Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast

Spiritual Shit! Living As A Conscious Manifestor - Interview with Alea Lovely

Roxy Talks Episode 241

Oh Shit!Something spiritual is going down!! Today I am joined by our first ever guest: Alea Lovely of the Spiritual Shit Podcast. Previously, I was a guest on her show (Episode 98) which you can listen to here. With our own unique approaches to the areas of spirituality and personal development, we discuss various types of dreams, premonitions, intuition, triggers, and of course manifestation in this episode. She was also gracious enough to answer questions from the Mindset Monday audience!🙏🏼

If you would like to learn more about Alea, visit her website.

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Roxy Talks Manifestation Podcast Copyright 2021
*All information in this podcast is intended for General information purposes only. By listening to this you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information contained in this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening to this podcast you agree that You do not hold Roxy Talks LLC or Roxy directly or indirectly liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.

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Synchronicities happen. It's to give us a greater awareness to our power, greater awareness to our abilities, a greater awareness that we're not just this meats app walking around that there's actually this energy than is operating, um, as universal in fact, in that, you know, if we can get in tune with it, we can actually connect more dots in our life.

To me. Easier.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to the Roxy talks, manifestation podcast, your raw, unfiltered, and unapologetic source for all things manifestation. I'm Roxy Lee. And for the last decade I have been researching and developing my signature 360 method, which combines behavioral science, quantum physics, and the law of attraction to help you manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Visit Roxy for more info. Now let's get into it.

What is up my fellow dreamers and soul searchers. Welcome to a very special episode of the Roxy talks manifestation podcast. We have not only a very special guests, but our very first guest ever. So double, extra special. And so. So we've got miss miscellanea from the spiritual ship podcast. Thank you so much for being here.

How are thank you, Roxy. It's so good to be on, uh, those of you guys listening. Roxy was on my show and we go back a little way. So I'm excited to talk all kinds of spiritual stuff with you. Yes, me too. And well, first of all, Yes, I was on her podcast. So if you haven't listened to that episode, please go and first listened to that episode and then binge the rest of her podcasts as much as you can handle.

And second of all, I sometimes I'm like as weird as this is, I'm so vain about the. Not vain. I'm concerned about the aesthetics of the views and stuff. And I want it to like text you and be like, can you wear black? But I just, I, I didn't say anything. And I was just like, I'm going to wear my cat shirt. I just felt like my cat shirt today.

And I love, I just have to give you some shout outs for your amazing look. It's so on-brand and I knew I was coming on the Roxy show and I was like, I better come. Correct. Although I know that my, my diamond headphones, maybe a little more, no, it's not. It's just perfect. In every way. I couldn't have asked for more.

You are, you inspired me as far as your background goes and stuff within the online. So like we are on brand. It looks good. I know. We look really cute together, so you're welcome everybody that's watching. This is more incentive to come to the website. Roxy and view the podcast, not just listen to some eye candy as well and see what we're talking about.

So, so this is a, a nice, it's been about a year, I think since, uh, yeah. Wow. Yeah. Wow. You have a baby now I have a baby now. Crazy. Like my life is like completely changed. Yeah. That's pretty cool. It's still, but just still living the dream, still doing your thing. And I think that's really not that it would stop you, but you know, just showing them yeah.

You pick your life and then you just do it. Yeah. Like it's a huge thing. Um, you know, like you talk loads and loads about manifestation. And, uh, I know that I had this really insane year where I was able to manifest, um, like a 360, so nice for 360, 180, let's use the right degree of change, um, where my life completely shifted and transformed.

Um, By a means of me tending. So and so to have this come into my life, I, I also believe that as a result of that, then I continue to make intentions about how I like my life to look. And so even though it's been a challenge, I would say definitely with the new, a new little one who is such a little magical being, uh, um, I'm so thankful that I have such a cool baby.

That's funny to say, but she's like, she's like super dope. Um, it's just really. I like to hang out with her, you know what I mean? That's cool. But to also not get lost in that and what it looks like to be a mom and also an entrepreneur and a business owner. Right. Because I'm great at handling all of the things in my life without a child.

So, uh, just mad props to you for that extra plate up in the air with your spinning plates and two stepchildren, let's add that, you know, Ooh, the whole. Yeah, it's a whole lot of this, just like a different reality, completely, completely. But. So, okay. All right. I want to talk about spiritual stuff. Pardon me?

Okay. I told you briefly I have a background in radio, so I'm naturally very much like I like to interview off the cuff and go like where the, my instinct tells me. So part of me wants to leave. Part of me wants to go in one direction. The other part of me is like, you have questions, you ask the community what they want to hear.

They gave you questions. Um, so I'm like, tell me about how you manifest in your life change. But I think we kind of talked about that before and you probably speak about that on your podcast. So people know let's, let's just let people go to your podcast and hear your story there and, you know, dive into you because you have a great story and you've done a lot and your podcast is like, Super popular and well, and she's modest.

Um, okay, so let's, let's let me just do the thing cause I told people and so I better follow through. All right. This is our first question from the community rocks and talks community mindset. Monday is our weekly live chat. If you ever want to come and have manifestation questions answered, come to YouTube and I will answer your questions.

'cause there's a lot of people that go to one before I was like, wow, like that takes a lot of multitasking. Look through all those questions and several it's like a lot of fun and I have like three different screens going on. So I'm just like trying to like get it all done. Okay. So somebody asks, uh, I've been doing the work, but spiritual trust has been an issue due to child this, okay.

Sorry. First off, let me back up a little bit. I'm going to throw you right into the lion's den. Yeah. Most probably trigger warning. Sorry, question trauma first. And then we'll ease back up all the way back up to the top. All right. Back to the question. Okay. We've been doing the work that spiritual trust has been an issue due to childhood pain.

I felt God allowed it to happen. So my trust is unsure and I want to bypass this. So my question, um, you know, on the spiritual side, how do you reconcile. Feeling of, you know, maybe being let down by that guidance that we're asking you to turn towards. This is important one, because I think that a disappointment and a lot of the trauma that we experienced in our lives is often a massive catalyst and polarizing us, uh, and to a new reality for ourselves.

Um, so while, you know, like everybody's gone through trauma, right? Like everybody's had something in their life that's happened to them that in some way or another has, um, you know, become like a pillar in their life where they had a choice that they had to make about, am I going to allow this situation?

Um, define me, uh, am I going to let this situation, uh, change who I am or what the trajectory and where I'd like to go? And in fact, sometimes it does change it without us even deciding. So. But after that, we always have a choice about how we're going to perceive that information that comes in. And a lot of times, especially in my own life, when things have not gone the way that I thought that they should have, or things have happened to me that are completely and utterly traumatic.

Um, for instance, my, my birth of my daughter was incredibly traumatic and. Unfortunately predicted what was going to happen. Um, I had had some, some premonitions, whatever you want to call them pre cognitions and whatever of me passing out on the table. And I thought I was going to die if I ever had a child.

So since I was 11 years old, I've been saying, I don't want to have kids cause I don't want to die. And so then to be on the table having to have this emergency C-section and me going, okay, I can hear them saying you're her BP is dropping and this is okay. Get the blood transfusion back ready or whatever I'm going.

Am I going to get to me? My daughter and. Passed out. And, uh, I'm still dealing with some of the trauma of that, um, woke up and I was okay, you know, and I was like, okay, I'm here to see another day. That's great. Um, but it had a massive effect on me. I'm talking about this because it was recent for me. You know, we have these childhood traumas that go, we go through and then, you know, from there we build our life and foundation and stuff.

And here I am being this very spiritual person on this platform, telling everybody about manifestation and what it is that you can acquire and all this stuff. And this really terrible thing happens to me. And I'm in this moment going. What did I manifest this? Like, can I trust I've prayed over and over?

Like, I did my affirmations, I did this, I did that. And this experience still happened and I had to make a decision. Right, right then and there almost. Um, okay. This feels really unfair. There was so much pain involved. There's so much trauma involved, but I know that my wounds always have been my gifts. Oh, Um, like in any platform that I've ever had or anybody from I've talked to, um, when I have had a moment or some, something like that, that's happened to me, that's been, felt really terrible.

Um, I've always been able to find someone else who's been through that thing. And once I've done my own due diligence and my own work about that thing or whatever me. Speaking about it publicly, you know, I put all my patron, my whole story and what happened and women reaching out to me. Oh my God. That happened to me too.

Just to know that I wasn't alone was healing for me. You know, I started looking at my pain as, um, You know, this gift is wound that I may have experienced. And so sometimes when we are asking spirit universe, whatever, for a particular type of outcome, sometimes we signed up for an experience that is actually greater than what we think are our initial purposes.

And so, you know, in that just one example was a way to show people like, wow, like. You know, you've been through that. Like, I don't, I don't need to be scared or I've been through that too, or maybe it's healing for them or whatever, but ultimately I'm even finding my own healing there. Being able to share my story and being able to see wow, like, Hmm.

Yeah. I wouldn't have preferred that to happen. And in fact, I'll never have children again, because I'm super afraid that that will happen again. But like I had saw. Previously, I knew this was kind of coming almost like I was almost preparing myself, but all that to say it, it, you know, we, we, a lot of times get really attached to expectations and we get our feelings really hurt.

We get super butt hurt when things don't turn out the way that we think that they should. Um, but some, I often find later that they turn out. That even though we've gone through really hard stuff that if we can have at least have the perspective and give our pain, meaning our pain, actually, it's a catalyst for our growth, Viktor Frankl man's search for meaning.

He talks about that a lot in his book, he was a Holocaust survivor and he was the psychiatrist studying people while he was in. Uh, in the camps. And so while he was in east camp school, I'm like, this is super unfair and it sucks and, you know, Nazis fuck them like that. He's sitting there studying people and seeing that when people had meaning for their pain, they live.

And they were able to get through that and get over it or whatever they pay, if their pain had a meaning, uh, you know, like it helps someone or it was for this or whatever. They had something to hold onto. They were able to get through that pain and catalyze that for their strength and for their growth.

And so a lot of times it's unfortunate that we can't see in the future and know like when is the end of the tunnel or when's this thing going to happen. But, um, I believe it's my belief that, you know, ultimately we all, we all have kind of these greater purposes that. Um, fall before us. And sometimes we don't have the foresight to know what's ahead of us.

And that in those moments does feel really isolating and tragic because we're like, oh, this shouldn't have happened to me. This is super unfair. Um, but we never know what that pain ends up being a gift for someone else. And, and like you said, for yourself as well. Yeah. You know, just getting through it to prove that you can yeah.

That you can get through anything when you experience something like that, it's almost like it adds a layer of invincibility almost to you, you know, a hundred percent. Like there's nothing I'd go through. Now that I'm after being a mom shit. Like I was like, this wasn't soft stuff, man. I can do whatever.

I'm a bad ass. One thing I was thinking while you were talking about that is like, I think that because you got that premonition and because you had it and you did all that preparation. That's probably part of what saved you also. And it's quite possible, you know, I'll never be able to really know. Um, I know mentally I was, I was preparing a lot intensely and I prettied a ton and I was telling people, Hey, like, can you watch over the circumstance or whatever?

Uh, even when my partner came in and he's like, sit down and write down your fears for me, like, let's get ahead. Anxious splice and okay, I'm afraid this is going to happen. I'm afraid that I'm going to get in there. They're going to start the induction. The Pitocin is going to be like, this is going to hurt terribly.

My epidural is not going to work because my epidural is not going to work. Then it's going to slow down the contractions. I'm not going to be able to progress. And then after days in labor, I'm going to have to then get a C-section then I'm afraid I'm going to. Hemorrhage on the table. And I said with fear, because I thought, okay, I don't want to manifest this because I'm afraid.

And I think it's tricky when we talk about manifestation sometimes because like things that, that we're genuinely afraid of, sometimes people were like, don't think about, don't think about thought, don't think. And it's like, these are very genuine. Like I've had dreams about it since I was a kid. So I know that this wasn't something that I manifested in, in, you know, so to speak.

But, um, I did have that fear after it happened, was this my fault? Um, was it because I was so afraid that this is why it ended up happening this way. Um, and I get messages from spirit guides and whatnot. And so like the person that I was talking to was like, absolutely not like this is something that you knew was going to happen, we've prepared you for it.

So that way it'll be easier to get through it because if I had been surprised by that and had this birth plan and had this, all my plans, you know, best laid plans. Right. Um, ended up, ended up going in a certain way. Um, I may not have been prepared mentally for that. And I think that it may not have saved me in the physical.

The doctors saved me. I mean, you know, the university knows. Um, but, uh, it saved me mentally. Absolutely. Wow. Um, that like, that kind of reminds me, I, I was like, Given my cousin who was like my sister, she passed, I was given her death. Like I knew it. Like, I thought it was mine. I used to say, I never thought I would live to see 30.

I thought I would die before 30. And I was like, I'm going to die before 30. And I'm going to leave my husband to raise our two sons alone. Didn't happen to me. But it did happen to my cousin at 28 years old. Exactly, exactly. So that just like, I wasn't. I'm planning on talking about that. But I, I understand that feeling of having that, that thing, that's just like, I like is as shocking as it was when it happened.

It was also like, almost like deja VU, like, oh, it wasn't me. It was her, you know, like that wasn't my death. I was seeing it was hers. And, um, yeah, that's a, it's a weird.

Yeah, totally. Yeah. A lot of people don't believe in that kind of stuff. And I find it interesting because, um, you know, we're all energy, we're all connected in some kind of way. We're made of Stardust and did the big bang so many years ago, whatever. Um, and because of that, we have. And exchange with people often with, within their energy, we're inspired by it.

Like we're inspired by people. I'm inspired by you. You know, like we have these things that like line up a happen to dress in something else, you know, like stuff like that. Um, we, we have these exchanges and energy so often, and especially within our intuition that if we're not in a place where we are devoting, uh, I would say.

Our attention to the things that we desire to know, or the desire to focus on, they will come and get our attention. And so like he kept having this premonition about that thing. Um, knowing that that was coming, knowing how close you are with your, your cousins. And in some way prepared you mentally, um, for this, this awareness of around something.

Now you may not have gotten all the details, right? But you, you knew something was coming. And then that, to me, sometimes when those little snippets or synchrony synchronicities happen, it's to give us a greater awareness to our power, greater awareness to our abilities, a greater awareness that we're not just meet this meats app walking around that there's actually this energy that is operating, um, as universal in fact, You know, if we can get in tune with it, we can actually connect more dots in our life to make our lives easier.

Totally, totally. And it's interesting, even as you were saying that it's like, we both have kind of talked about having the feeling of like, God did I do this thing? I had this thought, you know, like I have this before, whatever yet, the way you put it just now is just so perfect. Like, no, you you're really in tune and we're like helping you, we're guiding you.

Like it's, it's a good thing that you. We're tapped into that message so that it did allow you to stay on your path when confronted with that so that you could make it through it and get past it. Absolutely. And who knows, what's gonna, you know, come about. Oh, I know it's kind of

boil it for everybody, but some premonitions about what's going to come this fall and, uh, it's a very exciting path for me. Yes. Okay. So people need to keep watching. What's your tell me your website. See your. Back there and your sign, which I need that the, uh, the lovely and you can find it yet.

Instagram, all this stuff is the lovely Leah. Uh, beautiful. I love it. And yeah. So now you're going to see me being inspired by your background and you might add there. Okay. So, um, thank you for such a great question. Thank you for sharing that and opening up with us and being a part of the community here with us.

Our next question is. Uh, I'm just going to dump a couple of things out at you. What about vivid dreams? What's going on there? Are we in another reality? What do you think dreams are? Are we experiencing like, what's that. Dude. Okay.

what's funny is I just interviewed a girl named Athena last and she just wrote a book about the outcome. You have dreams. So check the crowd. If you want more information about dream stuff, she's this like depth psychologist and does all of his work with dreams was really super cool. As I found out about my intuitive abilities through dreaming.

So when I was a kid, I used to have all these like kind of weird dreams or whatever, and I tell my mom about them and then something would happen and then it would come true. Um, and then I started having dreams about, um, you know, visitations, like my grandmother who passed away. The very first thing she told me when I saw her in a dream was it's a girl.

So when I got pregnant, seven, eight years later, I was like, I feel like it's a boy. And I was like, but my grandma said it was a girl. It's a girl. Um, she trusted her. She's always right. But. That I had a visitation from my grandfather and a dream. My dad also has the same abilities that I have. Um, and so there was one night where we both had a dream of him and he came to me and said, I came to you and your dream to, so you can tell your dad, so he'll know that it wasn't a dream.

I came to visit him. Um, and that was when I was about 16, you know, shit like that. Just like all kinds of random craziness. Um, I had dreams about earthquakes before they've happened and, um, events and so on, and it got really creepy for a while that I should have. I was like, no, I don't, I don't want to know, like if my brother, like I had several dreams about my brother and I, and so I'm really nervous that that's gonna happen.

Um, but you know, like dreams coming true in some capacity or another, and then having these meanings come through dreams. So recently, um, I've gotten, I've gotten really, you know, back into it because I've been having these vivid dreams where, um, you know, for instance, I had a dream a few days ago, uh, about an angel that came to me named.

Now I have heard that name like way back when I was like Bible school or something just like briefly and then may have run over it when I read the, so maybe like 10 years ago or so, and never, ever thought about who, whose gnocchis that. I have this dream and I've kind of like in between sleep or whatever.

And I see this very tall man, come to me and extend his hand and say, hello, I'm no keys, the deck. And I thought that's such a random, you know, like, so, you know, okay. So I look into it and, um, Milky is a duck and some of some, uh, Interpretations are sexual actually Archangel Michael. And, um, as someone who came in the Bible, if you look in the interpretation of the Bible or when they, whenever they wrote it all out, and he's the one that just kind of appears and then disappears, um, he's a Christophany, someone who has very Christ-like, um, story or whatever.

And so I'm like bit like so milk, he's it eggs in my team. Like Westbury team is going to help me get some answers or whatever. Um, and then I've had other dreams recently where I've had, uh, awarenesses about what is, what is our reality? What is it that we're living in? And, you know, is this a multi-verse, you know, I've had done astral travel before we're physically left my body, not physically, obviously spiritually left my body and was able to view myself from the top.

Float around, go around here, whatever. Um, the strongest one that I had I had when I was in Bali and the reason I feel it's important to tell the story is because it is, is that sometimes I believe that you're super, super vivid dreams are not dreams. And so, um, in this particular story, I, um, I was like, I want her to Astro travel.

I want to, you know, like really like. Be able to lucid dream and be able to like, control what is that I'm doing? And so I will lay down with that intention and I popped out of my body and I could hear it. It was this really loud, like noise. Um, and so I popped out of my body and I could see that I was floating and I was like, wow, this is.

This is weird, cause I can feel the, the essence of my body, but also then see myself laying there at the same time. So I float outside, float outside and um, I can see that because it's nighttime. I can see that my roommate, her body floating above herself. And I was like, come with me, you know, let's go somewhere.

So me and her go outside of our Villa, we're floating in the air, whatever, flying around Bali and the island. And then we'd go send somewhere else into this place that looks like. Somewhere that has like a lot of ancient ruins basically kind of look like Athens, maybe, but not Athens per se. And we may meet up with these really tall beans that are like bluish kind of light beans and only have faces, but you kind of know that they're people kind of.

And we're talking to them in this really super ancient language. That kind of sounds like Arabic, quite not, but not quite. And so we're talking and they're going through these massive books, these like huge, like giant books as big as half of my body. And they're turning these pages and they're teaching me something.

So, um, I later then I guess I fell asleep or something and I wake up and I'm like, whoa, that was insane. That was so like so real. So I go out and talk to my roommate and I'm like, man, I had this. You know, I'm telling her to drink. Cause I'm like not wanting to freak her out yet. And you were there. And before, before I could finish, she was like, whoa, I had this super vivid dream.

That mean you were in this library. And I was like, fuck you, are you serious? And she's like, I'm so serious. She was like, it was such a vivid dream. And I was like, okay, well then when I tell you that I took you with me and we floated it over this or whatever, she was like, I remember that like, so we're, we're freaking.

And I think it was important that she told me first that she saw us in the library for me to believe it. Cause I was like, this seems too well. That we are sometimes having these experiences while we were existing. Uh, and I would say the astral plane. And so I know that, um, I talked to a doctor, Dr. James Hart, who's on the show.

He'll, uh, the episode later, later, um, he's a neuroscientist and he talks about all the different planes that we exist in. So to talk to someone who was like, very science-based, that was like, oh yeah, we have the Astro plane. We have the causal plane. Something else. And I forgot what I said, but, um, he was talking about all these different planes of existence that we can actually visit, that we can go to, that our energy can go within, uh, within even the brain and how the brain operates.

And so to hear the science smashed up against the super Wooster from someone who study it for. I don't know, 40 years or so it was so validating to hear, um, that we, that our interaction with some of these, these other planes of existence, if you will, um, are very real in fact, and some of us who have discovered how to lucid dream, um, you know, it's as vivid as, I mean, this is as like I'm talking to you right now, you know?

So how do we know that this is not a dream? You know, like when you're presented with like the matrix question, um, you know, we cannot do we take the red pill or whatever, right. Either way, it doesn't, it doesn't really matter because what you perceive as reality is ultimately your reality and your perspective.

So if you are in this practice of being able to open yourself up to some of these spiritual things, I think the first, the gateway drug to a lot of spirituality is through your dreams because I feel like it's the least. Confronting, um, modality to go through in order to connect to our guides, our past loved ones, um, to, to pre-cognitive information, uh, and so on.

So it was, it was my gateway drug. I was like, oh man, I'm having these dreams that are coming true, or I'm talking to these people or whatever. And it wasn't super scary. Like when I see a spirit in perfect.

Yeah, that sounds good. Or it doesn't sound super fun. Uh, I mean, I guess that would be my interpretation. What if, what if some of these having like a super vivid dream about their reality, that's really triggering to them. Like for example, one that I hear all day, you know, seeing their person of interest, cheating on them or something, or they're being with someone else or them leaving them, um, people, you know, they, they get really.

Affected. It seems by these dreams sometimes. Yeah. Well, I think dreams are interesting because they're so multi-dimensional right. Every dream that we have is, is so different from the next dream. Right. And a lot of scientists will say how the dream is the, uh, the subconscious brain fire. Basically what you've learned throughout the day.

And so on to, to a degree, I believe it's absolutely true. You know, we can look at, uh, the way in which our subconscious picks up information throughout the day and how, what we need to replay through our mind in order to get some sense of clarity about something. Um, sometimes we need to bring awareness to something, but I don't think that the brain is just firing off things randomly.

I think that. You know, we only, we have an infinite amount of energy, but a limited amount of attention. And so what our brain does is then throughout the day, our subconscious picks up absolutely everything. While our conscious mind only has the small snippet to be able to pick up. And so. Uh, dreamworld, our subconscious gets to sort through a lot of that stuff and bring to a head what it is that we're afraid about, what it is that we're concerned about, what it is that you know, we're excited about and so on.

And while I don't feel like all dreams necessarily follow that format, I definitely think a lot of them do. And so for those of us who are seeking more answers, You know, if we have a dream, I've had dreams that I've cheated on my partner and that's like, that would never happen. You know, why would I have this like insane dream, this person, you know, whatever.

But, but, but looking into that, okay, why would my subconscious bring attention to this? What are, what are my fears about myself, about my own character, about areas of, of my life, where I feel are, uh, unsatiated or areas where I'm cheating on myself, you know, abandoning myself. A lot of times I feel that cheating dreams, um, you know, Sorry for myself.

Anyway, if I'm I'm the cheater, then there areas where I'm abandoning myself in my life, you know, like where I'm leaving parts of myself in my life, because often the people that are reflected in our universe, subconscious dreams are not. The person it's, it's a reflection of ourself, a facet of ourselves.

Right? So if I'm dreaming of my partner, I'm dreaming of a part of myself that's reflected in him typically. And then you also have dreams where you're actually meeting someone in the causal plane or the astral plane and having this interaction with them. Me and my partner have very actively said, okay, let's meet up with each other while we're dreaming tonight and see if we can.

Meet in the same place. And there've been many times where we're going like, okay, where were you at? Why was it in a place that would kind of like south America with a digit, with a color font, with the colorful houses. And we were able to meet each other while we were there, but that was done with intense.

So, I don't think that necessarily, like you have a dream that someone's cheating or someone's this, or whatever it's possible. It does happen where at least in my life where there have been some kind of pre-cognition things that show up. But often I think the ones that show up with the most amount of anxiety, aren't the premonition dreams like intuition is emotionally.

So if intuition is coming in and you're having a premonition about something, typically it comes in very emotionally neutral. If you were having a stress dream. Um, I always have a stress dreams where like, I'm trying to call somebody my phone doesn't work on a battery side. Right. I'm trying to go to the airport and like my passports monitor, something like that.

Like it's usually, that's, that's kind of the, that would be more of like the, the brain firing off things. Um, but if you have an emotionally neutral dream, um, there's usually a lot of information that's in there that I think that can serve you in your waking life. Yeah, those dreams are funny. It's funny that you mentioned that too.

Cause I recently had a stress dream where this woman wanted to tell my husband that I cheated on him with her. I was like, I think I remember this. I was like, they're trying to take away by happy to see my wellbeing, you know, but look at that. Look at where in areas where you may be abandoning yourself and not putting up the boundaries with other women, maybe.

Well, it would have to be. It wouldn't have, it's not even anywhere near that. It's more about like, uh, probably business stuff and, you know, like, cause I have zero fears that my relationship, the only fear is not relationship. I have about our, about my husband's mortality as a human being. Like, other than that, it's like, there's no relationship fears.

It's just like, Hey, we'll see him when he returns from this every time. Why don't we do that girl? There are so many things that you said that I wanted to be like, oh my God, my dad is also very intuitive and it's through my, I definitely get it from that bloodline. And there's other shit you said, okay.

You had your dream with, uh, what was it? Mackenzie deck. I had a meditation, a lot of the things you were talking about, your dreams I have through meditation, I had a meditation my first time doing a guided meditation to meet your spirit guides. I met someone named Andromeda who was blue and it had white hair and blah, blah Googled it.

It's a real fucking thing. I was like, blew my balls off, like blew my fucking balls off. Okay. Like I was so shocked and it's so like I'm anyways, you and I have had so many, I love that parallel. Yeah. Really? Yeah, we want to talk off, you know, off recording, you know, we should do that more. We said that we were going to do this it's a year later.

All right. I'm going to use that. Okay. All right. Okay. I got to ask one more question. Cause the last question is mine. So I want to be selfish. I want to hear what you, you have some really good advice. So thank you. I want to know how do you handle triggers? In the moment, like from a spiritual perspective or you as a person who is very tapped in and connected, what, what do you do to get through triggers in the moment and kind of like making it through when you're being tested or, you know, going through stuff you don't really wanna do.

That's a great question. Um, one I, okay, so here's a good example. I did a podcast today about someone who left me a bad review. And

so my entrepreneur wants to Namaste.

And I've found myself. Well, the thing, the thing about it is that she gave her a review about episode. I'm super proud about the episode we did about race. I get super triggered when we talk about things about race, because I got a lot of trauma in my lineage about it. Right. And I was in this moment where I was like, well, fuck mad for a second.

And then I was like, okay, every time I have one of these moments, um, I've called them significant signature triggers, and I have a signature trigger like that. No matter how old I get or how Zen I get and will always. Have a response to, it may not be a triggered response, but I'll have, I'll have a response.

And, um, and I said, okay, this is one of mine. I recognize it. I acknowledge it. And in those moments, I give myself grace because I think there's a lot of spiritual people were always like, we're holding ourselves to these really high standards that were like almost inhumane. Um, I'm supposed to be the spiritual person I'm supposed to be.

This is supposed to be positive all the time. I don't want to manifest anything bad or whatever. And so we put ourselves.

Everybody's counting on you, Roxy, and this platform, you have responsibility to other people, you look up to you and in, in that space, you know, it's like, well, damn. I'm also human. And I'm also in this experience and I'm also having very real feelings around this particular thing that's happening. So like, let me give myself grace real quick.

And then I look at my trigger and I say, let me accept you. Okay. This trigger is a trigger for a reason, cause I'm always like, you know, triggers are our teachers. And so like, what is it that I need to learn in this moment? I don't need to learn that I need to acquiesce her interpretation of what she thought about the episode.

That's her own projection, but I reflected. This is not about me. Like what she has to say about this is about how she feels also triggered in this moment. We are both operating in our triggers here, so I'm not going to haul off and like, right. Or, you know, medium or anything like that or whatever. I did do a whole podcast about it, but

that was my inspiration and ended up being my inspiration. And I was like, all right, our triggers are teachers. What can I learn in this moment? What would I learn in this moment? Was. You know, this, this thing that I'm dealing with or that I'm having an emotional response to is because I felt proud of.

And I felt, I felt, I felt in this moment, she told me I needed to heal and I, you should probably listen to your own show. And I was like, I need to heal. And that's the, that's the, that's the point of why we're here? Oh, look at me. My humanity is showing that's not a bad thing. I am going to now make space for other people who are dealing with something traumatic or trying to learn through their space, trying to look like what it, or learn what it looks like to heal and what it looks like to be able to express yourself fully in the spaces you're at.

And so I, I, I said to my, my, my fans today that like followers, whatever you wanna call it, um, I said today, You know, I'm not going to be ashamed of, of areas where I have wounding. And if anything like me being able to express the misgivings that I felt have happened in my life will help others relate.

And my, like my intention is never to divide. My attention has never to be someone who's like trying to let me do this. You can do that or whatever. Um, but if that, if that's who I am at that point in time, and so be it, I've made a record of it and I'm able to look at it and see how much I've grown. So like, I can chill, you know, I can look at that and say, okay, it's okay.

So I know that for myself, like when I'm dealing with my own triggers, I have a lot of triggers around what people think about me now. I'm not, I don't give off the impression that I care because I don't. But the, the, the, the, the part that gets me is that I don't want someone to misconstrue my intentions.

Right. Like, if you don't like me, I'm not, everybody's coming to you. That's fine. But if you tell me that I did something. And it wasn't my intention that I'm accused of all, it gets me in the heart. Same, it is my signature triggering. And I'm like, that is not what I intended, you know? Um, but to answer your question, like to get around that is to find myself in a rooted place where I accept myself.

You know, when I'm only human, like the spiritual experience is all fun and dandy, and it's great to have this awakening and manifestations and all the cool stuff. But at the end of the day, the whole, my whole soul's purpose is to have this experience. And if I'm going through shit and I'm having, you know, like dying on the table and I'm having race issues and I have emotionally unavailable parent and, you know, like all the things then.

To me, my catalyst to grow. And if I can learn from, if it can spin, if I could flip it, you know, like my, my friends call me Midas because they're like she turned anything into Google. Can. Then I can make it work for me. And so my wounds have always been ended up being my gifts. So in that perspective, I always find that I'm like, when, when shit's going down, I'm like, all right, we're much to learn because I'm about to make, to make this magic, you know, it's hard to hold it for perspective while you're going through it.

So except yourself while you're going through it. Yeah. Yup. And that, you know, Tell me a lot about you and a lot about us too. And I think that, like, it tells me why a lot about why we're similar and the need to be understood, definitely connected. And I also think that's the reason why we have a podcast because.

It's turned the mic on, tell me a subject. I'll talk all day. It doesn't matter off the cuff. I don't need to be witnessed and need to be seen. And it's frustrating as, as, as all F because like, I also don't give a fuck what people think, and I don't care if you think I'm anything. Except I do want people to not think that I like vapid or don't know what I'm talking, you know, like there's a little bit of like, there's that much of, like, I don't want people to think I'm stupid or.

I don't know, like I want to have something to add a value. That's more than. Yeah, the, the physical or the, the outside, you know, so some sort of desire to be understood at my core. I don't know. It's a hundred percent, there's so many people that are going through that, right? Like so many people want to be understood and in some, some facet or another, everybody on this earth and wants to be seen.

Wants to be understood, wants to be witnessed in some kind of way. They want to know I exist. Right. And so for those of us who are having these platforms, especially during this time, when people are seeking knowledge, seeking, understanding, looking for my, my, my collection, you know, collective looking for my tribe, if you will, I hate the term.

I'm looking for people that, that align with themselves. They're just looking to be witnessed. And so. Putting myself out there. And you said something, it was really interesting. I was watching one of your lives and you were talking about how, like, people really nasty on YouTube. And I was like, I don't know if I'm ready for you to try to gear myself up for YouTube, but I cannot handle nastiness for the sake of nastiness.

Right. Cause what I won't tolerate is someone trying to misconstrue my intentions and like, oh, I don't want somebody write me one time and say, oh, you're this narcissist that dah, dah, dah, you're not intuitive. And blah, blah, blah. And out of the thousands of messages, I get a day about how much it helped someone that one little message about like, you did this and you just want fame and you just want this or whatever.

And it's like, listen, I don't have to be here. Okay. I don't have to do this. And in fact, I don't need you on my ass in the first place. Sorry. I don't have interest in your show.

I don't want you at my ass. Like, I don't want anybody at my assets. I want to be able to. To, to, to fulfill what it is that I believe I came here to do, which was one speak my truth. But two, if you have an idea about who you think I am best on you and I'm having to get better with that, I'm still working towards that.

But something my dad said when I was really little, um, I used to get upset because some of the girls would be like, Um, you wouldn't be friends with me cause it's like, oh, you think you cute? You think you, this, you think you, that when they say that you tell them, no, you think I'm cute. You would think on this, you would think on that.

And it was, it was such an interesting lesson. 'cause um, when we exist in these types of times, when, when, you know, like people always talk about cancel culture, like it's such a bad thing. And I want to make a distinguish a divide between cancel culture and accountability, because there is one thing to hold people accountable for what it is that they've done.

They, they don't allow something, uh, Radha, Agora wall. I just interviewed her. She said is, is that they don't allow for, um, the repair after a rupture. And so someone ruptures and then they're like, there's no repairing there. They're canceled forever. And don't allow people then to shift and change. There's no incentive to change because it's like, well, then you're just.

And so because of that, we're so afraid sometimes to really step out and be who we fully are. Um, and you know, I'm allowed to mess up. I don't want to say this. I want to say that. And like, yeah, you should be conscious and conscientious about what it is that you have to say on what your messages, but it is my fear and loads of people's fear that, that in my attempt to be vulnerable and open and spin, like, look at this, like, look at our, look at us, right?

Like we spend time. Right. Yeah care about this because we care about people. So to do all this and then have the end of the day, have some random keyboard warrior come at you and be like, you are this, and this is new and blah, blah, blah. For everyone to see it is, it is, it is such a, um, kick makes you feel so exposed.

Yeah. In a way that you shouldn't have to, because it's like, that was never my thing, but now I have to defend it. I have to spend time defending it. So, you know, that's that's, to me like a big trigger, a lot of people have, and a lot of it keeps people from trying doing, you know, and it's like, it's not only that it like the, the emotional work that you now have to do to undo that.

Like, that's what I think people don't understand. Oh, brushed off your online. It's like, yeah, but I still have to. Make myself not care that you went out of your way to tell me I'm a piece of shit, you know, like, like, and I definitely, you know, as a manifestation coach, you know, there's always that like, whoa.

Yeah, I know, I know that like square one, I get it. But like at the end of the day, There's still so much that we're all working on and like, I'm not perfect just because I've figured out how to do it. And I'm doing it every day does not mean I'm 100% perfect constantly. It means that I'm a work in progress.

Just like you said. I started this whole thing to share my journey through it. And I ended up just figuring it out, you know, and in a really good way. And I also happen to be gifted in, you know, speaking and I have a degree, behavioral science I'm actually, you know, able to kind of talk people through things.

So it all ended up working out in its own favor, but like this whole thing started just because I wanted to be like, I'm figuring out manifesting. And this is what I learned this week, you know? Still keeping that, um, you know, work in progress kind of mentality. That's what people don't understand. It's like, you know, we're just people we're, we're like, I mean, like I'm sure celebrities have this problem all the time, but like, oh yeah.

We're I mean celebrities, but now we have, it's fucked up because you have. Just as much as many people or as big of an audience as celebrities, but now there's this like, like celebrities have like an invisible wall. They have this barrier, there's like a separation. There's that gatekeeping, there's this, this, you can't touch us kind of a thing that doesn't exist for, for online people.

And. And the influencers or whatever the fuck you want to call it. Yeah. Cause it's like everyone's a DM away and whether or not they respond, they probably see it. You know, like, you know, it's like in, unless someone has a big team, which, you know, I do have a team that helps me with that stuff. So I don't see as much of it, which is really amazing, but, uh, snakes through sometimes, and it is frustrating and it's like, fuck you, man.

I work all goddamn day to show up here and be the person. That I'm trying to be in telling you that I am encouraging you to be in some Joe schmoes and they come over and say some dumb, dumb shit, because you don't like the art I'm making

it just blows my mind. I just, I don't know anyways, but what's interesting for people who are creating content and those people who are, who are vulnerable enough to do something, to try Afton times, I get to a place. It takes, it takes a second. It's not instant, but it get to a place and say, wow, This, this person is hurting somewhere in this long review.

This, this girl took out, you know, to write about or whatever. And I'm like, I'm can, I can make some conjectures about who she is as a person and what she's going through and what bothers her and what she's trying to bypass. So then I don't feel so angry towards the person at all. I'm like, dang, I'm sorry.

Like you had to go through that or you're going through that or, you know, whatever puts me in a softer space for sure. Cause I'm like, it ain't about. It's never been about me. You know, like if I'm I'm the mirror or whatever that you're trying to look at, and that bothers you so bad, like, okay. I find a better use of your energy, I guess.

But I even said to myself, I was like, am I going to put my energy into this response? Um, you know, I got a, uh, um, I have some stepchildren, so I have my, my, my partner has an ex I have to deal with. And, uh, some of the things that she says about me and how angry she is with me about God knows why, because I didn't steal your man, you know?

Um, but like there, there are so many things. Um, that that happened. And I'm like, how are you a spiritual person about this? You know, like how do I approach this from a better person, point of view. And I don't always, but when I, when I get into those spaces, uh, feeling like, man, she's really going after me.

Like for instance, to tell the kids stuff about me, that's not true or tell them about how much she hates me or whatever. And it's just like, they're eight, like six years old. They shouldn't, they don't need to know that stuff. Um, and also where is this misdirected? Uh, because it's like this, it wasn't, it wasn't my fault.

Your marriage, like, there are other things that are going on here. And so I said, I have to just take this on the nose because it is not about me. It's never been about me and I can't make it into a thing because it's, it's, it's a bad use of my own energy. You know, if I'm trying to up here trying to manifest, I'm here to do intuition and I'm here trying to like influence people or whatever in a good, positive way.

It doesn't mean I don't have feelings. It doesn't mean that I don't have like a very, very much vocalized that to David. I'm in this place where I'm like, okay, this, I can't internalize other people's bullshit because it's not about me. And if I internalize other people's bullshit, then I don't want to also position myself to attract more of that.

Um, put myself in alignment with their frequency. It's like, I don't want anything to do with that radio station. Hate that song. Just kidding me. Can you, so my inner manifestation coaches coming out, can you like rewrite her story? And like, like let's just decide that she's kinda over that bullshit and she really just wants happy, healthy whole family unit and loves that you guys co-parent so well and is happy.

You're such a great influence on the kids and speaks highly and nicely of you period by. I would love that Judy Moore would love that. Let's read right here. Okay. That's her now. That's her now. So anytime she comes up in your mind, Erase erase, erase the current version and plop that one in and anytime she triggers you, she's so understanding and ISIS see such nice things.

And we were just so overjoyed to have as a degree,

but I'm also human. I don't want to beat a bitch sometimes, but you know, why would you have to, because she's so she's so friendly. Exactly. I'm just being candid. I don't, I know, I know. That's fine. Listen, I w I want to go there with you too. I just can't. I'm like, no, we can't tell a story that this woman, we can't have this anymore.

No, no, that's not. I mean, you've got so much, so much other stuff to focus on and you know what people have gone through really tragic things like, um, when you said rewrite someone's story, um, when you, when you think about the things that that particular person has had to go through, I understand. They are in that position or why they feel angry, you know?

And I, and I look at things from a, from a Birdsong point of view, and I can say, I can see why she'd be pissed. I could see definitely why she'd be pissed. Um, and I can see why, you know, someone else coming to the reviews or the YouTubes or whatever, you know, like you can very easily click on their profile and go, I can see.

And not in a, not in a way to look for like vengeance or anything like that. It's like, to me, it's always been about a story of understanding, like, okay, if this is really affecting me internally, and by the reason that the way that this person responded to me, I need to be able to find empathy somewhere in order for me to get past it, because it is one of my signature triggers.

So when I talk about signature triggers with my clients, I'm like, this is something that you'll probably. For most of your life? Um, it's cause I'm always in the camp of like, yes, we can heal things by, to me integration. Um, we never fully fix or get rid of the imprints or scars that we've had on our life because ultimately they end up being the things that help us help other people.

So if we were to able to erase it completely. We wouldn't be able to utilize that and relate to other people who've gone through it. So to me, in my opinion, it's, it's something that sticks with us for life. Um, but not in a bad way. It's a, it's always a perspective shift as it's happening. So. To be able to utilize that and try to reframe, you know, what that looks like.

Like you said, can you, can you write a better story? Um, and then that re reformation period, um, being able to see like, just trajectory wise, how differently you could be looking at things, how much it can change. Um, even if it's something that still affects you and something that socials shows up, it's like, how differently I respond to that now?

You know what it takes. Two minutes to get over it instead of two days, you know, and maybe something that's still affects me in this regard, but can I, can I also like dang, you know, good job you've grown and that is the process of humanity. That's a process of our spirituality. We are always in the ever-growing process and ever-changing, and if we can just give ourselves some grace through that process to be human.

Um, that's what, a lot of times people don't, you know, people look at people who are in charge of platforms or whatever. It's like, you forget that there's a human back there. That's also still working on things. And so I bring it to my audience very often. I'm also learning. I'm also going through this as you're going through this going side by side.

I'm not above you. I'm not the guru. I'm not your helper. I'm just telling you what I'm learning. Um, to remind people to not put me in that pedestal for themselves. So when I let them down, because. Um, we will, we will always let someone down, um, because of whatever projections they put on us and whatever pedestals they put us in.

But to remind them like, Hey, I'm just like you, like, I'm just like you. And in that regard, that to me is the whole reason we're here. The whole collective response. We are one and all that stuff, not to bypass all the crazy crap that's going on. Cause it's real. But to be in a space of saying, I understand you as another human being and I can relate to you, I'm actually was falling into our similarities instead of.

Beautiful. Beautiful. Just little, little nuggets, just like little, tiny little bell on that. So you really have given me some nice perspective on things I like to, you know, I've I was an atheist for so long, so just me even being. In this area, like, I really got to fucking believe it. Like, you know, like, I don't want people to think that I'm just up here just saying some shit.

Cause I'm trying to like copy what other people are saying. Like, I know I am, I'm drinking the fucking Kool-Aid I'm bored. I used to believe in nothing. So yeah, but I like talking to people who, uh, practice the spiritual side more often. Cause it's something that I. I'm still learning the spiritual side, just cause it's not, it's just new for me.

It's not something I'm used to doing. So I appreciate your perspective and your time and your openness and sharing all your information with us. Can you tell us a little bit about, uh, you know, where people can reach you and what they might find? Yeah. So if you guys go to the lovely, you can find online.

And basically, um, but if you go to Instagram, as we're hanging out with the most, at the lovely Leah and then on patron, lovely, um, and also you can go to my podcast, which is spiritual shit, and it's a great podcast. And obviously you have a beautiful list that it's here. So I know totally about to take a picture.

I can put it on, on the gram or screenshot this, we should totally like, yes. Okay. And while we're on the. Yeah, well, we're on the air. Smile. Yeah. My fingers cocked and ready. All right, wait. No,

it just switched the view. It didn't take a screenshot. Okay. Ready? 1, 2, 3.

Um, so. Anything you want to let us know coming up for you, anything to look out for on the horizon? Well, I have workshops every month, um, on page two on page five, that comes to the Lilia, um, where we talk about spirituality last month, we did how to read your own cards and read cards for other people. Uh, the month before that we did spirit guides, um, the patriarch members have a lot of autonomy and being able to suggest.

New workshops that we should do. Um, so I'm doing like, you know, a little teaching episodes once a month. Um, so that's what I have coming up right now. I'm in the process of working on some top secret stuff that you should look out for, but like definitely check me out next year. Cause there's some big shit going down.

I can't talk about yet. That's amazing. And I know for a fact that, uh, we have people in our community that are going to really want that workshop. You were just talking about at least, you know, even the taro and things like that or reading cards or whatever. So, uh, go to her website, check it out and. Send this episode to your friends.

And, uh, thank you so much. I appreciate you Aliyah. We can do this again sometime and absolutely also do it off the air. Absolutely and really do it and not a year later, 2021. Awesome. Well, I appreciate you so much and thank you everybody for listening. If you would like one-on-one coaching from me personally, or you want to check out my workshops and courses, you can go to rocks and and we've got a great community here.

A YouTube. Facebook Roxy talks dot come all over the place. Meet some friends, connect, reach out and know, just work on being your best self. We're all raising our vibration together. You have the power I believe in you.