Bonsai Stuff

Season 2 Episode 3 - Bonsai Wiring Tips and Tricks, Autumn Work & Pine Resource Management

Bonsai Matsu - Scott Martin Season 2 Episode 3

This is a really practical podcast where I talk about wiring your bonsai which is quite interesting considering it's a non visual medium! As we stroll through Autumn I discuss deciduous colouring and the importance of feeding your trees well. 

It's finally time to start working on your pines also. I run through my process of which trees to start with first and then progress through my collection. Balancing your bonsai through needle distribution and how we can manage the resources of a bonsai is an interesting discussion too. 

With so much happening around the world at the moment, it's nice to stop and smell the fertiliser... Enjoy the podcast and please reach out via Instagram or Facebook. There's no What's on the Bench in this episode, I just got carried away with wiring so next episode I'll make it up to you.

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