You Were Made for More
You Were Made for More
Episode 61: The Why (AND HOW) Behind Adoption (With Johnston Moore)
November is Adoption Awareness Month!
On this episode of the podcast, we welcome Johnston Moore, who serves at Anglicans for Life as the Adoption/Orphan Care Consultant.
Johnston has been married to his wife, Terri, since 1988, and together they have seven children, all of whom were adopted through the Los Angeles County foster care system. He is a strong believer in and vocal advocate for permanency and justice for children, having witnessed the impact that both have had on his children. John enjoyed a career in Hollywood in film/TV production and as a screenwriter before becoming fully immersed in adoption and foster care ministry, first through his employment at Hope for Orphans, and then at Home Forever.
Currently, Johnston is living with his family in Virginia, where he is a regular speaker at Focus on the Family’s Wait No More Adoption Conferences. They attend Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, VA and are passionate about seeing the greater Church be a part of what God is doing through the foster care and adoption movement.
In this conversation, we talk about the "in's and out's" of adoption and creative ways in which you can get involved depending on where God is calling you to use your time, resources, and gifts.
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