talkPOPc's Podcast

Episode #120 R.P. Peluce and Mia talk about censorship and the self-exploration of one's beliefs

Peluce Episode 120

0:25 Philosopher Peluce asks participant Mia for her thoughts on censorship.

2:24 They talk about the concept of self-censorship concerning government censorship. It suggests that even in the absence of explicit government censorship, individuals may still self-censor due to societal conditioning. The idea of therapy and psychoanalysis is mentioned as a means of "unself-censoring" oneself and discussing topics, such as familial issues, in a safe environment.

7:45 Peluce suggests the importance of individuals being able to openly express, discuss, revise, and evolve their beliefs. 

12;29 Peluce reflects on the process of socialization, comparing it to the development of a child's ability to express desires. The example of a baby learning to communicate its needs is used to illustrate this point, implying that as individuals grow, they also learn to express themselves more effectively and patiently.

16:20 They discuss the concept of self-censorship in interpersonal dynamics versus broader contexts such as government intervention. Mia struggles to think of instances where the government would intervene due to self-censorship. 

20:30 They talk about the balance between freedom of speech and setting boundaries on harmful or hateful speech and reflect on the liberal approach to freedom of speech in the United States.

23: 20 Mia explores the difficulty of characterizing a category of speech that is harmful or derogatory, particularly concerning race, sex, or religious views.

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