Social Security Disability Law Podcast

What Does it Take to Win a Federal Court Appeal

Jonathan Ginsberg interviews Karl Osterhout Season 1 Episode 8

What happens if you lose at your hearing, file an appeal to the Appeals Council and lose there as well?  Do you have any remaining options?

My guest today is Karl Osterhout, a lawyer based in Pittsburgh who has built a substantial national practice representing claimants before the Appeals Council and in Federal Court.  As we will discover, federal court judges are looking for significant errors of law or analysis by the trial judge and the Appeals Council. 

Only a small percentage of cases will be successful at the federal court level - so an attorney like Karl who focuses on Appeals Council and federal court work is so valuable.

Hearing attorneys like me rely on appellate attorneys like Karl for advice about whether an Appeals Council or federal court appeal is likely to be successful.  I hope that this episode helps you understand more about SSA's post hearing appeals process.

=============== FREE SURVIVAL KIT ================

Don't know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at

============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =============
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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