Voices for Maine's Environment
Voices for Maine's environment brings you the voices of people and organizations who are working together to protect the nature of Maine. New podcasts monthly. The Natural Resources Council of Maine is a non-partisan, statewide organization dedicated to protecting, conserving, and restoring Maine's environment now and for future generations. Let’s build the future we all want for Maine — a future that values clean air and water, healthy forests, abundant wildlife, livable communities, and accessible outdoors for all. Consider becoming a member today!
Voices for Maine's Environment
Youth Voices for Climate Justice
Natural Resources Council of Maine
On a cold day in February, the Maine Climate Council met for the second time as part of their work to hammer out a new statewide Climate Action Plan. Just down the hall, more than 100 Maine youth gathered to call on the state’s leaders to take bold climate action. Host Carly Peruccio spoke with some of those youth about their hopes for the future. Listen and get inspired!