Voices for Maine's Environment
Voices for Maine's environment brings you the voices of people and organizations who are working together to protect the nature of Maine. New podcasts monthly. The Natural Resources Council of Maine is a non-partisan, statewide organization dedicated to protecting, conserving, and restoring Maine's environment now and for future generations. Let’s build the future we all want for Maine — a future that values clean air and water, healthy forests, abundant wildlife, livable communities, and accessible outdoors for all. Consider becoming a member today!
Voices for Maine's Environment
Cleaner Trucks, Infrastructure Investment, and Question 1 Takeaways
Climate & Clean Energy Director Jack Shapiro joins the podcast to talk about how cleaner trucks and buses will benefit Maine, what the new infrastructure bill passed by Congress means for Maine communities, and what lessons can be learned from the decisive vote by an overwhelming majority of Maine people to ban the CMP corridor.