Dashing Onions Audio
Dashing Onions Audio
Run South
Welcome to Run South.
You are sitting next to a river in a wooded field. There is a road to the North, heading towards a forest, and a small, rocky path to the East which follows the river towards a gorge.
A computer game developer offers to test her colleagues' retro gaming booth adventure. But as reality and game blur, she discovers glitches in both.
“RUN SOUTH” is written and produced by Fiona Thraille
Please click here for the transcript and further credits.
TRIGGER WARNING: Claustrophobia, Mild breathing difficulty/panic, Implied violence, Redundancy
Colleague and VO: Fiona Thraille
Other colleagues: Tobias John, Rachel Rumler, and Lec Zorn.
Many thanks to Loyalty Freak Music for making their music available for use in projects like this. Do check out their other work at freemusicarchive.org
From Freesound.org https://freesound.org/
S: lightapplause.mp3 by shelbyshark | License: Creative Commons 0
S: WomanScream.wav by Archeos | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Synth Rise / Pitch Riser by ezwider7227 | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Male_Yes_01 by Artmasterrich | License: Creative Commons 0
S: "Win" Video Game Sound by EVRetro | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Train_tunnel_1.wav by o_ciz | License: Creative Commons 0
S: 20141119_automaticdoor_H2nextXY.WAV by SOUNDSCAPE_HUMFAK | License:
Creative Commons 0
S: knife_pick_up 01.wav by ShadowSilhouette | License: Creative Commons 0
S: human male scream small crowd panic fear.mp3 by JohnsonBrandEditing |
License: Creative Commons 0
S: General Fusion industrial workshop office ambience3 same space as 2 but
no nearby conversation or walking, typing and clicking, but downstairs
kitchen activity.wav by kyles | License: Creative Commons 0
S: Office with Typing.wav by Walter_Odington | License: Creative Commons 0
S: RoomTone05 by richwise | License: Creative Commons 0
S: RoomTone03 by richwise | License: Creative Commons 0
S: kettle boiling.wav by squashy555 | License: Creative Commons 0