Navigate with Tim Austin

The Path to Resilience

Tim Austin, PCC Season 4 Episode 54

Welcome to Navigate! In this episode host Tim Austin challenges us with the idea there are three key milemarkers on the path toward resilience: Disruption, Reflection/Learning, and Action.
In our current world, the need for resilience is greater than ever before. Resilience, the ability to bounce back from difficulty, is a skill that can transform individuals, leaders, and organizations. But the path to resilience isn't always easy to navigate, especially when faced with resistance, both internal and external.  Listen in for some great pointers on how to navigate change with resilience.

Scripture References:
Jonah 4
Numbers 22
Acts 9

Tools for Transition: A free webinar
3D Transitions Group Coaching

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Title: The Path to Resilience
Navigate with Tim Austin, Season 4, Ep. 54


Welcome to another episode of Navigate, where we explore the journey of personal and professional transition seasons. I am your host, Tim Austin, and today our topic is “forging a path of resilience.” 

In our current world, the need for resilience is greater than ever before. Resilience, the ability to bounce back from difficulty, is a skill that can transform individuals, leaders, and organizations. But the path to resilience is not always easy to navigate, especially when faced with resistance, both internal and external. 

Resilience requires openness to change, but we do not change well on our own. We may even resist change, digging in our heels and grasping for old certainties that do not exist any longer.

The road of resistance keeps us stuck. But forging a path of resilience can set us free.

So, what does this path look like? Let us explore the path of resilience, its key components, and how we can embark on this transformative journey with Christ at the helm.



Let's start with the first crucial element of the path to resilience: 

Disruption. In seasons of transition, we often find ourselves stuck in familiar patterns of thinking and doing.  We need voices on the outside to disrupt our thinking by reflecting our thoughts back to us, challenging us to consider why we think and perceive things the way we do. So, the question is, are you welcoming disruption in this season of your life, or are you resisting it?

My wife knows I’m pretty darn ticklish, and she will take advantage of that at times. It does not take much effort on her part to make me squirm. But even as a ticklish individual, I cannot tickle myself. Leadership coach Marcia Reynolds states, “For the same reason we can’t tickle ourselves, our brains resist self- imposed testing of thoughts and reactions.” 

The catalyst for transformation requires engaging in a process of disruption from the outside.

So, how do we open ourselves up to disruption?

We can start by inviting outside "disrupters" into our lives who bring the gift of presence, active listening and powerful questioning. When we have the courage to invite disruption, the stories we tell ourselves - our personal narratives – can change. In the process, we begin to learn and grow outside our perceived limits, moving all the while toward greater resilience.

So, who might be the “disruptors” in your life? Think of people you can trust, who have a track record of dependability, who speak honestly into your life. I consider my wife, my coach, and a couple trusted friends and even a community of coaches and consultants that I’m a part of, in this circle.

As we walk further down the path to resilience, we move on to Reflection and Learning.


Embracing disruption opens the door to reflection and learning. Imagine inviting "disrupters" into your life—people who offer the gift of presence, active listening, and powerful questioning. As you engage in this process, your personal narrative, the story you tell yourself, can change. 

What is your personal narrative during this transition? Is it one of resistance or openness? Is it leading you toward resilience or keeping you stuck? Remember, these narratives impact not only you but also your relationships and your organization's culture.

As we allow more space and time to reflect and process the change, we can begin to see the situation from a new perspective. We can start to ask ourselves questions like:

  • What is this change trying to teach me?
  • What am I learning about myself?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses in this situation?
  • What resources do I have available to me?


First, we invite disruption even when it feels uncomfortable. Then we lean into a process of reflection and learning. Next on the path of resilience comes action. Disruption, reflection, and learning provides the clarity and momentum needed for positive Spirit-led action.

This doesn't mean we have to have all the answers. It just means we need to start moving forward. We can start by setting small goals and taking small steps. As we act, we build our confidence and move toward greater resilience.

Consider these focus areas as you slow down and move toward greater resilience:

  • Revisiting personal and organizational core values.
  • Soaking in God’s Word regularly…renewing our minds.
  • Sorting and sifting ideas and options by engaging in a season of discernment.
  • Confronting Identity issues and aligning what I do with who I am.
  • Learning new strategies for consistently showing up and taking action.
  • Recognizing and removing obstacles to growth and development.
  • Focus and self-discipline….leading ourselves with greater intentionality.
  • Prioritizing what matters most and creating strategies to achieve desired outcomes.


So, here are some questions for you to ponder: Which of these focus areas could take on a community or organizational approach, and which ones are more personal and reflective? Who could you invite on your journey toward greater agility in these focus areas? Perhaps a coach, counselor, spiritual director, mentor, or a trusted friend?

This is the path of resilience: disruption…reflection….learning….action.



Finally, ask yourself: What path are you on right now? Is it the path of resilience, or are you finding yourself resisting the process? If resistance is holding you back, remember that there are options and support available to help you embrace resilience. You don't have to go through this journey alone.

That brings us to the end of today's episode, where we've explored the path to resilience. I hope you have found valuable insights and inspiration to navigate this path in your own life and leadership. If you're looking for guidance or simply want to have a conversation about your journey to resilience, reach out to me at  You can schedule a discovery call on my website or send an email to .I'd love to join you on the path of resilience.

If you are looking to build your resilience, I encourage you to start by inviting disruption into your life. Find someone who can challenge you and help you see things from a new perspective.

Then, take some time to reflect and learn. What are you learning about yourself and the situation? What resources do you have available to you?

Finally, take action. Start small and build your confidence as you go.

The path to resilience is not always easy, but it is always worth it.


Thank you for tuning in to Navigate. Do not forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you enjoyed today's episode. And as always, stay resilient, my friends.