Talkin Braap

Handlebars and more with Marshall Tucker

Roy Merritt Season 3 Episode 6

Marshall Tucker from La Choppers sits in with us and talks about all kinds of stuff.  We talk about how he made it through 2020 and how the business is booming.  We also talk about the new Sportster S, while we may have pushed Aaron a little too far.  

Roy Merritt:

She's a pilot. Now I haven't seen idiocracy go watch it. Homework. Alright, that means intro. Once again, it's time to open your ears and expand your mind. Or maybe it's Delhi your mind. Either way, I think these boys have some of the said. So sit back, grab a broom, we're gonna have some to give you our point of view here on Talkin Braap All right, so I'm gonna start backing this down, because welcome back is Talkin Braap. I am not sure. Season Three. I can't remember how many episodes we've done because we took a little break. Yeah, it's been a couple of months since we've recorded I've been getting people hit me up on social media. Like what the fuck? Where's the next episode? You're making that up? No. There was even two but there was people. Yeah, there's like, or like, record. We're all sitting here. No matter what I do. It's been a couple of months. I was still getting like 100 a week or something. You know, average, which is not bad for anything. Yeah, I'm not advertising. I'll take them. So where did you go? After a short little break? We are back. We have Marshall Tucker with us today. Yo. So we're going to talk a little bit about what he does. And I kind of want to talk about a little bit about the difference and COVID and stuff and everything's covered back now.

Aaron Staudinger:

He's not in a band.

Roy Merritt:

Marshall, Tucker, you pay me I'll do whatever. Yeah. Yeah. For your wedding. Yeah, terrible, but I'll shoot my way out. What do you think I did? I took the ball gag off. That's horrible. But anyways, I'm Marshall was in the shop yesterday and you work for LA choppers. Yes, sir. So what do you do for LA choppers?

Marshall Tucker:

Alright, so I'm there outside sales managers. So basically, well, I mean, that's just the one title. I wear many, many hats. You know, a lot of people have the misconception that we've just got like a whole phone bank of people sitting at the factory answering phones, you know, wait for you to call. I mean, besides the people in the factory, I mean, there's five of us. I mean,

Aaron Staudinger:

shoppers and I know there's nobody answering the phone

Roy Merritt:

You know what's funny is in you say that because a lot of businesses are that way you guys just automatically assume that you're big time and you have all these people and all this stuff and in the real world when you actually get down to it. Most of these really cool companies that know the needs of this stuff. This shit it's a few people man grinding it. Yeah, I'm grinding and making it happen. Yo.

Aaron Staudinger:

Your YouTube channels gonna shit on this

Roy Merritt:

show. But I mean, like my wife to ask better.

Marshall Tucker:

Bad Bad. Bad we don't even meet through issues here with my gimbal here. Come on. Yeah.

Roy Merritt:

Oh, no, she doesn't get offended.

Marshall Tucker:

So basically what my job is to use for LA choppers. We also have Trinity racing. We have Baron customs. All three of our companies cater to the motors Motorsports Harley Davidson UTV ATV market. And basically, I'm finally getting back to my primary purpose of traveling and coming in to see dealers like you guys and hang out with you guys. Believe me, it's really where I'd rather be because 16 months of working from home was just I mean, it was brutal. Absolutely. Yeah, answering phones at 130 appears not terrible, you know, I mean, so if you maybe got a wrong answer for me on the phone, I apologize. may have been drawn during now. But it's so good to be back out on the road. I was very thankful to keep my position. They kind of repurposed me a little bit through the whole thing. But that was fine. You know, like I was kind of joking yesterday, you know, I created a YouTube channel, revamped our Instagram, I'm still contacting our dealers and reps. And it was just like one thing after the other, I just kept wearing different hats. I mean, I even told him like, dude, as long as the paycheck there's you can fly me out. I'll clean the shutters on Friday. I was just thankful to have a job and a job that and work for a company. That's really rad. I mean, we have we we have a good time.

Roy Merritt:

Yeah, we went through and you know, same thing. We moved around and did a bunch of stuff when COVID came and everything changed. I think probably most businesses probably had to reevaluate the way of doing things. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and you really have, but you know, now that you're back out, I mean, you know, does it seem like the shops are doing good? Or, you know, what do you see different are the same, or

Marshall Tucker:

I can't see my hand on my damn face. we're so busy. I mean, it's, it's insane. You know, going right into it. I mean, the moment the world shut down for two weeks, I was like, dude, I'm out of a job. My primary function is null and void. Right? Yeah. So yeah, I thought I was gonna I thought I was gonna be, you know, cut real soon. But my company saw the value in in what I do and what I can do for my dealers. And like I said, they just repurpose those, but it's been insane. We cannot keep up. I mean, we are we are running three shifts a day, seven days a week just trying to get this product in our customers hands and, you know, our fillory it has been way better than most. For the most part. Let's not talk about cables. Nobody's take cables, please. But you know, yeah, like we were talking yesterday, you kind of have to joke about it, you know, all the back orders that are going on, and it's insane. I mean, there's a massive, massive demand for motorcycle equipment, motorcycles. I mean, back orders on, you know, funds on backorder right now.

Roy Merritt:

I mean, if it has to do with motorcycles, it has to do with utvs ATVs, campers, guns, anything that you like to have on list? It's on backorder right now I see at least one post a day blasting somebody like layer prozone you saw yesterday, or somebody that I guy told me 16 weeks 12 what the fog is and I'm like, Man, it's happening everywhere. Yeah, everywhere you look. You never want to

Aaron Staudinger:

be stupid, though. To think that like this is only happening to you. When it's out to you everywhere you go. Yeah, yeah. No, everywhere you go. There's no batteries right.

Marshall Tucker:

banners made right now because our banner company is, is making me help one at a time. Yeah, it's not so. I mean, yeah, a lot of has changed that we have been very, very fortunate we are we're just to the moon, man. I mean, la choppers is like those going right now. We're just hoping it doesn't crash. But I mean, handlebars are just that the pandemic thing. You know, a couple years ago, everybody in the industry was kind of looking at each other and asking ourselves, you know, how do we make motorcycles cool again, because it didn't seem like we had a lot of ridership and who knew the answer was endemic?

Roy Merritt:

Oh, yeah, motorcycles are through the roof right now. And we can't keep him here. No, he can use a lot of stuff. And it goes on because we go on cycle trainer right now.

Shane Langdon:

And you look up anything newer than like 17. And even some of the old ones it just says no price listed page after page after page visits to haggle at this point. Yeah,

Aaron Staudinger:

pandemic hit. And I was picturing people at home sitting there just flipping through catalogs looking at stuff that's cool. That's cool.

Marshall Tucker:

They often buying it man. Well, they weren't taking the kids to Disneyland you know, spending 20 grand doing that they weren't they weren't spending money on lunches going to lunch every day they weren't spending money on gas. Government government check was kicking in I'm semi checked ironically doing handlebars about 1500 bucks. You got paid well and you have to look at our clientele or to write you know our clientele. But yes, there is that that that white collar businessman that likes to go party on his Harley on the weekend? You know, obviously he didn't go anywhere. He's working from home and then the remainder of our majority of our clientele is that blue collar worker. What were they doing? Yeah, building houses used to work. You know, jokers Yeah, that stuff didn't flow down. So those guys had all this expendable cash and they just threw it at motorcycles. I'm very happy about

Aaron Staudinger:

this, is it? Is it out of storage, high volume? Or is it because we're having such cuts in supply chain and material that making it sold? Well?

Marshall Tucker:

I can't speak for I can't speak for everybody in the industry. What I can tell you with la choppers is we are at a monumental point right now we've never I mean we were already doing very well. My first year coming on with the company I was you know obviously made huge leaps and bounds and that first year I was like No, no, we're going to beat these numbers and then we kept edging them out and now I mean we're up triple digits on percentages almost every month so it's not I mean when it comes down to yes bender supply is has been an issue Customers just, you know, they think that we're at the factory ordering tables like they're Bitcoin, right? Like, like, any cables. No, I want I want the product in our customers hands by the cables are in

Mike VO:

what you can invest in the cable. Exactly.

Marshall Tucker:

I mean, from our point of view, it is, like I said, it's been a monumental level of output right now. I mean, on a real busy week, between our brand and our private labels. I mean, we were beat, we were hit pretty high volume at like 1000 bars, 1200 bars a week, during our high point trying to keep up now we're closer like 18 to 2000 2000 hammers a week.

Aaron Staudinger:

And are your private brands. Because I like you guys. Right?

Marshall Tucker:

We have a lot of private labels. Yeah. have to guess. I mean, dude, if I had to put a number on it 35 to 40% of some of the stuff in the drag specialties catalog is at some point, I

Roy Merritt:

don't know because you know, we all talk about this stuff. La chompers makes the factory there you guys make a lot of other really nice bars on the market and stuff like that. And you know, you guys are always trying to come out with something a little different and set yourself apart. And I've been pretty impressed with that, especially over the last few years.

Aaron Staudinger:

Yeah. Like your your your production facility. I mean, you probably have $500 billion, but the machining in there. Yeah. I mean, that's 500,000,018 100. Yeah. With 1800 a week.

Marshall Tucker:

Yeah, that's a freaking mic. So she crashed? Well, again, not all of them are our handlebars, but, but they are handlebars are going. And that's what I said I you know, one of my biggest dealers is actually Motown Harley Davidson up in Detroit. They do some massive amount of numbers. I mean, I'm sitting here trying to crack the numbers. I'm like, dude, by my calculation, one in like, five people should have something from LA County.


Yeah, Detroit.

Marshall Tucker:

It's so weird. That's weird. Yeah. So So yeah, we have a 50,000 square foot facility. Like I said, Everybody assumes that we're like, we're this massive. I mean, 50,000 square foot, California. I mean, that's massive. You really cover an overhead. Right? But so yes, it was under that roof. 50,000. We have like that we have California's largest laser table. We have CNC machines that we bought just a couple of years ago that yeah, that were like 1.2 million. I mean, right now we also to be cost effective, our CEO and our and the owners to be cost effective. We still have a CNC machine that runs on off like street cleaning, right? Click backslash, a colon, but that you can still get computer components for it, you can still get a hardware for it and still get tooling for it. It makes very non essential parts, you know, so. So for instance, a Roland sans old school bars that little gusset that goes in the corner there. We got one. Yeah. We don't manufacture anything else. But we do that little gusset. Right. Right. And we do some of the other

Aaron Staudinger:

point I was getting at is there's not a lot of, it's not like you just have someplace to every town. Yeah, it can make no they can stamp out nutrient levels. And the bars for any manufacturer. Yes, Harley Davidson. It's not uncommon for parts to be manufactured in one location and then be stamped or whatever, like your proprietary design. That's your design, but it's made right next to this guy. Right, which is made right next to this company. Yeah. And there's not too many places on American that can even do it. No, I

Marshall Tucker:

mean, yeah, the brothers are really smart. You know, they were they were early on getting into robotics and machinery. And, and again, I mean, sometimes we cut corners, we'll buy a refurb. Robot from from automotive, and then, you know, Scott will reprogram and rewire it and you know, our CEO, you know, Eric, he'll be down on the floor working in machine to make sure that we were getting orders out. I mean, that that is something that

Mike VO:

you have at least one protection robot. arm is California, robot, robot limited to 10 rounds. No, I thought they repealed that.

Marshall Tucker:

The real question is whether or not you know, the robot is a


robot robot Hello, they robot, no robot junk.

Marshall Tucker:

They are them for everybody to come to us and want us to produce their product. And you're absolutely right. It's very cost consuming, very expensive to have those machines. So yeah, I would make more sense for somebody to say, hey, I want to make a bar. I have this idea. Can you guys do it? Well can you do it at and they they get to go home and sit at home on out while our machines run? Right? The other benefit of that why we kind of brag about it is because yes, we are very good at making handlebar. But on top of that, that's how we have really good costs, right? So it's our prices, our pricing is not that bad in comparison to somebody else in the industry. Because generally they're they're having to make it in house or they're having to exactly, you know, back it and all that you guys do.

Roy Merritt:

Generally, if somebody comes to us, we I want to see, you know, less than at least 100 pieces, at least and that's actually a smaller word like I would imagine, like the setup of the machines, the tooling, whatever you want to say we would have about a certain cost. Yeah, we gotta Yeah, probably not gonna be worth making one handlebar right? Yeah, we very expensive set of handlebar we have all the time. Yeah.

Marshall Tucker:

Guys don't get it right. And actually, I'm that asshole, too. I had the company. I'm like, Hey, man, I'd really like our cage fighters. But can I can I have like sweat and tears on those? Oh, yeah, no problem. Let's just shut down a million dollar production line. Okay, yes. Tomorrow, I mean, so. So yeah, I mean, I have guys all the time follow up and they get real butthurt. They're like, well, you look man, I like that bar. But I want to be wider. And I want you guys to make for me, I'm like, cool, no problem, how many you want? I just want the one. I'm like

Aaron Staudinger:

a $20,000 most expensive handlebar you'll ever buy. By the way, you're gonna get 100 other sets. Exactly.

Marshall Tucker:

I will say to you profitability ratios and how you should. So yeah, I mean, it makes more sense for a lot of people in the industry with some really quality product to come to us and say, Hey, you guys already have machinery. I have a really great idea. Let's get in cahoots. Let's do business. And I'm very proud to say that we have some very, very, I mean, we make all the quarter stuff for drag specialties there risers as well. So So companies like that, like a lot of the like I said a lot of the product that he laid out the catalog is they're sitting right there sitting right next to each other two different names made the same pack.

Mike VO:

What's your biggest seller right now? Dude, so that's really that's a really good question. 2021 clutch cables. Talking about cables earlier, I wanted to be like, yeah, and then Harley had to throw that fucking clutch right now. Good. clutch cable. Correct. Correct. So with the clutch cable Yeah, dude, that was that I got probably five

Roy Merritt:

listeners that don't know the 2021 Harley touring bikes went back to a clutch cable in my life. Yes.

Shane Langdon:

I have some advice for you. What's up, make a conversion setup.

Marshall Tucker:

We actually had that conversation yesterday where we were actually talking about Yeah, well

Roy Merritt:

well, but I mean the conversion setup you can just go back if somebody asked you Yeah, and it's like get the buy all the well I did that on my 2010 you want to go do you want to convert to hydraulic or you want to convert to cable convert hydraulic fries so much cleaner? problems? So I need to Carly's not running anymore.


I like Monaco's people complain that they're leaking just a clutch release that's what I really think.

Roy Merritt:

Yeah, how many recalls? I mean recall a hydraulic clutch Harley you were talking about? Yeah. Right yeah, it was customer input right here

Aaron Staudinger:

emotionally invested easy No I'm just saying

Roy Merritt:

easy reason that they went back to a cable

Marshall Tucker:

yeah no yeah i mean that that first were getting their their units in I mean, everybody's calling me like they got they landed that most dealers like on a Tuesday and like Wednesday they call it's like oh what do you got for 21 cable and like do they came out yesterday with that? Yeah,

Roy Merritt:


Shane Langdon:

first few t bar setups on some of these bikes and cables hanging out everywhere like what we've man yeah manual.


So I know Harley has the quick disconnect with spring adjust previous thought about making the bar. The cable.

Marshall Tucker:

Well, here's the here's the real deal with That if we were to do that, and I know there's other companies that have that extension, we always do our best to, we think about the nightmarish situation, where can this go wrong and work and it really hurt the company. And in our opinion, that could put somebody in a situation if something fails, and now you have our product with Harley's product, and then it turns into a 20 year litigation. Whose fault was it? Was it a Harley fault? You know, we hear these nightmare stories about people getting sued for having a trailer hitch or your Harley get super trailer hitches on their bike. I can only imagine what kind of nightmare


from a tech standpoint where Oh, hey, I can change cable without one point.

Marshall Tucker:

Here's my input on that. And maybe I'm an asshole for saying this. But the bottom line is I think that Harley is trying to cater to some of the

Aaron Staudinger:

crybabies. Not well, I don't, don't don't want to test

Marshall Tucker:

exactly, they make it easier for the person that's selling it. When really all you need to do is take a two by four loosen up the exhaust wedged in between the frame and the exhaust and

Aaron Staudinger:

I think that and I think that half the engineers that are designing these from Harley don't ride motorcycles,

Marshall Tucker:

dude, I will. So for a little while they're right before the pandemic I will say this as personal as personal information I got from

Roy Merritt:

my producer, they do a fancy name and then they do all the work.

Aaron Staudinger:

Like the key grips,

Marshall Tucker:

the key grips you know, I mean, what was it like for you guys when like in the market? I mean, I know I know that I was saying we've been on the gas ever since. Probably after and how was


I think Well, for me it's one payment

Aaron Staudinger:

correct? Yeah, you guys did just very well for about two weeks we were like

Roy Merritt:

all right. No, it was longer than that because it was it was about a month where we kind of went bare bones staff Yeah, but we still have some motors coming through yeah that first like month we fell Yeah, I wouldn't say we slowed down we play yeah and service kept going. Yeah, everybody in sales probably calm down this probably calm down quite a bit there. But us in the back. We are already had a month's worth. We're waiting. Yeah. We just kept going.

Marshall Tucker:

It kind of gave you guys a little bit of a chance to catch up for once. Catch. Oh, no. I love hearing that man.

Roy Merritt:

Yeah, I feel like I can't even take my days off. Yeah, it's bad. We've got we've all gotten to a point now because it's been we've been doing it so long that everybody thought yeah, you take days off your


vacation time you want to take this time and here's their vacation. vacation. Vacation maybe in like November December. We're gonna lose all time. Over

Roy Merritt:

here that we're going to touch on this next time. I'm gonna talk about some more but I just took my next episode. Layout tree I went to Sturgis Kentucky used to call roll that into this. They they it is now Kentucky Kentucky bike rally but it is little Sir 21 Why did they change the party private property? no cops. No clothes. It's on a fairgrounds it's way more moves and dogs might have been out for a little while I don't helicopter I always prefer the Mexican wristwatch in that shot of someone saying let me see your dick. I'm like talking to you and I'm like, oh my bad alright. Sounds like a party. No, you know, it's funny because we will talk about a little bit we roll in and it's a Wednesday is considered early bird so the hardcore people, which will be mean next time to show up Wednesday and get the good spots. And then Thursday, Friday Saturday is like the bands and all the stuff that goes on. And then Sunday's you know leave well we got there Thursday night at like 1030 and the party is full fucking stain. And you know, I just rode couple hours. You know she's in the car. There's no room. To get anywhere just bikes everywhere and it's basically everybody's been to a campground. campground. Yeah. So you know, the paths aren't very wide. Everything is one way. And you're really not allowed to cruise around in anything but a motorcycle. That's the rules. You know, we just got there. I got no choice. You know, she's behind me in the car, and I'm riding my motorcycle. So we're gonna go 10 by 10 all this shit. And I mean, I'm riding in and there's like naked people and drinking and triples and Christmas. Oh, yeah, that's called good times, legal black ass that. As y'all know, I like them dark and big. It's way, way worse. We got back I was I told my wife. I was like, Damn, did you see that as we were walking in and she's like, No. Did you see the stripper? Oh, he was a stripper balls. Oh, there was a stripper pole. She didn't see the fucking hell no, I was looking at that. So as I was coming. I was we met her. She was she was super sweet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, I didn't know her. Oh, man was there. I didn't I didn't want to embarrass him. Yeah. You knew it. They do rides and stuff off property. And obviously when you get off property, you're on your own. Yeah. You don't want to be drinking and ride and shake because the cops are sitting around. Yeah, they know exactly what's going on. They're not done. So it reminded me of like, the Bike Week campgrounds back in the 90s. Yeah, you know. It's crazy, man. Yeah, it's always been a Boolean flag. Oh, yeah. I got a Trump, Trump or fuck Biden flags everywhere. And yeah, it was it was pretty interesting. I spent $50 on magnets. And I'm like, I want a couple of these magnets. In the shops gonna want one for you. I lubricate my guns with liberal tears. A bunch? That doesn't seem like that type of clientele. Really? Yeah. Do Jody Lawson found jewelry pieces.


We'll baggers with

Roy Merritt:

a lot of people like ride to an event. Like if you're near an event. So you live near an event like I used to live near Daytona and you check stuff out and you leave you have not experienced what that event is about. Yeah. Even even still to this day. You know, Bike Week is way over commercialized and it's it's spread out over miles and miles and miles of hotels and campgrounds and everything else. When you find the right campgrounds. There's a hell of a good party going on there. Yeah, you know, and, you know, in Daytona, I was thinking like Cabbage Patch, and cackleberry and all that over there, because people just kind of set up their stuff and get wasted for a couple of days and don't really do you know, go anywhere. And it's a good time. But I mean, it's a weekend. Private. private party rallies. Definitely. That was a lot of fun. You know, there was a lot of beer drinking. Everyone there. I didn't see a single fight. I didn't see any guys like even getting like yelling at each other nothing. I saw some women yelling on the phone and look at their old man. That should happen.

Aaron Staudinger:

Yeah. Man, you're back

Shane Langdon:

into the party. Like Did you see the ass on that? can be some conflicts. You weren't the only one looking

Roy Merritt:

know, the you know, but it was a lot of fun. And we there's another one in Illinois and they were telling us about

Marshall Tucker:

was a hard rock. Yeah. I know. I know a lot of guys that go to that one. Yeah, there but yeah. Now so you know, that's kind of a it's something that we really talked about. So I am doing the Lake of the Ozarks rally there in Missouri, which is become very popular as guys gotten really big. So doing Sturgis doing rallies and things like that. A I don't have the workforce to install bars on site and be you hire someone else Set up on cheese install your bar. guys like us there because when you install them on site might be a spirit everybody has a bad day everybody makes a mistake right? You can't be 100 over 100 every day shit happen. So when a customer just gets their bars installed and by whoever and now they're 500 miles away from home and their start button doesn't work now they're sitting at a Harley dealership going Hey, my start button work and I had these dues and all my bars on site a parking lot and now they're calling you going who's gonna pay this bill?

Aaron Staudinger:

So those situations Oh, yeah, I was gonna

Roy Merritt:

correct Yeah, in Florida. That's what we did real good. Yeah. So

Marshall Tucker:

again, like not knocking on any particular one company I mean, shit happens they these things do happen. Mistakes happen. So that's always a nightmare for me and then go into like Daytona or like charges. A if you're riding to Sturgis, chances are and they do sell a lot of ours there for those who do it. But the chances are, you already have a set of bars, like 1200 miles go to Sturgis or something like that you're not going to ride on stock bar, right. So the input their input versus the output, how much financially Are we going to input and how much are we going to be able to get out but yeah,


I can't get any of those bars have been installed before they get out there. The person who did the previous install may have fucked it up. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Home Depot special. Yeah, you got Yeah. Hey, what are these wire nuts? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you guys are sitting there going?

Marshall Tucker:

And they got Yeah, the guy's causton and he's telling you that it's not going to be the 695 install special. It's going to be what are what are 695 Oh, yeah, me dude. Stowmarket pinup baggers. He's a great dude actually out of Evansville, Indiana, like people this. He's don't don't do that install for 12 hours. Yeah. We don't we don't he does it on his own. He goes by he goes down to Daytona and he installs all day tennis balls all day. He gets it done. Obviously with our bars that makes it very convenient for them. We work hard to make it easy for anyone that needs the cable. Correct? Yeah, that's my that's my problem right now. But yeah, I mean, if you do a good deal like that, but but if I go to Lake of the Ozarks, and I go to that rally, I can now look at all of the dealers in the Missouri area, and see if they've had an uptick in sales because I can talk to people they're not going to be as crowded. And let's be honest, if you're sitting in Sturgis, the dude that you're talking to is five in the bag. Anyway, right. I had a guy call me He's like, dude, I just got a toner. I see you guys bars, dude. I want to sell them like weird. We weren't in Daytona but okay. We're in LA. He kept saying another brand. And you know, kept dropping that name and dropping the names as a pointy bar. I'm like, what you need. So I gave him the part number and everything. And he All I know is he probably wouldn't order that bar. It definitely wasn't what he was looking at in Daytona because I was I sold it to him. So that's a perfect example to fly me out. So it's hard to get someone's attention at a rally after they've had a couple beers or in the good part is a lot of people stop either. I do love your stuff. But we're, I'm our business plan right now is I'd really like to just focus on the grassroot stuff. I want to get back to that right now. Because this all this big stuff is just it gets diluted. I mean, you're on the sturgeons law I mean, Black Hills they do a great job setting up for everybody. You got so many different vendors on there begging for your money begging for your dime begging for your business not begging but it's so much to go there and you're sitting next to so many different vendors that the dude it's just diluted it gets lost in the 16 Coors Light he has

Aaron Staudinger:

you know and I would think that like the trade shows trade shows what's better for you guys? Yes Then you're Yeah, because you're not really trying to reach the public at large you're trying to sell my product


yeah there so you're stealing your stainless bar? Yeah. The ones come out with stainless steel Are you guys gonna offer an option to have multicolor?

Marshall Tucker:

Well, you know what I've been I'm gonna do that with my cage fighters on my rookie

Roy Merritt:

cage fighters on the sporty Becky blown them

Marshall Tucker:

maybe it's because you don't have a fighter like a worse man But yeah, I definitely want to cook mine I'm gonna bring some that purple and bluing into my pool because the wellmark color


Yeah, if you guys just kind of went through a multicolor I feel

Aaron Staudinger:

like Yeah, well, you also consider price point and time. Yeah, yeah. They did that and they would have charged an extra $100. To come to our shop. Yeah. Well, but like, like you would ask. I'll do it. Yeah. Give me an extra 100 bucks. Oh, yeah.

Marshall Tucker:

So you asked earlier about what our most popular seller is now that you're talking about cage fighters. It's the craziest thing right now in that performance bagger movement, that whole performance movement, whether it's softail, or diner bagger right now is really driving our industry because Twin Peaks, everybody knows Twin Peaks. Dude, there's probably more Twin Peaks on the planet than any other handlebar out there. I have no problem saying that. Awesome. It's a great bar. Very popular, classic, timeless. A lot. No flex. Absolutely. Because all our stuff is double walled. We really pride ourselves around to that 100 pound European contest. Whatever your Russian says.


Flex point that we're talking about. Yeah. Flexing. Oh, yeah. bagger corner at 90 miles. Yep. You know, guys are getting wobbles with other bar, right? Because they flex Yeah, and it goes in and then they don't know, you're fighting that level the bar and then get a while

Marshall Tucker:

so that the Twin Peaks, like I was saying, I mean, that's been our bread and butter for years, decades decades. The cage fighter top bar that we use in the in the stainless steel, the one piece, the multi piece, and the roguelite application is now outselling the Twin Peaks, which is a massive statement Who would have ever thought tea bars would be outselling I was just

Shane Langdon:

gonna ask him Do you think any of that has to do with the whole king of the baggers thing and

Marshall Tucker:

Racing League for me? was huge. It was it was a blast. I got to go out to Utah IMC the bisogni sansho IMC the Arlen ness bike show. I was down there hanging out with with everybody in the pits hanging out saddleman crew hanging out with our guys, Tobin brothers a dark horse and Hbi. Who took first place? cage fighters. That's right. That's how he came to see Michael Barnes up there on the podium knowing that our product was charging away. And the two bytes behind him were freaking factory teams. Yeah, Harley factory, an Indian factory. Man, everybody in that, in that pit just went freakin nuts. Dude, driving our business and as we all know,

Roy Merritt:

yeah, that's my dream is to be like in that

Marshall Tucker:

you. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna I'm gonna finish this on my and then I have a question that I'm going to point directly at you guys. But to be out there, and as we know, and then we can only hope. How it always works is everybody wants to emulate the track, right? They want to see what happens on the track eventually makes it to the streets, right? So it's driving our business. It really is. But the question that I have for moonshine, Harley Davidson and you guys who like I walked up and I saw the wall? SNS boxes? Yeah, those are your personal motor kits. You have your own personal. There's about two weeks supply. Yeah, right. So why aren't you guys on track? Why aren't you Why aren't you better Racing League? Well, because I

Aaron Staudinger:

don't I don't think it would be in your best interest to talk about what?

Roy Merritt:

Yeah, no, no, I was just saying, you know, we, we have quite a few bikes that could probably compete on that level. But they're not our their customer. But you know, there would be a private tier going out there doing it,

Shane Langdon:

you know, and kind of patiently waiting to see if there's gonna be somebody who's gonna come up and say, build me that bike. Yeah, I'm gonna go Yeah, it hasn't happened yet.

Roy Merritt:

From the kids that Kahoot is whoever we did with the two over big barrel and sprint in to one of the only ones we had, he was talking about a wobble and like, 120. And he's doing the baggers and I'm like, Man, you're not rodney king in the batter's box. You're on the street. You know, there's a point where you can't do everything that's on the track. Yeah. You know, and you at that same time, you know, because he was asking me about what he should do about the wobble in the front end. I was like, 100% honest with you, man. You're you're working with a, yeah, you're working with a front end, and I know nothing. I wouldn't go to over and do what he did. You know, that's just what I'm working with. You know, he's like, well, that's what they're doing on kicking the backers. And I'm like, Well, yeah, I get that. But how many turns are you hitting at 120 miles a day? You know, how many? How many racetracks Are you hitting on this? I personally, we stay on the street, you know, so what I think about is the street, not the track, I'd love to be on the trail,


like that's a whole different thing. Here's the 135 that first carbon that tire ever made, because the guys that VSD made just a flat tire, carbon wheel that's better. So the wheel weighs as much probably less than my feet. Yep. But what bars?

Mike VO:

Some of those? It was as a huge one of those. What do they call it? I can't remember. Oh, they kicked back on the bar gonna see me telling him put back on the freeway. I'm not that's not my Wi Fi like your friend


told him, Hey, you're building a homeless boat. Oh, you all here don't want some some crowds or something that's 30. Right? And he didn't believe us. And then he was like, well with my stuff this in the corner nine. I started to get a wall. So we did this 500 miles back for service, everything else. So he's sitting there and one of our techs are our service specialists. Show them the T bar set up. And you go sit on this display. I mean, he's by 240. Like he's strong, dude. He's grabbing the bars and you can't move them. He comes back on the bike rack, he fits on these flats in these bar. And I said, cuz I told him I can adjust your suspension. He's got three way adjustable all these rear lens brought. I can try to just bench it. But you know, let's let's start with the rear because the rear everybody overlooks as far as suspension caused wobble. He comes to us on that and it goes back and he's literally flexing the bars on the rack like this. That will not happen. I said, hey, that's your issue, because the bushings and bars and they're super thin. And yeah, just overmanned him not. Not myself. But that's the whole thing of form for some. Yeah, a lot of guys. You know, I want to 23 or 26 that well, you're going way up on form very loves really

Shane Langdon:

cool is like now you've seen like, what used to be cool back in the day in the 60s in there like plenty car days, where stuff was just made to work. Yep. functional. Yeah, man. And what works and is on the bike looks super cool right now. Exactly. Love it. Love it. I mean, let's the whole function. Like well, function is cool as hell right now. Hang on, let stuff be loose.


Like hanging on the side. Bar is form. And our stuff its function is drag race in California. They're not hitting corner. No.

Roy Merritt:

Your drag race and you don't want to be but you really are there. Yeah, this one I wrote. I wrote one today. I wrote one today. In the front. We don't even make it out of the parking lot. And I was like, I'm like Jesus Christ. How do people write these exams?

Marshall Tucker:

You have to think of it this way. You have to look at it this way. You know and even when I you know, as you guys know, I worked at the dealership network for a long time I built you know, we we collaborated Jane did 23 years and 26 years. And we did. I had a dude who wanted to he bought a 131 or a 120 our motor. One day, the next day comes in he goes man, I also want to put a trash turbo on their own by about how that works. Yeah, I was like the dude. And he didn't care. I'm like, dude, he was mad. So I call back. I'm like, he's like, Yeah, well, yes. Yeah, he's like, he's like, knock off the pulley. And that's all we did. I'm like, Dude, this guy spent$10,000 on a turbo and a motor that's like four. Engineers. We have to look at it this way. This is the awesome thing about this movement. The performance bagger movement is think about all the money that we've we've taken from our customers building in respect to the big wheel bagger is done, right? I can appreciate the art and anything right?

Roy Merritt:

Everybody's always gonna have show bikes, right? Everybody's everybody's always gonna have the right to

Marshall Tucker:

think about all the money that we spent with our customers ruining a motorcycle. We've ruined that motorcycle. We've taken a lot of money from the customer. He's happy, but you're looking at it going like that's ruined it. No. Now we have people putting on I mean, looking at these bikes that you guys have just sitting around on the floor. These bikes are amazing. And now we're spending this money doing this. And now they're making him super functional and super sexy. It's super fast. It's still comfortable.

Aaron Staudinger:

And they're Japanese.

Shane Langdon:

And the sexy part. That's the funny thing. is like that's, you interpret that in your mind and this is by Lamborghini. Somebody five years ago they've been like I don't know now that is close.

Marshall Tucker:

No do I mean when I when I mean my road, my role has changed Jamie's place. When I put my road King together like four or five years ago, I had the idea of taking like, it wasn't even like a performance met bagger mentality. It was just Hey, I want to make a I want to make a road King into a Dyna X was kind of my mentality, right? That was my mentality. And as I'm putting it together and they over the winter and whatnot, somebody came up behind me like, performance baggers. I was like, that's a dumb shit I ever heard. But it was exactly what I was doing right. Here's

Shane Langdon:

the next big question. How do we not douche this

Roy Merritt:

out? It's already happening. First off aren't new shoes can't afford them. Look. There's a big section of I mean, yeah. Yeah, yeah, right there. These guys are your money, the ability and the guys with the ability can't afford that shit. They're all right. And Dinah's and sportsters and shit. That


he's getting all the shows douche now say one day that I spike. You rise like fucking asshole. Claim he's got the money to claims he cannot write anybody. And I'm like, Yeah, I don't think you can write back because all you do is blow through cars and through red lights. Yeah, I would gladly

Roy Merritt:

I would gladly put it up gets him in turns. And like through windy roads. Sure. And that thing's got two inches in the front. And they can ride and they can ride. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't sleep on Mondays. There's a certain level of rider ability and bucket level Yes.

Marshall Tucker:

eraser or checkers or writers dude. Because there's two types of racers out there. Right? There's two types of racers you have your calculated sound racers like like we were talking like Michael Barnes. The weak points racer. First guys who are smart enough to go Okay, yeah, I'm sitting in second. I know I can even go into dive into this turn and take him. But they're going Nope. I'm gonna stick here for the point. But if it was me, I'm like, look at my twisted. Yeah, I'm like the lick right. checkers records maybe?

Mike VO:

That's the only way to win. You win. How am I gonna win if you shake it? Bye. Yeah, hit the dead key. No, I you know,

Roy Merritt:

a lot of miles a lot of time on the seat. I don't claim to be the best rider. But I don't my bucket level is not as high as like a Nic, or a tie. Or one of these guys.

Marshall Tucker:

Do I sly nation as you get older becomes more of a priority. And I got the 42 I was like, Fuck, I got the 40 to get here. I should probably start taking care of my body. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I thought I was gonna be dead by now. So yeah. I was gonna make it the 21 was gonna make it to 25 and here comes 40 I'm like, Oh shit.

Roy Merritt:

I ride as fast as I can. But you know, breaking the back tire loose is a bad thing. You know what I mean? So yeah, and I know how fast I can get into a corner. I know how fast I get out of your corner only and so when guys like to run their mouths I'm like hell yeah, let's go ride because if it comes down to like, in and out of traffic and shit like that, I have no problem. No rips as I can go like hell. I did some guy on the way in. So guy pulls up behind me I was kind of you know, you drift off sometimes you ride and there's traffic and she was like, whatever I'm doing like 80 and I kind of you know, drifted off. I don't know what I was thinking about. But I look at my rear view. And there's like a new softail behind me and I was like, ooh, and I'm like, Okay, this guy. Okay, and I'm like I see it opening in traffic. So I'm like fuck it I downshift and I dip across a few lanes and right across a couple of cars. And anymore, I do not have to get even near my rev limiter anymore. I get 120 without ever getting close to my revolver.

Aaron Staudinger:

Did it anyway,

Roy Merritt:

but I dipped out I dipped out and he was behind me for like a minute or so like trying to keep up and his bucket level was not as high as mine. At that point. Might even even writer he Yeah. Between a few cars and gave it hell and I never saw him Yeah. Do you ever saw me?

Aaron Staudinger:

Oh Roy, is you wrote that 83 lawnmower? That's indestructible for so long. Yeah, that now that you've got the big kid on there you're still riding it like that lawnmower at 7000 rpm.

Roy Merritt:

Anyways, this fucker fattened up everything over 80% that we're not writing my Hell yeah, there we go there we go. Oh, I don't even know what that Michael do it full throttle. I

Aaron Staudinger:

can't tell you we're saving you 1000s of my rear cylinders blocked again anyways. How Many Miles did you get? Okay, so you you cams. You got Idaho? I can't hammer. So he calls me He's like, man, I want some really good me patient. Like I'll get the 560 awesome. Hammer cameras like I wouldn't do that. You shouldn't be around the

Marshall Tucker:

camera. Why didn't you just leave it as an ad? tractor motors are pretty indestructible. I will tell you right now my sporty rebel 250


Harley 83 That's why I left. I just left the cam alone. I'm like this thing's bulletproof. I just put over a rock well,

Roy Merritt:

that ad free has almost 50,000 miles on it. Damn. And I'm only 20 miles from home. But I did it on the rev limiter at 107 miles an hour every fucking day the 83 you're on the highway you're gonna be near the rev limiter to get on the highway if I'm not bouncing off the rev limiter in every gear people are


like shit. And in fifth gear 107 miles an hour. I literally at least 10 minutes solid.

Roy Merritt:

Go in. And I used to joke about it. No, that's totally promoted. Yeah, that's totally that motor skill runs close to it.

Aaron Staudinger:

And you've done 1000 on this motor with two motors.

Roy Merritt:

The first one I didn't know. But I got it. The second one I think the rear cylinders but it still sounds better. Still bit sounds better than the first one to replace the rear. Yeah, that's why I'm thinking this rear cylinder because I didn't replace

Marshall Tucker:

talking about sports. Let's talk about that sports dress. Yeah. Like the new format and I mean, it's a beauty right? I mean, so are we. I mean, it's almost assumed that the Sportster is gonna go away the dinosaur right I mean,

Roy Merritt:

there's no way it's gonna be like Dinah's gonna go through my sports there's gonna be worth twice as much

Shane Langdon:

dude I saw already like a bunch of dudes that have like the fat Bob's someone that man America has now.

Marshall Tucker:

Yeah, so pan America is really awesome. It is pretty amazing. I hate to say not here's the biggest thing

Roy Merritt:

The crowd is dying out the the baby boomers and all that are kind of getting out of our main focus now. But those people would never have accepted the way that things sounds and right No, it does not sound like a Harley. But it sounds like a Ducati

Marshall Tucker:

I think that they're they're appealing to for whatever reason, they're doing a writer or writers But yeah, I mean, how many guys on Harley's team trade their their Twin Cam or whatever in? in America? I've seen I've seen it a lot.


Really? That's not their market? No. This happens. Great. It was the market is working. Okay, they're the guys who are not the adventure tour.

Marshall Tucker:

No, they're not and some of them may take them off road and some of them most of them probably won't.

Roy Merritt:

In the next six months, I'm really bad. Err tricks are somebody who the hell painted it? He just bought it. Yeah, I just saw it the other day, john.

Marshall Tucker:

Yeah. So I was hanging out with him at BRL and Jeff and I were sitting there bullshitting, dude. And, I mean, Jeff will just do the mother in law That guy tells you about that dude, he'd be like, yeah. But the bottom line, like a collective collective. He's sitting there, just run his mouth about this bike and he's super excited about it. He wants to do this, he wants to do this you want to like,

Roy Merritt:

those are the guys you want to be excited about.

Marshall Tucker:

So it's a it's a really changing dynamic to see somebody, you know, cross the lake around and do that.

Roy Merritt:

I know. I know a lot of people you know, as as being a technician for a while. I know a lot of people in shops. Almost every technician I know that works on Harley, once in dual sport bike, so john G is most of us are riders and we know that man, there's a whole nother world or riding around to do on the street.

Aaron Staudinger:

I want I want a scooter that I put 30 people.

Roy Merritt:

Yeah. bracing is so hard for


us. He's our sales manager. Yeah. is not a jonji. It's not he's Harley guy. Because he's an important guy. You mean?

Aaron Staudinger:



yeah, I was like, very anti Harley, because he's important. Now, when to the track day? Yeah. Which is not really a track day. It's what they call it. A Ducati the BMW a Harley. And said the Harley was the best. I've heard that a lot, dude, a lot of and that was huge from him, because he is not like,

Marshall Tucker:

that's pretty much the statement that I made. I was like, when they announced it. I was like, dude, they got to nail this on the first time. They have to compete with BMW. Because those are they're going to be the guys that have paired apart. Yeah, right. So everybody, I've talked to you that that is an add writer, they go do that thing that like does everything it's supposed to do and it does it well. And the thing that they did, right was?

Aaron Staudinger:

Well, no, they know that that market does research. They don't Yeah. They don't get

Roy Merritt:

one. And I'll add it you know, pre delivery, especially when it comes in, you know, we have to get them over and over everything for the people that you and I both did. The last one I did talk to one of our sales people. It's like, man, I got a guy coming in this morning. Look at it. It was cool. When you get him here. Bring them a bag. And he came I was like adjusting the headlight. I was just doing like some final stuff on it. And as soon as he looked at it, I knew I was like, Oh, this guy's buying this bike. You know, without question. And he's like, oh, man, you know, he's like, I got a buddy as a KTM. I got a buddy with Ducati. He's like, you know, I've been I forget what he said he was riding but it wasn't a dual sport. It was like a street bike. You know? And he's like, and I'm thinking about, you know, getting a dual sport. I think he might have said he had like a 350 or something small, you know, ride around with them and, and he's like, yeah, and I'm like, Wow, look at this. Look at this. I'm like, look in the back. There's plugins for heated gear, front and rear. You know, all of this is here, and I'm showing him the navigation everything and he's like, he looks up and he's like, like, How the fuck I'm gonna pay for weight. I was like, box. You just walk them over to me, man. I'll


help you out. First time I got one week ticket on test ride route. And I was like, are this thing supposed to handle on the street dude? Yeah. Hell yeah, I gave it hell on it. It just it's everywhere.

Roy Merritt:

But it will do really I think it stops controlling. I went through a an intersection and I didn't realize that my front tire was off the ground until it went like this. Yeah, I was like,


like, I don't know, just these knobby tires but he just went to that corner bucket. Yeah, anyway, pretty hard in the corner. I

Roy Merritt:

didn't know about those. No, I've never really written on Nabis like that on the street. deceptively sticky. Yeah. And he's like going on my bucket. Like a 6040 like to get my bike on a track. Because if I can get out there but you know, with somebody else that knows how to ride like I'm not afraid I've done it.


sporty. sporty, is 504 pounds. So it's like 6070 pounds lighter than the current Sportster and then adding another one 129 horsepower. Yeah. That's what Harley is saying. It's 121 rear 92 or 92 or 120. Yeah, but their last four shows what so many perspective so Shawn and it's 80 pounds heavier. Yeah, so you're taking a lot of weight off and then adding plus a variable valve time plus the three modes plus the ABS Yeah,

Roy Merritt:

and so it's gonna be a rocket ship the speedometer is like a little round geometer yeah it's the same as like the pan America does everything out in America is just like everything but so a stock 1200 Sports shirt probably has seven horsepower seats. Yeah, so if you were gonna take that and do what I did to my motor at $500 range here 100 110 Hold on. I was gonna say maybe one person somewhere between 85 and what that is out of the box for 49 if I break down and buy the 1250 kit instead of the rear cylinder this winter I do one thing in minds about is is it is two motors in my sports to do with me that much my freaking like okay, so these

Marshall Tucker:

were pretty hard listening. I had a 570 lift zippers cam in mine I had some serious work done and zippers actually makes like a pin that will set your that hold your tablets in place because I know guys that that that keeper snap on originally and Dude, what year was it earlier on? 98 Yeah, they were notorious for it happened to me and dude, it went up and I chose skilled technician but that is not right so I

Roy Merritt:

found a rubber mount 1200 stage for screaming Eagle heads high compression pistons 58 millimeter throttle body for $600 on Craigslist holy shit wrote it for about a month before you buy a motorcycle about the motors are blowing up that's the motor I blew I made 83 I put that in blew up and then I rebuilt it but I should replace the rear spoiler sensor. Yeah, and it's noisy. It's not like it doesn't run I still make good numbers on the dyno but it's just noisy pisses me off.


Oh Harley has are noisy. Yeah slap I

Roy Merritt:

guarantee you yellow sloppy is only it's only when it's really hot. So when I got to Kentucky It was so fucking hot out there all night. It was just so I'm walking around I'm drinking beer All I hear is fucking assholes just and I knew the whole way there at 75 miles an hour. I wrote in at idle I never hit the rev limiter I never burned the tire I never did anything wrong in that motor was just like I didn't want to ride the second day like I let it sit. And then Sunday I fire it up. She sounds good. She's like hey let's go home to Kentucky nap that's all I needed. was like you're supposed to write when you write they don't run just morning traffic I'm sitting in traffic and it's like coming back I start revving up a little bit we get back going and I fucking balls down the hallway here no motor sounding so like to be loved man. They don't they don't at all. No, not at all. But the whole time I was watching guys in sport he's go by bouncing off a resume or stuff irritated me to a level that I cannot explain. Because I had been so gentle to mine on the way out. Now until my motor blew, I would have been happy wouldn't piss me off at all. But the fact that I limped it out there the whole way trying to stick with the car behind me. And I get there and it's making all this noise and fucking PC shit. Oh.


I even shut down your red limiter. I don't know my bike that Well, the first time I hit it. I was like, dude, I'm not even writing about you when your dyno technician has to back off your throttle and he backs up and we're like he's like

Roy Merritt:

probably I know that day so it was the middle range you're getting


on full throttle and I highlighted and I'm like quickly, like like backing up on the rev limiter. I'm like 60 100 that's down, didn't you? Turn it down. Should be seven grand is that I'm staying out of seven grand. Yeah,

Marshall Tucker:

I find that a generous man. I mean, I think that speaks for the majority of everyone who's paid to the industry. I mean, you're some kind of degenerate.

Roy Merritt:

I love that guy. out there. So I had a guy who worked with me his name was Rex and he was a service writer. And he was a hugger. He loved hugging people, so he likes to come up try to give you a hug. He says one day he walked it was like when his first days there and he walks up the mastertech there was there yo me and Jamie and it would touch me. Yeah. Amen. If you want to give her a hug she go work in Honda's shop

Aaron Staudinger:

identify an American male oh my god I write a heart well


creeps back together in your mind dude so I mean that's that's a sore subject just like everybody talk to me about just like God so I was saying no took his apart and just haven't put it back together. So so it's been it's been a year it's been a year since I left our hospitals today. Yeah, today

Aaron Staudinger:

you guys know me so we need to get is like to have Aaron put Aaron on the schedule for two days. We'll be like, lift my tab you have a way to make money it's been a year yeah.

Marshall Tucker:

damn near rip my rip my damn right foot off. That was fun. I got I got a bunch of hardware and whatnot my leg so try anybody trying to build a bike in 2021 is just bone. You know, we were kind of joking about all the back orders and everybody assumes again, like well Hey, dude, I mean, I'm waiting on bars just like everybody else. You know? Yeah, like Dude, you work in the industry you could just you could call the company we all get that.

Roy Merritt:

I mean you can give me this right like

Marshall Tucker:

that's what I was telling him like, Look Dude, I go just because I work in the industry. Yes, I have people I could call up be like, Yo, dude, I got I need some help here. But I know full well that those guys are struggling to meet their customers expectation. And at that point, I have to just wait in line just like everybody else in that right now. Yeah, you know and so finally getting some headway on it gonna be definitely coming back. You know, I everybody always broke they got confused for a Dinah. And I'm gonna I'm gonna take that a little bit further on the next build. Yeah, and I got some really cool stuff coming for that. But yeah, what's up? Yeah, I got some new wheels from NASCAR. I want

Roy Merritt:

Yeah, go I want one like a 96 inch routing.

Marshall Tucker:

Dude. 96 inch protein. That high compression motor. I just feel high compression 103 and the things are Ripper. I mean, I'm trying pulley 127

Roy Merritt:

looking river man.

Marshall Tucker:

Absolutely. And I mean everybody can enjoy their big inch motors dude, I've always just found that that high compression motor super reliable and has all the power I need.

Roy Merritt:

107 bill he's going Facebook. Oh, yeah, he's no he's looking at startup part. No, no, he just seven Didn't you chain?


No. 107 Yeah, no. One of those did pretty good. No. Car come watch on the one Tenzin. Oh, no, she can Twin Cam and you're doing one 117 17 Please welcome to patients with depression with

Shane Langdon:

it's gonna be fast run easier to push pusher rock swing arm don't drive

Marshall Tucker:

dude so that was funny you know my buddy Mike on his his king probably like two or three years ago while building a performance bagger and I looked at him I go running an open primary

Shane Langdon:

I just have my whole bike like on and be competitive hell yeah man and be super good everybody and now it's been three years almost in the past

Marshall Tucker:

like I said like I built my room when I put my robe together like four or five years ago there wasn't swing arm baggers, but I mean I thought I was hot chick because I had an EXO legend and they are legit legit. Yeah, but I mean back then they didn't have the swing arms they didn't have any of that so I just did it. I did what I could with what I had and I kind of kept it that way everybody's like why don't you do this one dude I kind of like it being a sleeper because like you know what, it may not have the Brock swing arm I go but depending on the level of rider like we keep talking we keep going like that you can have all that power but if you don't know how to put the ground and you don't know how to ride

Roy Merritt:

the sporty that I've looked at it and I'm like 20 $400 sporty No, yeah, absolutely that that $2,000 swingarm does not raise the price


swing arm is the same for my by being in those brain earlier is the same as a six B Yep. Oh yeah. So I run through the six feet all day long but the open Bell primary is forcers but I'm saying for his bike the open belt does tell oh yeah with a fucking clutch

Roy Merritt:

yeah I mean oh it's true. I love I love it was 15 or something and when they they're somewhere you can get the ad that they started putting in like magazines about they're compensating sprocket

Aaron Staudinger:

technology Indian did it 46 and then Harley wanted a copy of 653 years

Roy Merritt:

because because they need copies everything holiday and it took you know two compensating sprocket and you're like Dude, why are we still using his transmit everybody who's I mean think about transmission,

Marshall Tucker:

everybody that comes in and looks at these twin cams and they're like oh man, Harley Davidson. I mean, let's just be honest, it's an antiquated tractor motor

Mike VO:

$1,000 but the bottom line is it's antiquated customers


I made 25 grand into Twin Cam will give you less than 10 grand into an MA yeah man he actually taught me actually same because

Aaron Staudinger:

it's gonna cost 10 grand more bucks let's go

Roy Merritt:

the motor became more problematic than it was worth at about the one of the three state drive once you start getting bigger than a one a three on a twin cat one or the problem is why they went to the me and it's why they went to more valves is the fucking spring pressure on anything over a 103 is like 180 pounds time somewhere around 180 and then you get into the 170 it's more Yeah, but like on a 110 it's like 180 pounds and re fucking time it hits the seat. There's gonna be noise there's gonna be where it happens is a 10,000 mile a spring seat like pressure that hits at is somewhere between 60 and 80 pounds. Wow. enough where the piston coming up we'll knock the valve back out of the way. Oh yeah, we'll see no knocking valve springs break and they still run out of the ways to spring we just outgrew spring what we needed out of the motor for the motorcycles that we were riding we wanted we outgrew what that Twin Cam could do and 117 one point yard motor yacht a very cool motor don't No, no, I mean every 5000 miles you're gonna be in

Aaron Staudinger:

socket is when somebody says man, my motors look like really? Yeah. Oh, yeah. They're like, Oh, yeah,

Roy Merritt:

no, yeah, you're you're you're fine. And you had it you we don't have those. I don't think we have those explanations like we used to with the Twin Cam, which was alright man. You understand? This is not going to be quiet. Yeah, well, we get this done. This is gonna be noise back. Yeah. I

Aaron Staudinger:

never ran the first generation without me. Yeah. Put him in. Like better. Are you sure there's no other I told you it's gonna be noise. Yeah. Like,

Roy Merritt:

yep, you pay for him, but it was scattered. That's what got me on the motor I bought was the stage for Harley kit with the 585 cams are notoriously noisy. They're like, you fire them up and clap like I had video after video after video. Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi. So when I fired mine up and when Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi. I was like, Well, I guess it's our 800 horsepower on the dyno, and I wrote it. Most of the lifters from Harley unfortunately are not. We don't touch them. Yeah. I mean, dueling or s&s you know? If you want to build something that's fun to ride around on and you don't want to brag about your your horse and tour. Yep. And you want something that you know is dependable. And you can have a lot of fun on the road with a Twin Cam. But if you're shooting for numbers, yeah, right and all that shit they were struggling with anymore. I mean, they're really not the guys

Marshall Tucker:

out of BRL that were just kind of coasting along on their bill eights and their Indians, the guys at the twin cams really like. I mean, it was a two mile track, dude. I was like, dude, we're gonna see some twin Campillo. I was

Roy Merritt:

surprised to know that they were running twin cams and baggers and that liat all I was like, Oh my god, they're actually running twin cams. Shut up the whole battery. Yeah. You could put 10 grand into a Twin Cam motor and I could take a stock ma with like a 465 and an intake and I'm saying like,


three with our 4949 to 30 foreclose? Yeah, 130 horsepower. 150 just a cam but now our our three 492 34 close the last one I did 154 135 horsepower. That's awesome. That's awesome. Kids with with

Marshall Tucker:

just I mean. Yeah, exactly. Cuz back in with the Twin Cam, it doesn't matter who you went to is 1500 bucks. You get your heads deck. 1700 bucks. Yeah. Yeah, correct. Now, we're doing all this big edge motor stuff. And everybody's like, what do you do with your head? Like, yeah, they flow just fine.


Yeah. sprains keep pressure,

Mike VO:

you know, and I just, you know, everybody benefit of two valves. You know,

Marshall Tucker:

kind of like a big deal about that. I'm like, when fuelling actually had they were, they had a if you recall back in the late 80s, early 90s they had no I have for about fueling had

Roy Merritt:

just made a few more didn't know, to show about that. They just made a couple more. And they were like,

Marshall Tucker:

the originals. He they ever go through shit. He found the original. He's like, we're gonna we're gonna Yeah, we're gonna put a couple years out. But I mean, fuelling was known for that like back in like the late 80s. They did that. And I mean, it was proof. So I mean, basically that's what they've done here. You've got your four valve head but single cam now.

Roy Merritt:

On the Harley side, I'd always heard that they ran with it, but they had too much problem with angles, Valve angles and shit like that. But you know, computers probably fixed all of that.

Marshall Tucker:

Yeah. I mean, I I worked with Harley Davidson industry for over 17 years in the dealer network with twin camps you know, see the Milwaukee eight come around was really rad. He the softail come around, and I mean, were you guys at dealer show when they released the softail No, no, that was a that was a weird day. But, but everybody got all butthurt about the diamonds but like getting rid of the diner. I was like, dude, you are not sitting in a dealership watching the Dinah's die on the vine right on

Roy Merritt:



Like socks and everything that was that was my favorite of all the way handles it's better

Roy Merritt:

they're like oh we did a moto shock I'm like hey you might have been doing it for two decades the original day they did softail off of was a single above not to underneath and Harley changed it after they learned


it they learn they oh my god unfortunately so well with this design yeah yeah, we associate we really handling the handling nicer Yeah, yeah the nicer with the pegs Yep. That was the only softail as a pack and a person that I've ever loved. Which one the nice the nicer like oh 60709 Yeah, like drink only thing is like oh my god man. It's

Aaron Staudinger:

only good goals correct.

Roy Merritt:

I wrote with a buddy of mine scraped off buck out of his primary and everything like that.


Behind the group was off hills. And these guys would go really fast to corner and then slow down and drag and you're like well I want to kind of sit outside you're dragging you know, setting yourself on the frame. Yeah, it's gonna push you outside. Yeah, so I'm not gonna pass on the outside so as slowly down and try to take them inside when they come up from the inside. Yeah, as I was getting there they were hammering the next corner which is now right here like okay, well slow down behind you can undersell yeah hey man quit trying to try so hard Yeah, hey just slow down and let me buy because you're not on a

Aaron Staudinger:

fucking racing when the new software came out and everybody said oh the price is gonna skyrocket like the new sports are coming out

Roy Merritt:

less less on the rise man they're all the guys to spend their time on Instagram and want to be a Dinah bro. And they have programmers or whatever the fuck they are. They go out and they see these clapped out fucking oath readynas and they give people eight grand for him there. And then the next grande

Aaron Staudinger:

xR crowd Oh yeah.


All right. Listen, this is xR for under a grand or nine grand trailer to California. They will do it because it is the best. His hoses may have taught trailering FX RS from

Marshall Tucker:

the country back in the south in the Midwest is the best place to find him because a somewhere where you can see like the nation and how they do their FX RS is on the east coast. ape hangers tribals look at RC wheels the Midwest they don't touch you know 80,000 miles on and then of course go the West Coast and it's all freakin FX RT bearings


are talky and a quarter fairing on it? Dr. Kelly? You'll make six eight grand Absolutely. That's so

Roy Merritt:

crazy. Yeah, you're so shit out of it. Yeah.


And take him over spend three grand in pain.

Roy Merritt:

Yep. So we had one of my buddies de Lille on and we had a call. But, you know, we joked about you know, these guys I'll get on Dinah's know do wheelies and all the shit on my I'll get it. You guys can buy a Sportster. You don't have to do oil mods you don't know sporties are fucking damn near set up from the factory to do videos on it, you know? And these guys are buying diapers and yeah, I get it. It looks cool. And people like the way it looks but like nobody really doesn't. Each one of them are like, yeah, I'm buying

Marshall Tucker:

Right now, yeah, Harley Davidson sporting see stunting steep scene. It is rad. It is cool. But you can only see with so many freakin diamond wheelies, the new Sportster.

Roy Merritt:

If Harley does not have a plan to put that bike on a fucking flat track already, it will fail. What I'm saying is, hey, it does not compete with the FTR and they are not

Mike VO:

ready to put that thing on a flat, better. Fucking. And they won't.

Roy Merritt:

I mean, seriously, what is the other competition? Besides the India same Harley? Unfortunately, there was no competition with India and they were clearly there as well. Yeah, so they brought out their 1250 It better be able to compete. Yeah, for sure. We own drag the drag strip. Harley. Oh, yeah. Harley. Yeah. We'd never had a problem with that. It's just that mean, it's a different avenue of race. If that's horses does not compete with the Indian FTR there's a fucking problem. Oh, God.

Aaron Staudinger:

I don't know. You're building it. They aren't building it to compete with Indians on the platter. But why would Yeah, that's how Indians that's how that bike got popular. Davidson can't fucking figure it out. Well, maybe I'm not gonna argue with that. Hey, I've been missing this shit. Hey, Jason. Jason what's up every single motorcycle they put out every single one Oh yeah. Oh yeah three came out the street was gonna come out with a hop up kid oh yeah never never happened if they would have done anything to where people would buy raw

Marshall Tucker:

that's great motor I lied. I ran quarter mile on on RB ronit dogs and I bought that bike as far as a straight line when I worked it currently

Roy Merritt:

on the street rod Street was rad to we're gonna have to wrap this up soon here fillers.

Aaron Staudinger:

They should have the rest come out and a pewter race. Well,

Roy Merritt:

yeah, I 100% agree. Yeah, they should have showed up somewhere Indian was racing without anybody you know, and with a bike trailer.

Aaron Staudinger:

Absolutely. Absolutely. In a webinar, and then maybe and yeah, when the beggars are gonna show up on time really shows up so fucking leaders that already knew about Oh, he said oh my god, we got to be in this area. You know, right motorcycles. God damn. Your first couple of races come up.

Roy Merritt:

You're laying 10 we need five. He comes out. He comes up with s&s behind all kinds of fucking factories.