Navigate with Tim Austin

Third Culture Kid Insights with Luke Austin

Tim Austin, PCC Season 2 Episode 40

Welcome to this 40th episode of Navigate! This milestone episode marks the completion of three conversations -one with each of Tim's adult Third Culture Kids. By the way, if you’re unfamiliar with the term Third Culture Kid, or TCK for short, have a listen to episode 39, where podcast guest  Chad Phillips does a great job of unpacking that for us.

This episode conversation brings in Luke Austin. Luke has spent the majority  of his life outside of the United States, which happens to be his passport country. During his childhood and teen years, Luke roamed the globe with his parents, residing mostly in Central Asia and Turkey. Luke and his family returned to the U.S. in 2016, the summer he graduated from high school.

Luke currently lives with his wife Maria in Chicago, where he works as a digital marketing team leader with an Orange County based company. The Austin family recently had the opportunity to return to Turkey for a brief visit, and this conversation takes place from there. 

As a heads up, there is an added touch of realism to this conversation. The context is outside on the terrace of the Austin's guest apartment, where Tim and Luke had some gusty winds to deal with. Nonetheless we think you’re going to enjoy getting to know Tim's son Luke Austin…

Here's some additional resources on the topic of TCK's:

Podcast Episodes:
Core Values with Adrianne Verheyen
Third Culture Kids with Emma Austin
Third Culture Kids and Transition with Chad Phillips

TCK Re-Entry/Transition:

Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, by David C. Pollock, Ruth E. Van Reken, and Michael V. Pollock (3rd ed), Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017.

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