The Print Cast

Press On | Third Edition featuring Matthew Dols of The Wise Fool Podcast and Landscape Printmaker Laura Boswell

April 21, 2020 Matthew Dols and Laura Boswell Season 2 Episode 4

Today on The Print Cast, it's the third edition of our series Press On, something we launched as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I want to talk directly to printmakers about how this situation impacts their lives, their businesses, and how they'll keep busy through the shutdown of daily life. Each iteration of the series will bring you stories directly from artists and we'll keep them coming as long as this situation persists.
Today's edition was wrapped up on April 20, 2020. In Part 1, Matthew Dols from The Wise Fool Podcast comes on the show to tell us about what life is like in Prague during the shut down.
Part 2 of today's episode features printmaker Laura Boswell from the UK. Laura has been making daily instructional videos about her style of lino printing during the shutdown and it's been getting a lot of great response on Instagram and Youtube. She also does a weekly podcast called Ask an Artist where she and her co-host Peter Keegan talk to artists in their community. It was great to catch up with Laura and to learn about how she juggles art production and content creation. If you haven't seen her videos yet, check em out on Youtube here.
More to come and let me know if you want to share anything via the Press On series.

Check out the Print Cast website here for more info.

London Original Fair
Normal Editions ISU - Printmaker Interrupted
SGCI 2021 | Providence Open Call
Judith Rothchild at Emanuel Von Baeyer | Mezzotints
Art for Solidarity at Gerrish Fine Art
Louise Bourgeois at Peter Blum Gallery
Warhol at Sims Reed LTD
Mixografia | Making Art with John Baldessari
New Prints Open Call at IPCNY
Artist Relief Fund Grant Application

Laura Boswell on Instagram
Laura Boswell online

Support The Print Cast on Patreon

spk_0:   0:04
you're listening to the print cast a podcast about the expanding world of printmaking today I'm your host. Nick, Not the print cast brings you interviews with some of the best contemporary printmakers sharing anecdotes, business ideas and technical tips with listeners everywhere today on the podcast. It's the third edition of a limited Siri's and calling Press On launched as a response to the Cove in 19 Pandemic. Each of these bonus episodes brings you stories from the print world, especially about how people's lives are being affected by the pandemic shutdowns on how people are adapting to new challenges. Today's edition was wrapped up on April 20th of 2020 over a month into our stay at home Shutdown. As it did last episode. I'm starting us off today with some recommendations on print related events and news and such that you can spend some time with this week. After that, I've got two interviews to share featuring fellow artist podcasters, so it's a cool one today, all about content online, and today's show is also a double under, which means we recorded in Los Angeles, in Prague and in the UK, and I'm melting it all together today. Teoh, bring it to you for today's episode, so it should be really great. The quality is gonna be great. And for links, check out the show description for today's episode at the print cast and let's get started way first off. The London Original Print Fair is going online on May 1st, and you're invited few six centuries of printmaking, and this time you don't even have to pay admission fees or travel to London to view it. Check that out at London Original print fair dot com Normal additions. I s you. That's Illinois State has an open call for printmakers making art during this quote shelter in place atmosphere. It's an online exhibition called Printmaker, interrupted for current students and faculty who are working and studying from home. Applications are due April 27th so there's still time to submit this week. Check it out online at normal editions. I s you on instagram, which is where I saw it. You'll find things you can click through and ways to apply news from sGC I The executive board results air in the new board has been unanimously approved today, and congratulations to Sarah Ellis Veysel Abdu Allah, Zach Fish Near Clear, White Cat Snap, Alexandra Genic, Sabrina pastored Erin Foster and Nicole Gary. Also, the call for sGC I 2021 is live today. Get in there and propose something If you got any ideas, the first round will be due by June 15th so Mark your calendars for that latest from the I F P. D. A. Is about lots of online exhibitions happening on, and I thought I'd mention if he could check out. Some of the artists include Warhol at Sims. Read lt Louise Bourgeois at the Peter Blum Gallery, a collection called Art for Solidarity, including a really cool rename agree lithograph that I recommend everybody check out at garish fine art. And there's some amazing measure. Tints by Judas Rothschild. Also at Emanuel Von Buyer links to all these air in the show notes. CIA measat tints, lithographs. Louise Bourgeois in Always is amazing, and Warhol is always super impressive, the way he does lines and colors, a lot of cool stuff to look at. No, I mentioned them a lot, but mixer Graphia, my favorite L. A. Publisher, has a great live program running this week that I recommend you all r S v p for it's called Making Art with John Baldessari here from many of this famed artist collaborators, including from Mixing Graphia Edition Jacob Samuel L. Nepal Press Gemini G L in the John Baldessari studio. It's happening live this Wednesday, April 22nd at 5:30 p.m. I believe that specific time. So if you are listening to this episode as it drops a to beginning of the week this week, you can actually still make this discussion, so I would check it out. It sounds really cool. That's mixer graphia, and they have an event on Facebook. Event is called Making Art With John Baldessari. You have just two days left to apply to the new prints open. Call it I P C N Y in New York. Show will be held online. See, really have no excuse not to apply to this. The applications free. You won't have to frame or ship art anywhere, and frankly, it's an audience who gets what you do. Printmakers should all apply when you are there. Check out their weekly print crossroad challenge. It'll be right up your alley to, and if you have obscure print knowledge. You can also submit to the crosswords, so check that all out at i p c dot com. For those of you who are in financial need, which I know many of you are, April 23rd is the deadline for the first round of funding from the Artist Relief Fund. This is this tremendous fund that's giving out grants of $5000 to 100 artists every month for, I think, the next four months. And it's like a whole bunch of organizations teaming up to make a big pool of money to make a big effect. So expect application is going to be insanely competitive. But if you've been settled with a lot of financial stress or medical bills, things like that check it out in apply applications air really extremely easy to fill out online. You don't have to submit images of any kind. You don't have to prove anything about who you are and what you do. It's more about displaying like the hardship on why you need help, and if they hear you, you might be able to get some help. So anyway, 100 new recipients are awarded each month, and the application date is coming up on the 23rd so please apply if you re need. It's a great resource for artists right now. That's the artist relief dot Submit herbal dot com and that's it for today's print news. I hope you gain something from hearing about all these opportunities. If you have anything you'd like to share, hit me up at info at the print cast dot com. Now on with today's edition of Press On for the Past, the print Kast season to desperately searching for sponsors. Part one today features a conversation with Matthew Doles of the Wise Fool podcast. Matthew is an American who lives and work in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, and Matthew invited me to be on his show, where he talks about art and his guest share ways that they navigate their creative careers. While I recorded his interview, I added a little bit of time, and we actually did a little session for press on eso. He was able to talk about his experience in Prague, and we kind of discuss, like what's going on and, um, yeah, just how we're both in during the situation. It was nice to hear about a far off place and like what's going on there and yet how similar it sounds to what's going on here. And, um, yeah, let's check in with Matthew and see what he's been. I'm here with Matthew Dole's printmaker and artists and podcaster coming out of Prague, the Czech Republic, Actually, but you're from the States originally, right?

spk_2:   7:01
Correct. Yes. I was born in Wells, born in Baltimore mayor, then raised in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington. D C have circuitous Lee sort of made myself throughout the world and ended up here. Yeah,

spk_0:   7:13
definitely from talking to you. So we've so for people listening, Matthew and I have been recording a podcast. We've been talking for over an hour, but, um but I wanted to have you on the show because it's unusual for me to talk to somebody who's far off in a different place, like Prague right now. And, ah, as you know, you know, we're going through this worldwide pandemic, and

spk_2:   7:32

spk_0:   7:32
know, so far I've had on the show. I think four or five different artists you've talked about different parts of the US that they've been in But I'm really curious what's going on in Europe and, you know, inch in the Czech Republic, specifically like, What's it like currently for you in this pandemic? Like, What's the daily life? Like

spk_2:   7:52
my daily life is, um, quarantined, basically. So, like I, the government at this moment has regulated that we cannot leave the house unless we are either going to work or going to some sort of mandatory thing like pharmacy, food, shopping or healthcare. Like that's That's all they want us to be leaving the house for. And they even regulated. Saying that we're only allowed to have, like only one person per household per day is allowed to go out on these kinds of errands as well. So they're doing their best to keep us a safest possible. So, yeah, it's interesting. Are

spk_0:   8:33
a lot of people like exercising and going out just walking around neighborhoods and stuff

spk_2:   8:38
there? Is that Yeah, I mean, they just today announced that they've loosen the restrictions on having to wear masks during exercise. So, like if you want to go mountain biking out in the forest right at the exact moment, you have to wear a mask even if you're doing that. But they're now saying, No, you don't have to do it unless you're route that you're going on a run or going on a bike ride is if you know that you'll come within two meters or six feet of other people than they want you to still wear a mask. But if you're going, if you're out in the middle of nowhere and you don't run into people that they're saying now, you can do it without a mask. Yeah,

spk_0:   9:20
I have to say, like because I go on walks like almost every day now, you know? But it when I've run into people who are like on a jog and they're like on the sidewalk with me, it's like they run right by me like one foot from me and like, they're just huffing and puffing and breathing and sweating and it like,

spk_2:   9:35

spk_0:   9:35
I work out some only conscious, too. As I'm working out. It's like I don't want to be near anybody cause I'm probably just like, very wide contamination zone when I'm in the throes of a workout, you know, um, not that I don't think I have anything but you never know at this point, you

spk_2:   9:50
know. No, it's it's it's hard. I mean, I took the tact early on in this whole situation of basically any time I leave the house, I just go off the idea of I assume I am sick and so I act like I'm sick. And so I I don't want to infect anybody else times trying to be a conscientious person that I don't want to harm. So I touches little, is possible only what's absolutely necessary. And I generally try my best not to come in any physical contact with any money. And so it's basically yeah, just it sounds bad, but basically like living in fear, but like you're living in the, ah world of, um, you don't know if you're already infected quite honestly, like, I feel fine and I'm not sick. But I mean, I could be a carrier or my clothing could be a carrier from something I rubbed or touched or ran into our walk through. Selling at. It's a bit of a change, like cause I'm not a big germophobe at all, like I'm the kind of person that will pick up my food that I dropped on the floor. It's fine, but, you know, with five second rule in all, But but it's May. It is sort of makes you a little bit afraid. Like I had this ridiculous thing the other day. I was on a bus. Not a lot of people were on the boss, thankfully, but I was on a bus in this guy guy had a face mascot over his nose and his mouth, and he went to sneeze. So he moved the face mask away from his nose and mouth, sneezed into his hand and then put the face Mount Basque back on and then grabbed a bar on the bus with that same hand just sneezed into. And I'm like, You don't really get it, do you? Actually, you're not understanding what's going on here, are you? That's like

spk_0:   11:46
some mixed signals. Yeah, like I mean, I think part of that's probably because they're always talking about if you touch your mask, you've transferred contaminant or virus to the mask. And then when you touch it to take it off, we've contaminated your hands when you got home and you know it. Yeah, like track of it anymore. You know it's like might come

spk_2:   12:05
home ritual is like wash my hands, take my mask off, wash my face and then and then I can sort of get into doing whatever I'm doing because of that potential transmission of touching your face from your hands kind of thing. But yeah, I mean, my little nervous breakdown that I had two days ago was more about I'm reasonably healthy. I'm still middle aged. I'm not really in that demographic. That's of a huge concern for this. At the moment, I'm Morgan personally concerned about sort of the longevity of the future economy off well, my focus of the arts, but mostly of the world. Like I cannot imagine a single person that this is not going to effect. Absolutely. Yeah, like everybody is going to have something affected in their life, whether it's their savings, their future, their current situations, their debt, their mortgages, their jobs, whatever. Something dramatic, I feel like is going to happen to everybody in some way. And since it's my my concern is how is this going to affect the future of things cause businesses air going to go out of business, you know? I mean I can't like. I'm in the arts world. Fine arts world. So I'm looking at like I just saw on article Jerry Saltz, where he was talking about how, like, 80% of art galleries in the world are probably gonna go out of business because of this. Yeah, that that's that scare, you know, like and then for me, Like it makes me start thinking like, Okay, I do three things. I am, Ah, where? I'm a fine artist. I make artwork, I'm a podcaster, and I am also a professor. So, like moving forward, what's the best choice of, like, where to invest? More time or money? More energy like will. Will podcasting become more popular or less popular in the future? Because of this, will will the need for more academic education become more popular or less popular Because of this well, will the need for artwork and then even within the artwork, like do I make larger scale more expensive artworks? Or Wilmore lowers quality or not lower quality, but maybe just physically smaller, lower priced artwork B'more desirable in the wake of all of this, like so everything is in flux and it's the Siris of you just have to make your most educated guess and hope that you got it right. Yeah. No,

spk_0:   14:49
I've been in a similar boat and thinking, and there's the thing. You know, in all my years, this is the only instance of this type of event happening. I mean, for everyone, basically. But it's, you know, it's made me think, like maybe I need to pivot my career, but it's like if this doesn't happen for another, like, 40 years kind of doesn't also matter, and I can just consider my current life to be a fine plan to go with it. But

spk_2:   15:12
I have

spk_0:   15:12
been thinking, though, about just different types of work and taken stock for me. Like what I what I want to do, like a might really happy what I have been doing.

spk_2:   15:22
And, you know, and

spk_0:   15:24
I I don't think I would fully consider that if I just was like going to work like normal, like, I almost don't have time to fully consider things like that.

spk_2:   15:31
But yeah, which, which is we're like the academic part, like silly. I have this. This is my theory at the moment, which is just a working theory, I could be wrong. Remember, my podcast is called The Wise Fool. So I'm wrong about lots of things. But I get the sense that, like, basically sort of when this all shakes out, people will have taken stock of their life like you're saying and I'm guessing a lot more people are gonna go. Oh, crap. I hate the job. I hate the life that I'm living. I want to go back to school and follow that passion, whatever change in my career trajectory. So I actually think education and academia is probably going to have a uptick come the fall because people are going to have re evaluate their lives and said, Oh, I'm not doing that thing. I wanted to dio not on the path I wanted to be on. And so I think there's going to be a large interest in education. Come, I'd say the fall at this point. Yeah, I

spk_0:   16:25
think that's a very I know. I have seen. I see a lot of projections. You know, when people people talk about, like in the, you know, the bigwigs of the art world. They're talking about the art fairs that are all getting closed, and now they're all saying, like, we probably just won't have as many. But then I'm thinking, like in a year from now, if they can, they're gonna have the same fares they've had before. It's like not I don't think anybody can really say what's going to change right now, you know? And I think I think education definitely could. I think people could definitely work from home way more than they

spk_2:   16:55
currently. We're and a lot of online right now. Yeah, like

spk_0:   17:00
a lot of people say, like, that's just going to stay kind of the way it is like more people won't need to go in because we've realised we just don't need it

spk_2:   17:07
all the time. Um, I

spk_0:   17:09
always wonder, like what's gonna happen culturally, you know, socially between I saw, like, as we kind of move out of this hopefully and we can move on from the pandemic. It's like, what, are we all gonna interact? The same way? Are we gonna act the same way in public places? Um,

spk_2:   17:28
I'm in Europe where everybody does the kiss on the cheeks here. So, yes, that's going to continue. Like I don't know.

spk_0:   17:34
Gosh, you know I didn't even think about that. Yeah, we're like shaking hands like there's just a lot of stuff where it's

spk_2:   17:39
like I don't know what

spk_0:   17:42
will return to or how that return to it will be. It'll feel probably uncomfortable at first to, like, read, retrain ourselves to go back the way it was, you know, I don't know. But anyway, yeah, I I wondered what

spk_2:   17:53
will happen in the long run with all this stuff, but But

spk_0:   17:57
I think art will continue. Well, a lot of what we do will stay like it is or be a new version of the same thing, you

spk_2:   18:03
know. But, I mean, it's going to be interesting. Um, a lot of creative people live have been living on the sort of the gig economy kind of stuff. And like that, most of them are. You know, even if they had four gigs, maybe in two of them are no longer available, that's that's literally, like cutlery and come in half. So there are a lot of people that are gonna lose opportunities and potentials because, well, they're just gonna have to get by, like, you know, times of great strife are they're probably less artists, but there but some of the art that sort of makes it through our some of them, maybe more spectacular stuff. You know, I'm thinking like times of war, kinds of things like So, yeah, they're less artists, cause some of them have to go to war. Some of them just have to make a living kind of thing because the economy is not good. But in the end, the arts will always even itself out over time. The question is, of course, at this point, just how long a time span are we talking about? Yeah,

spk_0:   19:07
I know. And it's we'll need some sort of assistance and things to get through a two because there's no way most creatives have no back up. You know, funds. No savings,

spk_2:   19:17
you know? No, my wife just told me the other day that the Czech Republic is actually thinking about closing its borders for a year. Uh, what? Wow, the supposedly they're discussing it. It's not a done deal, but but, I mean, some countries air, thinking about doing things like that and that I can't imagine what's gonna happen. Teoh Any countries economy, if they have to go to that extreme. God, Yeah, I

spk_0:   19:45
think of how that will change, like trade negotiations and stuff when we're all like, closed off from one another. And there's just all this fear and that sort of great this is

spk_2:   19:57
starting. It's one of those things, like if this continues the way it is, let's say the curve that they talk about, like the solicit goes away in a couple weeks or a month and that. But if it comes back in the fall, which is what some people are saying right now is that you come flu season in the fall, that basically it's gonna there's going to be another round of this. Yeah, if that happens, that's going to just set up an entire Siris of domino effects because once it happened once and then it happens again, everybody is going to be so afraid of it ever happening 1/3 time because that's just gonna be catastrophic. If if it ends up basically continuing up at New Pandemic comes out every flu season like that's, uh, just destroy the world economy. Yeah,

spk_0:   20:51
I think anything that might survive through this slowdown

spk_2:   20:54
wouldn't be able to go through another one of equal or greater length, you know, in six months, it just would be they would

spk_0:   21:02
be like no point. It's just like you'd be better off closing your business. But then, like

spk_2:   21:05
what? You know, the

spk_0:   21:07
state of things could be really

spk_2:   21:08
dire at that point. Which on the flip side of that, though, so like, I don't want to sound so all doom and gloom totally at that. Oftentimes, in these kinds of times, times that air difficult, specifically economic, difficult times and things like that. Ah, lot of creative things come off this. So people, people are forced to become more creative. So they let's say an art gallery that wants to stay open but were quarantined Well, they're gonna have to create mawr YouTube content. They're gonna have to be on more podcasts. You're gonna have to use social medium, or they're going to maybe have to upgrade their website. They're gonna get more creative with how to find artists or find collectors or connect with curator zor whatever they need to do to keep their business running. So, like often times, these most difficult times like this are the times that inspire the most creativity. Totally. I'm

spk_0:   22:08
really glad you pivoted to that cause I think I've been seeing it all over the place. It's It's hard to even, like mention all of the cool things like we see popping up every day and like the way that Zoom has, like, proved to breed like the most pivotal technology of today. It's like crazy, but it, you know, like we're watching last night like a Facebook video that, um, essentially like my brother and lies like a jazz musician in Kansas City. And he's like a one of the best like bass players in the whole city. And he plays with, like, all these incredible artists all the time. And in Kansas City, it's like you can just, like, stumble into a lot of restaurants and see better jazz than you ever seen, you know in it. But it's like all shut down. And so they were actually all collaborating and playing a set that they normally would have played at the Majestic restaurant. But they played it on Facebook, using like an

spk_2:   22:55
app called a cappella, where they were all able

spk_0:   22:56
to just like record their parts together. And it was like you're just like sitting in the restaurant. It was like as cool as I've seen but would never have happened if not for the motivation of this current situation. And that's that. Take that in times it by millions. You know, like everyone is taking action and making videos and content stuff that they never would have had the balls to or the time for. Or the reason Teoh

spk_2:   23:19
and I think it was like clearly explaining about It's like we were talking about earlier, which is like because of this situation. I, as a podcaster in US broadcaster, now have the opportunity to even contact some people that, like generally, they're too busy or they're too active and they're not available to be guests on a podcast, which right now they might actually be willing and able to do it. I have plans to to contacts insanely famous artists that I just happen to know how to get in contact with them, and I've never had the reason to contact um, but now it's like, Well, I have a podcast, and I'm sure they're quarantines, so, like they have the time. So you know, this kind of thing, like so It's what's great about creative people in times like this is that we're really good with trying to figure out ways to take the limitations that are being placed upon us and turn them into opportunities. Yeah, that's very well put. And yeah, I

spk_0:   24:25
can see it left and right, Just everywhere, Everywhere I go into instagram er pop into Facebook or even my news feed, I'm seeing countless things that air, that air kind of inspiring and like, give me a lot of heart that we'll get through this, you know? And maybe we will. Things will be born. Questions.

spk_2:   24:43
Yeah, The question is just like a thing of the thing about it is like, this is such a catastrophic worldwide thing that unless you are some incredible prognosticator who knows how to, like, do all kinds of, like, running numbers and data and all this kind of there's absolutely no way we could for see what's going to come. But whatever is gonna come, that's gonna be something completely unforeseen and and just, you know, hopefully magnificent. I

spk_0:   25:16
know. Yeah, and hopefully, yeah, I just want to end on that. Maybe e que authority if you think too much about all this stuff. It's like

spk_2:   25:27
crazy, but well, it's It was things that hey, maybe don't get me wrong I harp on my wife But my wife is a bit of ah, realist. Let's say and I tried Don't get me wrong. I'm probably I'm probably a pragmatic realist. But I tried to, like be optimistic because life generally sucks Engaged, like generally. Like it's difficult there stresses. There's so much stress in normal life. Now, we've got this exponential global crisis to add to our normal day to day stresses. But it does. It does us no good to focus on the bad, the negative, stressful and all that. So, like, I try my best to just go. Okay, This is life. So this is life now. What are you going to do with it? No, that it's like you can't fight it. You can't change it. You just have to learn to accept it and then to go. Okay, This is how it is. Now what? Yeah, get busy, you know, or

spk_0:   26:36
watching TV. Do whatever you really want to do.

spk_2:   26:38
I'm doing lots of all of this. I have in my Netflix account, so yeah, Well,

spk_0:   26:44
thank you for coming on and participating in this episode of Press on. Um, yeah. Take care over there in, ah, in Prague and stay safe. And I hope hope we get through this sooner than later. So thank

spk_2:   26:59
you. You too, and hope to see you soon.

spk_0:   27:01
Thanks, man. Part two today features UK landscape printmaker and content creator Laura Boswell. Laura is known for her incredible line Oh, cut landscapes done in a style very reminiscent of Japanese woodcut. She prints with oil based inks and runs her studio out behind her house. Lure also runs a weekly podcast called Ask an Artist with her collaborator, painter Peter Keegan. She's also lately been doing a daily video. Siri's about her lie, no prints, and they're really actually quite good. Like she started the videos on a whim to keep busy every day during the pandemic. And it just ended up being a really big hit on instagram and on YouTube. And so I wanted to learn more about her growing platforms, and I thought it be fun to have her on the show and share with you all the work of a really talented artists that you might enjoy. And maybe you want to check out some of her other content, her videos, her podcast. So, yeah, let's check in with Laura and her husband, Ben, faithfully running sound in the background and see how she's getting along in her town of Winslow in the UK. Wait, how are you ever there? How's it going?

spk_1:   28:28
Yeah, it's absolutely fine. It's kind of okay over here. I think everybody is Is getting on with it pretty well. Yeah. Um, you know, we've had a few mad moments, but everybody seems to be abiding by the rules. Pretty much so. It's It's It's okay. How about you guys?

spk_0:   28:50
You know, we're pretty good. Um, yeah. Nothing, really. Nothing really to speak of. Really? Like, we've just been laying low and staying home and trying to keep busy, insane, you know, but well,

spk_1:   29:02
I think I'm incredibly lucky in having my studio in my garden.

spk_0:   29:05
Yeah, it s

spk_1:   29:07
a Yeah, I got my press and everything, and so I'm kind of okay, cause I'm used to working from home, but it's been really tough on people who can't get out to work, to print and stuff.

spk_0:   29:17
Yeah, I think some people need to get away from their home. And they don't realize, uh, you know, none of us were able to prepare for this. All of a sudden, you just have to change your entire routine, and it's it's dead.

spk_1:   29:28
Oh, sure. You know. Yeah. Especially for those with kids. I'm very glad that I don't have small Children.

spk_0:   29:34
Totally. Oh, my God. Yeah. It would be a completely different virus experience if we had to do that on top of Yeah. Uh, well, so we're already kind of rolling. We're getting started. Um, that's this'll be on my Siri's. I've done a few episodes of what I've called Press on. So it's just like talking to print artists about Yep, about what we're talking about right now, but, yeah, but, I mean, I'm interested in what, what you're doing. You're doing all these videos and like you have your podcast. And like So I wanted to have you on as, like, a kind of a fellow content creator, you know, so we can talk about some of that stuff. Obviously, you can do it from your studio, which is pretty convenient given everything, but, um, but still,

spk_1:   30:17
just just It's good

spk_0:   30:18
to share with people like ways you're adapting and and also like that. Your content is out there and they can go find it, too. So

spk_1:   30:25
sure, sure. And it's bean a massive Well, to start with. It was a big shock because, like a lot of artists I teach and I had shows lined up and exhibitions lined up. Then you know, I had the year was kind of all fixed on. Guy was ready to go and it was all face to face stuff. And then suddenly you've lost that. Yeah, which is a riel shock to the system and really scary our best. Yeah, I'm used Teoh. I mean, I've always enjoyed social media, but it's always come sort of second toe kind of face to face stuff. Certainly we're teaching. So that's that's That was a big shock to start with, and I'm pretty sure like everyone. There were a lot of sleepless nights. I mean, it's it's a big worry.

spk_0:   31:13
Sure, Yeah. We don't know what's gonna lift, you know?

spk_1:   31:17
No, no, exactly. Um, So So that was the sort of first thing. So that the idea of actually making films to teach people. It was more selfish thing at first, I kind of think we thought it would give us something to focus on. You know, if you if you sort of make a pledge to publish content and you have Teoh be there every day it puts structure in. So it wasn't kind of Ah Oh, let's do. Since every marketing, it was more a kind of Oh, crap. We have to think of something to get us up every morning. So that's kind of where it started. Um,

spk_0:   31:58
yeah. Is it? Do both of you then work on your operation? Um,

spk_1:   32:03
yeah. Supports

spk_0:   32:05
human does your obviously He's doing your sound right now for the recording, but he was framing.

spk_1:   32:10
Yeah, I gathered are, Yeah, absolutely. Well, if we run Mia's a printmaker is a kind of family business. So Ben is responsible for an awful lot of behind the scenes stuff. I mean, in a way, I kind of had the glamorous, easy bit where I make the art, but he's the one that does like framing driving things to galleries, doing stuff on the website and doing all the filming. And Anne also is the sound man for our podcast. So I guess he saw the chance Teoh for us to do these little films and things for him to learn a bit more about technology because our poke cost. I think we're about 30 episodes in, so we're quite new and he's had to learn a lot for that as well, you say? Yeah. I mean, we worked together on then. My brother in Lorries is three I t. Man, for my website. So it's a real family business.

spk_0:   33:06
That's awesome. Well, obviously you must collaborate well together to have it all work like it does. Um,

spk_1:   33:12
yeah, I think so. I mean, it was, um it just happened that Ben used to work in marketing. He was, Well, he's a photographer as well, but he works for a camera company, was their marketing manager. And then he left that job, and it just kind of evolved at the point where my career was starting to pick up and we kind of just swap roles, and now we share it. But I think for a lot of people, it's on. I'm sure there are. There are artists out there where it's actually you couldn't be a full time money making artist without two of you on the case the whole time

spk_0:   33:48
Now I agree. In ah, all the shops I've worked for and like running my own business, I felt the same way. Like I was always doing everything alone and it was really hard to keep up. And you have to wear the two hats of, like business. And then creator are very different. And like what I've seen in recent years is like working with people who run. Companies who have that to tear kind of leadership were like ones, the creative side ones, the business side. It just seems to run so much better when you have two people splitting those tasks and specialties, you know,

spk_1:   34:20
it's yeah, I mean, it's it's a massive privilege. And also during this time, when we're self isolating, just having somebody else with you who understands the business and you can bounce ideas off because, you know, like like everybody, I'm having to adapt to a really new way off, working on keeping the business moving on on. I mean, it's like it's sort of slightly pathetic, but I'm learning things about how to use Instagram. I would never normally have learned working stuff out as I go along, and it's like the rest of the world knows how to do that. And I have just learned because I've had Teoh. So yeah, it's kind of every day picking up something new.

spk_0:   35:02
Well, I saw on instagram. I mean, you have a healthy following and the videos air really well done. Like the lighting is great, like their real simple. But, um, like, how are you, Um, proceeding like your medium is is relief mainly right? So you're doing

spk_1:   35:17
Yeah, that's right. Yeah.

spk_0:   35:18
Is it just Lina Cutter duty would cut two. Or like,

spk_1:   35:22
No, it's I started off. Um, I went back to printmaking about 2005 and my history is always being with Lina car. And I'm incredibly lucky to have a nice big printing press on. And I was work with line. Oh, but I went out to Japan to study Japanese were block printing, which is sort of water based relief printing method. And I did a couple of residencies out there, and what I found is that since doing that and since kind of embracing the Japanese aesthetic of these kind of very transparent watercolor prints. That's really changed my line. Oh, so now I work with loads of layers, but loads of kind of very, very thin, transparent washes of ink. Masses of extend a very transparent. And, um, it's, I thought when we re sort of discussed doing this film, that would be really interesting to do a film where I was working with a very, very delicate Japanese paper. And I was applying liner cut inks as though they were washes of watercolor on this really thin. I mean, it's 36 grams it so it's really no weight at all. And I thought that would make something interesting for people to watch because it's quite novel for Lina cut toe work like that. So you know that that was kind of the basis of it. So it's actually my time spent studying in Japan on a different technique on wood block. That has really changed my line occur approach over the years. So yeah, we kind of hung the whole project on showing people how you could work with lie. No, in that way,

spk_0:   37:02
yeah, so it's not the water based you using like oil based and creating greedy

spk_1:   37:06
Using a little bass? Yeah, absolutely. So today I put out a film about how to drop her a shading from light to dark around the edges of Ah, a couple of line. Oh, very much like a Japanese shading on a Japanese print. And I'm also showing people how to work with painting brush marks on the liner and cutting to make it look like a brush painting stuff like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You see that in Japanese would block, but you don't kind of see it in line. No, on. Actually, it's It's very doable in that I know. So I've been showing people how that works.

spk_0:   37:44
Yeah, that's fantastic. Yeah, your prints have, like, I was just looking back at some of them just earlier this morning, and they they just have this, like, luminosity to them. That's really incredible, Like the light. And you can tell there's just, like tons of layers going on. Um,

spk_1:   37:58
yeah, it's interesting because I think if you work with Extender on once you kind of get the hang in, it's it's because it can be a bit like pizza cheese. You know, it can go all stringy and nasty. So you know, if you can get over that, it's amazing how delicate it is and how you can layer and let the paper shine through a swell. That kind of used the white of the paper like you would with water color, which is quite interesting.

spk_0:   38:25
Yeah, so, yeah, has the response from your videos Have they been good? I mean, have you been getting a lot of comments and interaction and things from people? Is there watching him?

spk_1:   38:34
Yeah, we have. Actually, it's, you know, we could have done it better if we planned it. Really, Because it's it's really engaged. The audience and I think it's being surprising. The kind of support on did the knock on effect, both for people buying prints. You know, we speed being passing out. Prince, You guys in America are terrific. A buying prints have been dissecting the Chiefs. Do you guys, which is really encouraging on, you know, people have been using the shop and I it's it's also psychologically really rewarding because people are sharing and they're talking about it. And you know this. Lots of comments on um, it's also people saying you love this. I'd love to come to a class when, well, let out again. So, you know, from the business side it's being kind of really good marketing. Um, but also it's It's kind of keeping me in front of people Onda letting people know that I'm still there and I'm still working. And I think also it's kind of nice because there's almost a kind of community about watching them now. You know, you can see people in the comments chatting to each other and stuff, which is really powerful stuff. And I love that because we all kind of need it at the moment. Toe have a sort of social space where there's something that you can watch every day and know that you can check in

spk_0:   40:03
totally. That's like the best you could hope for is people are interacting on their own. It's like what you're what you're making is like finding life beyond you, you know, it's like it's it's truly just kind of growing outward, which is so cool. Um,

spk_1:   40:16
yeah, and I think also, um, you know, from the models that I've seen of other artists, this idea that you give something is one of the first things I did was a print giveaway because I thought, you know, this is a such an awful situation. So what I said was, I'll give away. I think I gave away 10 prints, five on Facebook and five on it's crap. But I said to people, I don't want to give you a print. I want you to choose somebody that you think deserves a print, and then we'll select on We had a fantastic response, and it was all people who, you know, they knew nurses or maybe a doctor or a teacher or something like that on that was that was amazing. The stories air just so wonderful because I said, you know, say who you wanted to go to and tell me a little bit about them and the feed was just brilliant. I just lovely tribute to people who were working in the crisis. So that was that was fantastic. Already enjoyed doing that.

spk_0:   41:15
That's so cool. Um, and you've been producing your podcast too, like throughout all this, right?

spk_1:   41:20
Yeah, that's that's been tricky, cause look, I mean Peter Keegan, whose my co host is fantastic painter, and we're used to like looking at each other when we talk and stuff like that. So it's been tricky because he's at home and he's got He's got quite young kids. So he's kind of working at a time when we can record when that we're happy and they're not kind of going to interrupt. But I think the hardest actually is being getting been getting his head around, recording and making sure that the sound quality is okay and stuff like that.

spk_0:   41:53
Yeah, it's different, I

spk_1:   41:54
guess. Like you have to Yeah, yeah, you have to get used to that kind of stuff.

spk_0:   41:58
Yeah, yeah, early on and I started doing remote calls, but it took me a few to get him down because the first ones were really clumsy. And I had, like, editing nightmare scenarios where I had to do really wild things. Um, you know, I feel like peeling apart to two different sides of, like, audio from a conversation, but like only wanting to keep half of it, you know, So I have to like it raised me from the whole thing. And

spk_1:   42:22
yeah, Ben's going doing what? He's been tearing his hair out. It has been a bit of a nightmare and it was being really tricky because when we started our podcast, we've done some interviews, but we've always gone two people or people have come to us. So we've never done yeah, kind of remote interviews. So it's it's kind of taken some some getting used to, but we determined to keep podcasting every week again cause I weigh. Just think it's really important to kind of keep going and keep with it. It gives us something Teoh another thing you know, routine thing to focus on. But I think also people really need content at the moment.

spk_0:   43:04
Oh, absolutely, Yeah, People were sitting around like, consuming everything, and everyone is just like scrolling on instagram all day. So it's like a powerful place to show up if you can right now. Um,

spk_1:   43:16
yeah, I think so. I think so. I mean, if I when we finish this print on and I I think about what I do next, it might be quite nice to try and get some kind of interactive thing going. I'm sort of looking at live streaming, which is yes, Another thing that I have to learn because I've got no idea. Has Teoh at the moment. Yeah, uh, you know, that's the next big big learning.

spk_0:   43:38
So you take your thing into doing, like, a, like a twitch feed or something where people can come on, interact like live with you and

spk_1:   43:44
yeah, I mean, I think one of the things, That's what Once you start putting out films like ours, which kind of teaching stuff naturally, people got, like, five billion questions about stuff that you haven't covered on. And you have to balance the fact that where that I mean the email at the moment. And the trouble is I can't sit there all day answering individual emails because I've got, you know, got to run a business. They're gonna make some art, that kind of thing. So I'm thinking next that, um, the occasional life feet where people can check in And I'll I'll do my best dance questions as they go. Yeah, yeah. No pressure.

spk_0:   44:22
No, no, you're gonna need You'll need to expand your team. You'll need, like, all kinds of people toe like monitor quality. People like monitor the feed in the comments and feed them to you. And,

spk_1:   44:33
well, as long as nobody asks me anything outside of relief printing. And so, the very narrow band of relief printing. I'm probably OK.

spk_0:   44:41
Yeah, well, yeah, that that brings up. Like what? So what? What was your background before you got into all of this that you're doing now? Like, how did you sort of get from, like, schooling and kind of starting out to where you're running this whole operation?

spk_1:   44:55
Oh, God. Well, it's a really sort of talk about stumbling on it late in life. I I went to art school back in the eighties, and I did a kind of weird degree because my dad wouldn't countenance art school. Actually, he wouldn't agree to a total. So I found, like, the only course in the UK that combined librarian ship, which is like every Dad stream, you know, who doesn't like a librarian with studying are on dso. He kind of agreed to that. So I ended up doing this this joint honors degree, it's cooled on. Then after a year, I dropped the librarian ship and just did the art. So I kind of sneaked in on that one and then yeah, and I specialized in my final year of the art degree. I specialized in printmaking, but I was the only person on the course He did that. So I ended up with this fantastic print room, more or less to myself. And I gravitated to lie. No, because I've done it at school like a lot of people. And that was what I kind of knew. So that was my special ism. And then when I left university of intent, I went to work. I I went into the photographic industry on I worked there until about, uh, I suppose, about 16 18 years. And then, um, some friends of the family had a printing press and said, Would you like it on for a whole year? I said, no. You believe that? I mean, how stupid is that? Is that like and I'll be impressed? I don't know. In America you have Eagle presses. I think you know these great big car Stein Victorian letter press jobs. Um, yeah. Cool. Ego presses in America. I

spk_0:   46:37
can't think of the name. It's Ah, yeah. Anyway, I know what you're talking about. I saw, like, you're talking about yours in your video, and it's like the really old school relief press like that the original. Yeah, I'm kind of

spk_1:   46:50
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's 18 71 the one I've got. Yeah, and so they were offering me this press, and I was saying, No, no, no, no, I can't do anymore. I haven't done it. I hadn't even drawn since I left art school. I stopped drawing. I stopped doing anything kind of arts based, um, and they persisted, and they kind of more or less dumped it on day. So I then started printmaking again. It's sort of growing from So, you know, if they hadn't done that, this would None of it happened. I would never have gone back toe. It's just quite scary. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What is the kind of once I

spk_0:   47:28
saw what you were using that press I was I was really impressed because that's the kind of machine that I don't think most people consider being like operational today. Or, you know, like you don't see a lot of shops that use those because it's for relief. And it's like, efficient for relief, but not much else, you know. So it's like,

spk_1:   47:45
Yeah, I mean, it is absolutely perfect for line Oh, Cup Japanese wood block printing is always done by hand anyway, so that's longer hand process, anyway. But the over in the UK, they are there. There are a lot in use because, you know, it's kind of a thing in the UK, but they're they're rare to get Hold off now. They're getting expensive now. So I'm very lucky to have have I've got to I've got the little one that the family friends gave May and then the big The big guy was fantastic. And that's another thing that my husband did was he had to build a studio to sort of wrap around the big press because we didn't have anywhere to put it.

spk_0:   48:29
Yeah, it's priced super heavy, right? Like like

spk_1:   48:33
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's about it, as I guess it's It's nearly a ton, something like that. It's a big it's big thing, but they're they're really clever. I mean, the Victorians were really smart, so they come apart. You can move them around and stuff. So, given the hoist, you need a hoist for that. Yeah,

spk_0:   48:52
well, yeah. Um let's see. So soas faras like like Kobe, 19 over in the UK like I know, I know. Boris Johnson was in the hospital like we followed some of

spk_1:   49:02
the Yeah, Yeah. Jesus. Happiness Really sick? Yeah.

spk_0:   49:06
Um, but how is everything else going on? Art? Is it weird going to stores like, what's your What's your daily experience? Like when you when you go out, if you do.

spk_1:   49:14
Oh, right. Okay, so we are in lock down over here. So the rules are that you can kind of go out and exercise, and you can go to the shops if you have Teoh. So we go to the post, like, a couple of times a week, cause we're sending out orders and stuff on, and it's very I mean, the British were brilliant, a queuing, You know, that's kind of our stock talent is curing, and you just queue up and they keep you two meters apart on. Everybody's very reasonable. It takes time. The one thing I would say is that there has been a lot of panic buying. I don't know if you had that. If you had the loo roll, I don't know what you call over that toilet paper break. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We had a big Liro panic.

spk_0:   50:02
I haven't seen it in a in a grocery store. I have not seen it on the shelf in like a month. I have not seen it. Maybe one time One time where there was there was some there and there was more, you know, like you could tell people weren't buying it like it was the first time it was sitting there. Yeah,

spk_1:   50:18
it's that so that was a big thing. But people are really recently I mean, we I think that the big difference is that everyone's much more friendly. Now we're not, You know, nobody goes near anyone. But if you go out for a walk, everyone is like, Hello. Having you on Berry is like going back to the 19 fifties. It's kind of got very sociable like that with strangers. Um, but I think that the big thing in the UK is because we have the National Health Service. We have this kind of health services. A kind of a sort is treated like a kind of ah national treasure. In a way, we're so that the big drive has been to support the health service. So there are a lot of kind of charitable things going on. There's Ah, guy called Captain Major Tom, I think. Who is in his Eatzi's 100 this week. And he's raised, I think, over £20 million for the NHS because he decided he'd walk. Yeah, you guys might have heard of him. He's decided to walk up and down his garden 100 times to celebrate his 100th birthday, and they wanted to raise, like, £1000. And it just got wildly as of hand. And he's raised millions, which is being fantastic.

spk_0:   51:37
So I saw that. And he's just like this, like, happy old guy, just like staying in their picture

spk_1:   51:43
with his medals on and, you know, But he's incredibly articular, you know, It's really, really smart about what he's saying is so you know, the country's bean reaching for him in this, but it's it's being okay. I mean, we've had a couple of mad things. We had some trouble with people burning phone masts because they thought that the new phone technology was something to do with the virus, which was a bit crazy. Wow. Weird. Yeah, it was a bit weird. I mean, his conspiracy theories go that was a bit of a crazy one, but generally, nay, we've bean. We've been kind of relying on our talent for standing in queues and being polite to each other is the perception.

spk_0:   52:25
Yeah, I think in the US it's Ah, it's probably very similar, like, it seems like everyone's going along with things, and it's very it's actually gone pretty well. I feel like for being so unexpected. And ah, I know a lot of people now are starting to protest and things to try to reopen things quickly, but, um, but otherwise,

spk_1:   52:43
yeah, it's

spk_0:   52:44
been relatively calm here, like lots of conspiracy theories and stuff, but it on the street, everyone's being very like, um, community minded,

spk_1:   52:53
if you like. Yeah, I think so. I think so. I mean, there is about a sort of mild totting going on here about when are we going to be letter? But nobody's actually kind of fighting the rules. The monument, I don't think, But I think also for us having the prime minister kind of Oh, I've got it, but I'm fine. It's only slight symptoms, and then suddenly he's an intensive care. I think that was kind of a big wake up call out for sure.

spk_0:   53:20
I think for every love, even

spk_1:   53:21
love him or hate him, it was a big shock.

spk_0:   53:24
Yeah, because yeah, that's like brings to mind to like What? What will happen to Brexit with all this happening?

spk_1:   53:32
Yeah, well, I kind of was kind of hoping that everyone kind of forget about it and it wouldn't happen, But I think it's coming to. Or rather, the politicians keep reminding us that it has happened. Eso it's I think they kind of was saying at the beginning that there were negotiations still going on, but it's just no in the news. Yeah, it's not in the news, you know, it's kind of, um, I think we're all terrified of it and everyone's very, very happy to brush it under the carpet and forget about it. Whether you're pro Brexit or anti Brexit, we were kind of so it's been so long drawn out on dso, painful on all sides that everyone's kind of quite happy toe not worry about that one until later. So I don't know really doing

spk_0:   54:20
it's got to be difficult having that it's like an identity crisis for your nation or something going on and taking years. I mean, it's it's been going on for what, a couple of years now that it since it first passed. And there's all this back and forth. And ah,

spk_1:   54:35
well, it's very divisive as well, because you have a lot of families where, you know people are on different sides on its It's been very, very difficult. Um, you know, I mean, we were very strongly pro staying in Europe on fortunately, you know, all kind of close family have all been pretty much the same, but it is being tricky for sure. You know, we have friends who are I have wanted to leave. Andi. Yeah. You just can't talk about every. It's going tricky. Um, so I don't know. I really don't know what will happen. I think whatever happens, there's been a massive shake up for the whole nation. So we'll see what comes out. The other side knows.

spk_0:   55:23
Yeah, with all of it. I mean, who knows what any of this will come to, but but I'm really I'm happy you're doing the stuff you're doing, and I think it's bringing a little bit of light. Enjoyed a to some people who are watching your videos. And wasn't

spk_1:   55:35
I? I hope so. You know, I think that the way to go with the crisis is just to sort of be generous and open. I know that I could sit there on on social media and be worried and upset and distressed, and I'm trying very deliberately no to do that. It's not that I'm not feeling all that stuff. It's just that I know that I feel better if I make the effort and put something post about their a t end of the day, you know? So that's kind of what we're trying to dio.

spk_0:   56:06
Well, yeah, well,

spk_1:   56:07
it is. I

spk_0:   56:08
was gonna say this will. This will go live on the print cast feed. But, um, if people are listening, like, where can they find, like, what's your instagram handle? So they can find your video work and tell? Tell us quick about your podcast too. In the name of it.

spk_1:   56:21
Oh, cool. Yeah. Eso If you want to look at my work, you'll find me on Instagram as Laura Boswell printmaker on. You'll also find me on Facebook under the same name and that's where you can find my videos on I'm also on YouTube is Lora Bles well, printmakers. So you can see the films there, and I produce podcast called Ask an Artist on that. I do with my co host, Peter Keegan, and you can find us anywhere you download. Your podcasts were there every week. A new episode comes out on Fridays on. We also have a website at Ask an Artist podcast dot com, where you can find recordings and the show notes. So, yeah, that's where we hang out. It's

spk_0:   57:08
a lot of stuff is a lot of good stuff you're putting out.

spk_1:   57:11
Thank you, Thank you. We'll keep it going. Got a long way to go with this print. It took me till Episode 20 to print the first layers I people are in for the long duration. We'll take a while.

spk_0:   57:25
Yeah, that's a lot, but I think that the granular approaches probably good and, you know, and you're pretty finding this to like, I always think like people must know all these things already, but it turns out you don't. There's people at every level all the time, and there's always people who are new or who sees something you're doing.

spk_1:   57:42
Oh, yeah.

spk_0:   57:42
They're just, like, what is that? And what is that Greenbrae or you're using or

spk_1:   57:46
Yeah. You know, um, it's I had a nice message from a lady said, Oh, for God's sake, I never brushed my line. No down before rain. Get up. Now I realise why my prints recovered in bits of rubbish. Can she see me with a brush brushing the line? Oh, clean. Before I print it, Yeah, that's a ray of sunshine toe. Hurt it for sure.

spk_0:   58:08
Yeah, this is a tip. I mean, if you listen to my show, you'll hear it's at some point. But I had interviewed Canadian artist named Qari Christenson. She goes by the printmaker in her dog, and she had a great tip where she was saying she sands her line out, um, material down first. So she's saying that real smooth and she was like, that makes the ink take to it really well, and yeah, and you know,

spk_1:   58:30
Yeah, just that. How would you know that? Unless you see it on a video or someone tells you, You know, some teacher tells you so. Yeah, it's kind of nice to think that people are learning all the time, so that's good.

spk_0:   58:43
We'll call. Well, well, thank you for making time today to do a little short chat. It is great to connect with you. Um,

spk_1:   58:49
yeah, it was lovely to talk to you too, So, Yeah, hopefully a will go. Well, with your podcast on bond, we'll all keep churning out that information for everybody.

spk_0:   59:00
Likewise, we have, well, good health to you and Ben and and, Yeah, just good luck with all your future projects and stuff. And we'll keep tabs on it and hopefully see that print at some point. And

spk_1:   59:11
Oh, we will. Yeah. We're going to have a private view at the end of it. We're going to invite everyone around for a virtual private view, so yeah, we'll get a glass of wine going and and should have run it properly. All right, Well,

spk_0:   59:24
cheers. And, uh, I appreciate your time. Thank you.

spk_1:   59:27
Yeah. Nice to talk

spk_0:   59:28
to you, Ugo. Alright, but by that's it today for press on with the print cast. If you have time, give the print cast to review in iTunes, which will help other people find the show. Also share about it on Instagram hit me up if you want to just, like, say, or whatever, you can also help the print cast by supporting the show on Patri on That's a patriot dot com for it, slash the print cast where you condone eight for his little is $3 a month. As always, if you have something you'd like to convey to our print community, don't hesitate to reach out to me on instagram at the print cast or via email using info at the print cast dot com. Everyone's invited to come on the podcast if they want to take part in this press on Siri's, so don't hesitate to hit me up. Thanks everyone today for checking out this edition of Press on thanks to lower Boswell and Matthew Dole's for being guest on today's show as well. Way are one month into this insane shutdown, so let's press on everybody and hopefully will be out of the scene. Take care. You've been listening to a special edition of the print cast called Press on Press On is a limited Siri's that looks at the impact of the Cove in 19 Pandemic on the printmaking community, episodes of press on our bonus content for the print cast podcast and are hosted by Nick. Not you can look for more from this Siris in the coming weeks, so make sure you subscribe to the print cast. If you like what you're listening to, help us get the word out. By leaving a five star review on iTunes and sharing with your friends on social media, you can find the print cast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google play as well as online at the print cast dot com. Music for this special edition is by Blue dot sessions and jazz are take care of yourselves and each other and we'll see you on another episode of the broadcast booth.