spoils and in front of you it's like it takes a very good thing, an otherwise good thing, and just kind of ruins it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that's a great transition into this verse which, in Proverbs 15, verse 27,. It says a greedy man brings trouble to his family. So I can really relate to this. You know, in my 20s, you know, I was building a business like a violent empire, you know, trying to come up with new ways to make more money and to do different things, to where I would stay up till 3 am, 4 am in the morning, trying to just get every little possible thing done to grow my business. And, you know, in the end, ultimately I lost the whole entire thing. So I was climbing that ladder, you know I was greedy, you know, and ultimately I was bringing trouble to my family, right. So I wasn't really focusing on my relationship, you know, with my wife. I wasn't focusing on other people trying to help others, I was just focused on myself, right, I was selfish, I was focused on how can I make more for myself, right. So that verse, I think, is really good.
Speaker 2:And one other thing I wrote down the number one cause of divorce is financial tension, you know. So that's such an important thing to understand that you know, if we're focused on just building money, trying to be more successful, and we're not focusing on what God wants us to focus on, that's going to cause issues in your life. So, yeah, I wrote down also what Rick Warren said, which is till debt, do us part. You know, I really took a lot from that. Took a lot from that 1 Timothy 6, verse 9. People who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. It's an amazing verse there 1 Timothy 6, verse 9. So God ultimately wants us to be on this earth to know him. That's number one. He wants us to have a purpose in life to help other people. If we're focused on doing those things, what he calls us to do, everything else is going to fall into place. Everything else is going to come together. So I encourage you guys out there listening First off, do you have that relationship with Jesus out there, listening first off, do you have that relationship with Jesus?
Speaker 2:You know, because that's really number one is you know what is causing you to potentially have a gap between your relationship to God and other people? Because if we're doing things that God tells us not to do, there's a lot of different sins out there. I can mention, you know drugs, pornography, alcoholism. You know there's a lot of sins that could be causing you to have issues and a hard time connecting with God. But if we're able to connect with God and get those sins out of our life now we're able to live that purpose that he wants us to live, that's going to help out every other thing. It's going to cause you to not have that much of a desire, as much of a desire, to try to climb that financial ladder. I would say that's something that he gives us. He gives us peace, he gives us joy, just by knowing him.
Speaker 1:Amen.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, I also wrote down a few other things. Actually, I'll just mention a really good last verse that I wrote down. So Ecclesiastes 5, verse 10. If you love money, you'll never be satisfied. If you long to be rich, you'll never get what you want. It is useless. So that's coming straight from the Bible. So a lot of good stuff. So I highly recommend that sermon. Guys, rick Warren, contentment All of what I just mentioned is in that sermon Amazing truth. It's not too, I think it's like 30 or 40 minutes, but it's amazing sermon. Highly recommend it.
Speaker 3:Yes, I was just going to say that regarding wealth, you know it's no-transcript. Bible tells us to study, to show yourself approved. You might be getting your education or you might be spending your hours working. I think what becomes challenging is that the older that you get and the different commitments that you make like, let's say, you take a spouse, let's say you and your spouse have a family I think what you have to really be very mindful of as you grow is the fact that pursuing money is now not the number one priority. Now your priority is pouring into your spouse and pouring into your children, but at the same time, you have responsibilities, and so you need to. Really, my counsel, or my advice to anybody who's listening here who is kind of like, wait, but don't we have to earn money to pay our bills and fulfill our responsibilities yes, absolutely. You need to do those things. You should give.
Speaker 3:God definitely commands us to give and be generous.
Speaker 3:God commands us to uphold your responsibilities, especially if you're the head of the household as a man, or, let's say, you're a single parent that's listening out there. By any circumstances, you definitely need to make decisions that allow you to be able to provide for your family. That's definitely the case, but I think that when you go beyond needs being met and you think about how your time is being spent, I think each person and each family has to decide, has to make a decision as to how much is enough for our family, how much is enough for us to pay all of our bills, pay all of our debts, save for the future, give, be generous, and how can we be content with that? Once we get to that amount, how can we be content? You know God can definitely add to that and you can say you know what you could say to yourself as a family this is our number, this is what we need in order to pay off our debt at a good pace, fulfill our responsibilities, save for the future.
Speaker 2:And God calls us to pay down debt. Yes, absolutely.
Speaker 3:You definitely want to be able to do those things, but you also have to be able to strike a balance between this is enough, and I just want more. You know, I just want more, because when we I don't want to quote, I don't want to quote, I'm about to quote not the Bible and not a Christian person or a Christian figure, but I'm thinking of a lyric that I've heard in a song, like a rap song, that says too much money ain't enough money, and I feel like a lot of people do feel that way, like it's almost like even if you get all the money that you've ever wanted in the world, it will never be enough. It will never be, enough to satisfy you.
Speaker 3:You have to recognize the money that you've ever wanted in the world it will never be enough. It will never be enough to satisfy you. You have to recognize that so that you don't you know you can have it all and literally lose it all, or you can have all the money in the world and lose everyone that's important to you because they don't have your time or your attention. And I think what we know is that money comes and goes. It really does. Everybody knows this. As soon as you get your paycheck, it gets eaten up by bills, it gets eaten up by all the commitments that we've made.
Speaker 3:So, just being able to understand that your worth and your value is in so much more than just your paycheck or your future salary or anything like that, you have to understand that your worth and your value are in Christ and being able to and you know what if you, if that's not obvious to you, if that amount is not obvious to you, pray about it. Say Lord, lord, please show us, show us where your boundaries, show us where, where is the line drawn? There's a verse and I wish I knew the exact chapter, the exact book and chapter verse, but I know that the person who said it is King David, and he says that the boundary has fallen in a pleasant place for me. It's like he sees where the line is drawn and he says, oh yes, like this, where the line is drawn, it's in the perfect place for me. That's a heart that trusts God. That's a heart that says you know what, within my, these are my bounds and I'm grateful for where my bounds have been placed and where my bounds have been drawn.
Speaker 2:Amen. That's great, Very, very good. So, yeah, one thing I think about is just you know, there's so many things that God wants us to do in the Bible, and I want to talk about generosity. So generosity, I believe, is just one of the most important things that God wants us to do, and he truly rewards us for being generous. And it's not just money, financial, but it's also time. So, you know, giving people your time, that means your spouse, that means your kids, that means people that are in need around you. By doing that and focusing your life on that and not focusing on yourself, God truly rewards. That. He gives you, you know, spiritual direction. He gives you the joy, the peace, all the things that you're probably pursuing, that you ultimately want. He gives to us if we focus on generosity. So I encourage you guys to go the extra mile with that.
Speaker 2:We actually had a sermon this past Sunday at church that talked about how it was perfect timing because it's the beginning of the year, right January. People are like New Year's resolutions, lots going on. The pastor talked about someone that had two jobs. How do you put time in to do some of these extra things that ultimately may be a Bible study or starting a small group, All of these different things that really do bring tremendous joy, because that's how God wired the universe. He wired the universe that if we give and focus on other people, it creates joy in our hearts.
Speaker 2:So we need to provide, you know, for our families. We need to work. You know I'm a very driven person. Nobody's ever accused me of not being driven. Work, you know, I'm a very driven person. Nobody's ever accused me of not being driven. But if we focus on others, if we focus on what God says in his word which there's a lot of stuff he wants us to do and not do he's going to give us everything else. So generosity is huge. I encourage you guys with that. One thing that I like to just touch on honey with relationships. One thing that I'd like to just touch on honey with relationships. So you talked about earlier today relationships and how that's a part of the journey as well, Because you know there's a certain type of greed when it comes to relationships, Like we need to be married, we need to have certain things when it comes to, like, that perfect type of relationship. Maybe touch on that a little bit.
Speaker 3:Absolutely that perfect type of relationship? Maybe touch on that a little bit. Absolutely, yeah, I can think of a time when, before I met Michael, I have had other relationships and those relationships failed. I'm talking about romantic relationships, and I think that greed is one of the reasons why maybe some of those relationships have failed, because sometimes you know, god can place a person in your life and the circumstances can be great, but if we don't go at, let's say, we're not being patient with the timing of how the relationship is going or how milestones are progressing like maybe, ladies, you know you're waiting on a ring, or something like that it can cause us to kind of take matters out of God's hands and into our own hands, and that's when things get really again. They just it's a good thing that just spoils before your very eyes.
Speaker 3:So I may, I can vividly remember moments where I acted out of character or did things that didn't align with how God wants us to conduct ourselves in relationships, and then you lose it. That's the sad thing about greed. Is that greed, you know, you take the thing that satisfied your need and you want more, and then you lose not just the more but also the thing that you had in the first place, and it can be really tough, and I think that for those of you who are in any kind of relationship really but I see this happen a lot in like boyfriend-girlfriend relationships or marriage relationships where you want more from your partner or from your spouse, and just as soon as you get to that milestone, immediately and I'm just going to speak for myself here right when that one issue gets resolved or there's a difference in the way that you two see things, and it gets resolved immediately, my sights are set on the next thing. It's like I'm always able to see a gap, or I'm always able to see a gap, or I'm always able to see a flaw in that person, instead of just being able to even celebrate the challenge that we just overcame. I think that happens a lot in um, for it happens to men, it happens to women.
Speaker 3:We just we have a hard time um, you know, being being content, and so I do believe that god wants us to. I think a great way to combat that is one with thankfulness. When god gives us something, it's important for us to just stop and just be instead of uh, you know, instead of being so into the thing that he gave us. Just be into, god be into into like, wow, thank you for being the giver, thank you for being the provider, thank you for giving this to me, thank you, lord, for blessing us this way. So, yeah, gratitude, peace, contentment, sitting in the moment and just what people call what people call joy. The difference between having what you want and wanting what you have, like being able to just like desire what you already have, as opposed to desiring things that you don't have.
Speaker 2:Amen. Yeah, I mean the most, the very most important thing that you're going to make a decision on in this world is, you know, do I choose to follow Jesus? That's the number one, number two, just right, right, but you know, after that is who you choose to marry, right? So, like, who is going to be your partner in life? You know, and obviously for those out there that are already married, like now, it's a matter of okay. You know, living the life God wants you to live, regardless of how your spouse is, whatever, but as far as, like, for those out there that are single, choosing the right person is extremely important. You know, it really is the second most important decision of your life and we do talk about this a lot in our ebook Choosing to Date God's Way, which you can find on violengospelcom.
Speaker 2:It's just a little button you press for ebook and you know I really go into detail about things related to money because, okay, if you're going on dates and the other person across from you is focusing on, like, your success and how much money you make and all these other things, that really is not the type of person that you should be going after. You know God wants us to pursue. You know each other based on purpose. You know purpose, which means basically the way whatever it is that God wants you to do in your life where you're helping other people. Understanding your purpose starts with knowing him.
Speaker 2:But that was the biggest thing for Maya and I. What really brought us together was the concept of purpose. We talked a lot about that. I don't think Maya asked me one time how much money I made, you know, in our first you know. I don't think she ever even asked me. So that's the type of person that you know we established a foundation of marriage on is purpose, helping other people and valuing those things. So I encourage you guys to check out that book. It's on our website but, yeah, hopefully that will help you guys out quite a bit.
Speaker 3:Yes, absolutely. I hope that this resource is really helpful for all of you and please feel free to, if you have, you know, follow-up questions, we'd be more than happy to field those questions and respond to those questions Awesome.
Speaker 2:So we actually got quite a bit of questions and feedback from people this past week, so we want to just quickly share with you just a few prayer requests. I feel like there's quite a few out there that are just really really stand out to us and we'd like to pray ultimately for some of these here, and we're sorry if we didn't get to your specific prayer requests because there's so many of them. We want to just mention a few of these. I'm actually going to hand the computer over to Maya so she can kind of point out a few of them.
Speaker 3:Yes, we are reading all of these. We're reading all of these submissions and we want to pray out loud for each of you who are going through challenging times. I'm not going to mention everyone's names here, just because some of these situations are very specific and we do want to maintain you know, maintain your confidentiality as much as possible. So, again, the question is what are you struggling with? In need prayer? One person says, honestly, finances are tough. Making ends meet is getting a lot harder. I work two jobs and my husband 12-hour overnights, and so we just want to let you know that we're thinking about you. We're going to say a prayer for you after we read just a few more of these. We have another person here that says I can't focus during prayer. I have a lot of thought that comes during prayer, and so we're going to be praying for focus for you. Our brother there in Lesotho. And then another person who is in delhi, india, says I'm having some unconditional stress because I'm studying and I have mentally some pressure to meet an early deadline, but I lack strength and meant and um the mental strength to complete this assignment. So we're thinking about you.
Speaker 3:Another person in South Africa says I've been trying to find a job for the past year and I've been unlucky at every turn. Every opening requires experience, but no one is willing to give us a chance. That can be very, very discouraging. We have another person who says my village is in war conflict with two tribes. That can be very, very discouraging. We have another person who says my village is in war conflict with two tribes and I got to tell you I can't even imagine what that's like. But we are definitely going to be praying for your safety and your protection, and then I'll let this be the last one for today.
Speaker 3:This person says I'm going to summarize it a little bit, just because, just to maintain their confidentiality. But this person says my health is declining and I'm awaiting disability on a specific date. I'm running out of funds for medication and supplies as I've been unable to work since being diagnosed with a specific syndrome in 2022. I went from being fairly healthy to being mostly wheelchair bound within a few years. I struggle often, but I always keep faith and thank the Lord for the gifts and blessings I do receive in small, magical ways on a daily basis. If you could, please just pray for general wellness and for my truth to be witnessed at my upcoming disability hearing, as receiving much needed disability payments would be an incredible blessing to my family. Thank you and God bless. We're thinking about you.
Speaker 2:Amen. So one thing I just wanna mention about all of that is I felt like a lot of those prayer requests had to do with overwhelm. I can definitely sense that you guys that are writing these are ultimately overwhelmed. I just want to encourage you to check out a sermon on YouTube by Rick Warren, so just type in Rick Warren overwhelm. It's an amazing sermon that just goes into a lot of detail about different parts of the Bible where there's definitely people that are very, very overwhelmed with their situations, but God ultimately was able to pull them through that and pull them out of that. So I encourage you guys to check out. That Definitely would help you. But yeah, definitely, we're going to pray here pretty soon.
Speaker 2:I just want to ask, you know, I know everybody's at a different place when it comes to their relationship with Jesus. I just want to say that everything is all about that. So if you don't have a relationship yet with Jesus, it really does start there because you know he's going to be able to give you the strength to be able to overcome certain things that you may be struggling with in your life. You know that would be if you have, you know, addiction, challenges, pornography. If you're struggling with drugs, alcohol. You know a relationship. So there's a lot of things that God will give you the strength if we have a relationship with him. So now, if you don't have that relationship yet, let's just say you're on the fence. You know I'm having trouble connecting with God, with knowing if he's there, if he's real, you know, is he actually going to help me? Or even if you have like a bitterness towards God. There's so many different resources I can mention, but one area where you will ultimately get some of those resources if you go to our website there's a button that says Know God. If you click on that, that's going to give you a lot of resources that I highly recommend. That can help you understand more what is it like to have a relationship with God Like. What does that look like and what is that process? So highly encourage you guys to check that out.
Speaker 2:But we're going to pray for all you guys out there that are struggling and we just really appreciate everybody listening right now at this point. We really enjoyed connecting with a lot of you and everything we're doing is ultimately for God and we hope that we can be some sort of level of blessing to you. So let's open up in prayer. Dear Jesus, we just thank you for this day, lord. We thank you for your mercy. Lord, we thank you for your grace.
Speaker 2:There's just so many things that we can be so thankful for that you give to us here, lord, and one of the things that's challenging, obviously, lord, is contentment, like we talked about today, being truly content with what we have, what you've given us. But, lord, as Christians, we can truly be so happy knowing that we know you and that is what, ultimately, is the most important thing in life that we're going to spend eternity in heaven with you. And that's the most important thing. Lord, I just pray for anybody else out there that maybe doesn't know if they know you, or they don't know if they're going to heaven or not. I pray for you to touch them this week, just help them to you know, check out some of these resources that we mentioned that they may start to grow in you, to grow, you know, farther along, and that you'll be able to bless them and give them strength and direction this week.
Speaker 3:Heavenly Father, we come to you now for asking you, our good father, for the spirit of contentment. God, we know that when we're aligned with your will, that we can ask for what we need and that you'll give it to us, lord. And so I'm asking, father, right now, that for everyone, under the sound of this voice, that they would be able to enjoy the spirit of contentment that you have to offer to us, god, I'm asking you to please just remind each listener that you are there with them, that you are holding their hand, that you are that steady presence, that, even when we don't see you, even when we don't feel it, that we know that you are there. God, I'm asking you, lord, to envelop each person with your perfect peace, those whose minds just continue to stay on you, lord, that you would envelop them with your perfect peace. I'm asking that each person would have the peace that surpasses all understanding, that they would be able to look at their circumstances and yet look at you and say, wow, I know that everything is going to work out for good, because God is in control of the situation.
Speaker 3:And, father, when we do receive the victory for each, when each person receives a victory for the circumstances that they're in. I pray that they'll remember to thank you. I pray that we'll remember to give you the glory and I pray that we will be able to completely know that nothing would have been able to be resolved without you, without your mighty power, without your mighty hand in the situation. And we call upon you because you are the mighty one. You are the one who is powerful enough to just beginning with our salvation. You are the one who is mighty enough to save us. So we thank you, lord, we just thank you for your just, immeasurable love. We thank you for your grace, your peace that you give to us, and I pray, god, that people would truly just feel your hand guiding them, feel your hands holding them and feel your spirit just walking with them through the different trials of life, the different trials that life brings our way. So we love you so much, father, and we thank you. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.
Speaker 2:Amen. So normally you guys hear me finish in the first three podcasts I played my violin at the end, but actually I'm going to call Maya to sing because she actually did this earlier today and I really felt me personally, actually felt touched when she sang this particular song. So yeah, maya, do you want to end just with talking more about the song that you sang earlier?
Speaker 3:and more about it. Yeah, we were reading through the submissions that each person wrote and it made me think of a song by Travis Green called Made Away, so I'm just going to sing a little bit of it for you. It goes.
Speaker 1:You made a way and we're standing here Only because you made a way, cause you move mountains and you cause walls to fall. With your power, perform miracles. Fall with your power, perform miracles. There is nothing that's impossible, and we're standing here only because you made a way.
Speaker 2:Amen, thank you, that was great. Thank you guys so much for listening today. We look forward to seeing you in the next podcast.
Speaker 3:Thank you for listening. We pray that you have an incredible week and that God's spirit goes with you and you're coming and you're going.
Speaker 2:And we also have our newest song. If you want to point out just the name of the song Maya.
Speaker 3:Yeah, check out the Night's Soft Song by Violin Gospel, available on all platforms.
Speaker 2:Thanks so much, guys. Have a great day, god bless.
Speaker 3:Take care, god bless, bye, bye-bye.