Navigate with Tim Austin

Resets and Ripple Effects with Heidi Lewerenz

Tim Austin, PCC Season 3 Episode 48

Transitions are a combination of disruption and recalibration, obstacles and opportunities. They can be resets with profound and lasting ripple effects.
Nobody knows this like Heidi Lewerenz, Tim's guest for this episode of Navigate. You're in for a real treat as you get to know Heidi, listen to her insights, and learn about the tools and resources she offers.

About Tim's Guest:
Heidi Lewerenz is a Leadership Coach and Trainer from Wisconsin ---where you can mow your lawn and shovel snow all in the same day. She's created and owned a handful of businesses, started a few ministries, and burned many things in the oven.  She has a B.A. in Communications, is certified as a Leader to Leader ™ Coach Facilitator, Strengths Champion™ (trained by the first Gallup Strengths Certified Coach) and an ACC certified Leadership & Executive Coach through the International Coaching Federation.  She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and their house full of 7 kids age 3 to 18.  She's been a Midwest redhead all her life, has enjoyed serving in short-term overseas missions and frequently dreams of moving closer to the equator.

Connect with Heidi:


  • Where are you between the letting go and embracing the new? 
  • What are some of those holds or non-negotiables as you scale the transition mountain? 
  • As you consider the glass and rubber ball analogy, what will you choose to think and care about on the journey? 
  • What are some boundaries you may need to set for that to happen?

Let's have a conversation @ Encompass Life Coaching

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