Finding Fearless

Beyond Body Positivity: Exploring Body Liberation, Neutrality, and the Intersectional Journey to Wellness with Kelsey Ellis

Madeline Reeves Episode 14

In the world of fitness, where the pursuit of an idealized body often takes center stage, Kelsey Ellis emerges as a beacon of change. Her journey from competitive athlete to body-positive fitness expert is a testament to her unwavering commitment to empower individuals to embrace their bodies and redefine what it means to be well. In this episode of Finding Fearless, Kelsey Ellis shares her story, insights, and perspectives on body positivity, dismantling stereotypes, and making fitness a joyful and sustainable part of life.

Listen in as we speak about:

  • Challenging Your Identity
  • Going Beyond Conventional Fitness
  • Scrutinizing the Status Quo 
  • Redesigning Your Fitness Journey 

And much, much, more!

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Madeline Reeves

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Finding Fearless is an exploration of human-centric leadership and a celebration of ambition, releasing every other week on Wednesdays, 6AM PST. If you liked the show, please rate, review, and share! You can also visit our website to learn more about how to become a sponsor of Finding Fearless!

Finding Fearless is produced by Fearless Foundry, a creative consultancy focused on advancing ambitious humans from around the globe to amplify their impact through branding, marketing, and business development. You can contact us at if you are interested in our services and can follow us on all social media @fearlessfoundry.

Season 4 music is by Premium Beats. All audio is recorded and owned by Fearless Foundry.

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