Navigate with Tim Austin

Identity in Transition with Tim Austin

Tim Austin, PCC Season 4 Episode 55

How are you leaning into change in this season? What’s your posture like? Have you been resisting or embracing the changes in your life?
In this episode of Navigate with Tim Austin, Tim reflects upon seasons of change and how these become opportunities to discover and embrace our true identities and live with greater purpose and fulfillment.
Tim has a deep appreciation for the many creative ways seasonal change has helped him approach change on a personal level. Tim says, "Sometimes we might resist change because of the way it challenges our sense of identity and purpose. I’ve come to view certain transition seasons as an opportunity for shedding and letting go of the non-essentials. For getting back to what matters. For learning to walk out my days with less baggage, not more."

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Henri Nouwen as referenced in The Sacred Enneagram

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Title: Identity in Transition
Navigate with Tim Austin, Season 4, Ep. 55

 Welcome back to another episode of "Navigate," a podcast designed to help take the guesswork out of transition. I'm your host Tim Austin, and today, we will be reflecting on seasons of change and how these become opportunities to discover and embrace our true identities and live with greater purpose and fulfillment.

I love the fall season and while I’m not a big fan of the approaching cold, living in a region with 4 distinct seasons seems to add variety and rhythm, which I do love. I also appreciate the many creative ways seasonal change has helped me approach change on a personal level.

Boise, also known as the "City of Trees," earned this nickname long before it became a city. Legend has it that French fur trappers, who had endured a grueling journey through the Oregon Trail, exclaimed, "Les Bois, Les Bois!" upon encountering the Boise River Valley. It translates to "the trees, the trees" in French, and this name quickly caught on.

 As the colder weather begins to blanket Idaho, some trees hold onto their leaves, refusing to let go, even as freezing temperatures set in. But eventually, with the arrival of snow, they surrender to the season's change. 

Even now, as I look out on my backyard from my office chair, I see an ash tree completely which lost all of its remaining leaves last night in a rainstorm. At the same time, I’m looking at our pear, apple and honeysuckle holding on to their green leaves as if stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the cold settling in. Makes me think, How am I leaning into change in this season? What’s my posture like? Have I been resisting or embracing the changes in my life?

Sometimes we might resist change because of the way it challenges our sense of identity and purpose. Kind of like the tree not giving up its leaves, we try to hang on to false identities constructed over time. These false identities can be difficult to let go of. We become entangled in self-perceptions based on our roles, titles, and the opinions of others. It's as if we're clinging to the false self, much like those autumn leaves on the branches.

I’ve come to view certain transition seasons as an opportunity for shedding and letting go of the non-essentials. For getting back to what matters. For learning to walk out my days with less baggage.

Do you hear this invitation in your transition? It’s as if God is saying, you don’t need this any longer. I will remake you and clothe you in something more authentic, more like my Son, whose yoke is easy and burden light. You can get through this transition more free, grounded and confident.

A false sense of identity is kind of like those leaves. It can be difficult to shed and let go of. We can become so wrapped up in self-perceptions based on roles, titles, and what others think or say about us. We lose sight of who we truly are. 

The process of shedding the mask of false identity and embracing who we really are does not come easy. The lies we tell ourselves, and which shape our self-perceptions, can be stubborn. Kind of like those Fall leaves.

Dutch writer Henri Nouwen identified what he referred to as "three human lies" about our identity—our False Self:

1. "I am what I do." (roles, responsibilities)

-can cause us to see limited possibilities

-can stifle creativity

-can settle for the mediocre or what simply feels comfortable

2. "I am what I have." (titles, credentials, experience, possessions, reputation)

-Can overly inform our decisions

-Can stifle the discernment process

3. "I am what other people say or think about me." (accolades, defining moments with others, good or bad)

-can influence our choices 

-can prioritize man’s plans over God’s

Have you ever believed in any of these "lies" or a combination of them? What would it look like to see yourself for who you really are? And more importantly, for how God sees you, both now an on the other side of transition?

In just a little more than a month, advent will be upon us. The Advent season for me has become a sacred time to shed the false and embrace the true. What I’ve allowed to build up over time must be torn down, one true word from God at a time, until the weight of false identity is lifted and I’m free to live and work from an authentic place. 

Eventually, old growth must give way for new. Christ came to make sure of that…

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:19

The current season is perfect for setting aside time to discern and discover the new things taking shape in our heads and hearts. To engage a process of shedding the lies and embracing the truth about ourselves and God. As a helpful tool to gain clarity, you can download our free Discernment Guide. Just head over to the show notes and you’ll find the link there. Then, carve out some quiet space to sit with the questions: What's the new you're being invited into?

My newest offer is a 3 week group coaching journey called 3D Transitions®. It kicks off January 12th. Join me and discover and create a sustainable process to center life around what truly matters. Space is limited. Learn more and register at

That's all for today's episode of "Navigate".  Thank you for joining us on this journey of embracing change with fresh eyes of intentionality. If you’ve enjoyed listening, can I encourage you to leave a review on your favorite listening platform?  I’ll catch you next time.