4D Human Being Podcast

The Value of Your Voice: Impactful Communication

4D Human Being Season 4 Episode 27

Over the next couple episodes, we will be exploring the Value of Your Voice with four essential aspects of communication that can dramatically enhance your leadership and personal interactions:

Pace – How varying your speaking speed can energise or ground your message.

Pause – The power of silence in creating impact and giving your words more weight.

Pitch – Using vocal tone to engage and influence your audience.

Precision – Communicating clearly and effectively to avoid misunderstandings.

In this episode, Philippa, Penelope, and Matt Beresford discuss two key aspects of communication: Pace and Pause. They explore how varying the speed at which you speak can energise or ground your message, and how using pauses can add authority and confidence. 

These elements are shown to have a significant impact on leadership and personal relationships, both professionally and personally. 

So join us as we strip communication to its barest and arguably most impressional element, and that is the power of your voice.