Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

💔 How To Heal Feeling Hurt By Your Partner 💔

Roxy Talks Episode 287

In this episode, I'll be discussing how to deal with the pain we sometimes experience in our romantic relationships as the result of unhealed trauma. There are moments when we have to decide if it's worth continuing down this same path or starting over on our own. What we often fail to understand is that we are recreating patterns that developed as the result of other people's baggage. But the truth is, we have the power to set ourselves FREE.

If you would like my help with channeling intuitive messages about your relationship, then I invite you to grab a ticket for my Love & SP Q&A!

Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2022

*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast


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If you can recognize when you're carrying someone else's bags, this is mom and dad's baggage, this isn't mine. There's gonna be forgiveness work that needs to be done for yourself, for your partner, for what you've already manifested. It's not your fault, but where there are wounds, there needs to be love, care, and forgiveness.

What is up? My fellow dreamers and Soul searchers? Welcome to the Roxy Talks manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things manifestation related. I'm Roxy Lee, and for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction.

To help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams, visit roxy for more info. Now, let's get into it.

So today is going to be a little bit of a touchy subject. This one, I'm gonna give it trigger warning right now. This, again, comes directly from you and the community, which again, if you have any questions or things that you'd like to see address in a video, please leave it in the comments and I will be able to give you the content that you're looking for and give you the answers to what is causing confusion for you on your manifestation journey.

So this episode is gonna be more about healing, and we're gonna be talking about the idea. Holding on to traumatic, painful notions because the question that came to me was about when do you just give up and just accept the 3d? It is what it is, nothing's gonna change. My partner is emotionally manipulative.

I am trying to be in my head and do the work. It seems like there's progress and then all of a sudden the manipulation, the pain, the. All that terrible stuff comes back again and it's like, what? It just comes outta nowhere. So what I wanna say to this is that I'm choosing my words carefully because of YouTube algorithm here, but people who manipulate and harm others are gonna do as they are labeled to do.

People who harm are gonna harm. Meaning that if you label your partner or your relationship as harmful, painful Abu, s i v e, I dunno if I'm allowed to say the word or not, but we're just gonna protect ourselves in case we can't. If that's how you label the relationship or the person, it's going to be that way.

I see this a lot with people who are with narcissists. I have a background in behavioral science. I understand that personality disorders don't go away. I understand that part from the clinical side, however, from the manifestation side, labels manifest and if you label someone as a narcissist, they're going to be narcissistic.

There's no way around it. And if you label somebody as Abu s i v e, they're going to. A B U S E, right? They're going to do it. Stupid is a stupid does. I keep hearing fors cup in my head. If you're new to my world, forgive me, because sometimes I'm literally channeling information as I'm speaking and recording.

If you ever watch our mindset Monday live chats, I'm oftentimes channeling through the whole live stream and they tell me funny stuff sometimes. So I get visions, I get words, I get just little notions, and they tell me things that help me explain manifesting better. That's where. Silly analogies come from as they show me a picture and then I get to explain it.

So bottom line here is that if you label the relationship this way, it's gonna have to harm you. And so part of the work is not just healing the underlying wounds and mending what's going on on the surface, it's also rewriting the story of the person, of the relationship you're in, of relationships in general, and maybe even the relationship of.

Past relationships of your past, your parents, people you may have been with. Cuz generally if you are in a cycle of the A word , it's not the first time, right? And so you can trace it back to starting points and that gives you an idea of. Where the programming began, and of course, whose it was, it wasn't yours.

So if you can recognize when you're carrying someone else's bags, this is mom and dad's baggage. It just isn't mine. These bags are from 1970, they're orange and made outta carpet. They don't match the nice Louis bags I wanna be carrying today. I'm gonna set these down, let them handle it. I'm gonna worry about the bags I'm already carrying and stop carrying other people's baggage around.

There's gonna be forgiveness work that needs to be done for your. For your partner for what you've already manifested, it's not your fault, but where there are wounds, there needs to be love, care, and forgiveness. Sometimes it's hard to place forgiveness on someone that harms you, and I understand that, and I don't wanna trivialize your experience, but I wanna give you all the information that I can to help you make your situation as good as you can make it if you use all the tools available to you.

And forgiveness is a massive, a massively powerful tool. That can allow you to break free of these bonds so that you can tell a different story. And then when you're in the midst of experiencing it, you're reacting in a new way. And again, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm not saying what they're doing is right or that they have the right to do what they're doing to you.

But if you think the same way, you always think when they are doing it to you, if you forgive me, but go to the victim mode, which no judges, right? I. Labeling these things so you understand what I'm talking about. If you go victim, you be victimized. The world's a mirror. Hey, friend, did you know about my new monthly subscription synergy?

This is your all access pass to everything Roxy talks. The answer to every manifestation question you might have is in synergy. We're talking every course that I've ever recorded, every program, including. 360 in our upcoming eight week transformation we're doing on September 26th. This also includes every monthly master training, like the one called Move the Fuck On, hosted at the end of September.

You get everything. When you're a part of Synergy, it's the most no brainer way to be a part of my world. You simply get it all, all courses. Programs. All meditations. All affirmations. A content library and a private group of peers just like you who are committed to long term success, because that's what synergy is all about.

It's long term commitment for long term success. This isn't some one and done manifestation. You're just trying to pop off and move on. You understand that manifesting happens every single moment for the rest of your life, and therefore you're never done. The work never stops. And if this resonates with you, then you are who I am looking for to join me in my monthly subscription membership Synergy.

Head to Roxy talks dotcom slash programs, or click the link in the description here on the podcast to join this amazing opportunity. And when you do join, I guarantee I'll see you soon. Because we have so many events and so many exciting things, there's no chance to escape getting a little FaceTime with me.

So if you are ready for something long term, you're not going anywhere and you want it all. Synergy is the answer for you every course, every program, every time.

So in your mind, you can talk about health. I'm so glad they're getting help. I'm so glad I'm free of the situation. I'm so glad I'm safe. I'm happy, healthy whole. I'm moving on and it's the best case scenario for everybody. I'm moving on and they're supportive of it. Or again, no judges. This isn't my relationship.

They're turning a new leaf. They're figuring out what's going on within them. They're in therapy. They're pledged to only do good on this planet. I don't know. I'm making things up. At the end of the day, it's not my job to tell you what you should and should not manifest in your reality. And if you're watching this video and you have an opinion on whether or not people should or shouldn't manifest X, Y, Z, Keep it to yourself, cuz honestly, it's none of your fucking business.

It's not my business what people wanna manifest or why. I have the intention that everything I share is for the highest good for all. I know that the people here in my audience are manifesting things that are only going to benefit themselves in the world, and that's the intention that I'm putting into the work that I'm doing.

So, You can have whatever relationship you want, but you need to understand when and where you're stunting yourself by expecting, affirming, believing, reacting to the shit that reminds you of the old stuff. You gotta change the story. The most important thing that you're gonna need to do is keep. Your eye on the prize, or should I say keep your story going?

In the moments when it's hardest, when you're triggered, when it's actually happening, when it doesn't feel so good, you make change in your world by thinking different thoughts, even when you feel horrible or whatever. I don't even wanna go down the rest of the road and let that become the new platform that you stand upon and the new way that you approach.

Looking at anything that feels painful, traumatizing. Has you trapp. Et cetera, and if you would like me to help guide you through your personal situation, please head to Roxy and check out my amazing courses and programs that you can get started on right away. I'm here for you. We have a wonderful community that will support you, community dot roxy

It's a safe space to share and be open with other people who understand what you're going through, who get manifesting and who want the best for you. You can also find me on social media, on my podcast, iTune, Spotify, all kinds of places. Roxy for all the information. I love you. I appreciate you.

Please take care of yourself. Be good to yourself. We're all raising our vibrations together. You have the power. I believe in you.