Little Losses Everywhere (and some big ones too)
Compassionate and insightful conversation about Love, Loss, and Life Beyond Life with Dr. Jan Lundy and Guests
Little Losses Everywhere (and some big ones too)
Episode 2: Opening to Grief
What does it mean to open to grief? To allow the reality of loss and the feelings of grief to sink into our experience? Dr. Jan hosts special guests Christine Hiester and Kelly Gest, both spiritual directors and grief companions, to the podcast to discuss this important topic.
Together, we explore what allows us to open to our grief, and what prevents us from opening up to this potentially this transformative experience—on a personal level as well as a societal level. Each guest shares what encouraged her to open up to grief (instead of turning away from it or avoiding it), and how doing so became a beautiful journey of healing and growth. A transformation so unexpected that each now finds themselves serving others as grief companions, and helping others open to the deeper invitation of grief and loss too.
Some of the key concepts explored are:
• Why authentically entering into grief appears so difficult
• What we might fear about grieving
• The role of self-care and self-compassion in this process
• How and why standing together in our grief is so helpful
For further information on Grief Companion training, visit:
Learn more about Christine Hiester here and how she supports others through Soul Companioning:
Learn more about Dr. Jan Lundy at her personal website: