Unspoken Truth Podcast Network

Podcast Segment Amathongo Episode 2 - Are some of our traditions miseducation ?

Nita Terry Tee

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In this episode we will be tackling the topic of Are some of our traditions miseducation

I had to ask a few people to send me their views on this topic so we get to understand it in different concepts. 

I came to the realization that some traditions are miseducation, that can hinder the livelihood of our growth as people as abantu boNtu and understanding and opening ourselves to the ever evolving world. 

Let me not take too much of your time and welcome Menzi ka Gudu Maseko & Kgosigadi 

To tell us their views on this topic.

The transcript by our guest Xikombiso Khosa will be available for ease of reference as it was narrated by Indoni Yamanzi 

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30:00mins Trascripit by last guest on episode Guest Xikombiso Khosa, narrated by Indoni Yamanzi 



The way of life of the Ba-NTU is the oldest and most authentic concept that gave birth to a more civilized way of living to many civilizations. our ancestors lived with the knowledge of the science of all that exists in our physical reality. Nations would come to learn the wisdom of many things from our ancestors, this included amongst others, the knowledge of astrology, mathematics, physics, quantum physics, the laws of attraction, cause and effect, etc. They coiled it all up in a concept called uBu-NTU which in summary means “I am because You are”. 


Our ancestors understood that we reflect and project as a mirror image, everything that exists, exactly how we perceive reality within ourselves. Our eyes being the portal through which images from the light within ourselves is projected into reality. They inner-stood and over-stood that the physical reality is created in our own image. This means that the physical reality is not less spiritual than the non-physical reality, they both are a balance of NTU. Through this knowledge, they inner-stood the importance of being in harmony with Self, because the cause and effect of being in harmony with Self birthed the manifestation of a physical reality that reflects the paradise within Self. They also knew that if you are in misalignment with Self, the manifestation of the physical reality thereof, will reflect the misalignment within ourselves. 


Through the harmony between self and all that exists within the physical reality, our ancestors flourished, their way of life manifested paradise. You see, uBu-NTU was not only a concept that governed our spiritual lifes but was also a system of governance through which we drew the knowledge of Architecture and agriculture. They consciously knew that every move we make, every thought we think and every word we say is a ritual that is also a manifestation of our reality as we see it. Our ancestors never worshipped or prayed to any deity because they knew that they are one with NTU. aBa-NTU are the only people called by the name of the source known as NTU “II Chronicles 7:14”.


All they had to do was to insert a Trojan-Horse into our ways of life through slavery. Our ancestors found themselves in the most brutal era that changed and shaped the cause of history that seeks to dismantle the identity beyond recognition, of the once Great House of the Ba-NTU. During the physical slavery of our ancestors, religion was introduced as a program and a virus that will not only take away the identity but the entire spirituality of the Ba-NTU which was the source of strength. The virus of religion which was brutally forced into our ancestors was the nail on the cross that saw the great house Ba-NTU fall beyond recognition. Religion ensured that even when the chains are removed from our hands and feet, we remain mentally chained. This is how you domesticate an animal. The Ba-NTU remain domesticated up until today.


A lot, if not all of our practices, rituals or rites of passage have been infiltrated by the Trojan-Horse of religion. The principles and procedures of uBu-NTU have been bastardized, some beyond recognition. Just like religion that indoctrinated us to believe in a deity outside of ourselves to be superior and the one and only creator of the universe who works with angels in their different ranks; our inner-standing of who and what the concept of ancestors meant have been bastardized by Christianity. We have adopted the concepts of Christianity in that, when we speak to our ancestors we believe that we have to invoke or summon them from a spiritual realm somewhere either than within the magnetic field within ourselves. We adopted the concepts of spirituality and made them part of our authentic cultural practices. 


We are looking for answers outside of our grid and have forgotten the ancient knowledge that everything happens through us and not to us. therefore, all we need to navigate and manipulate the energies around us is within our own human anatomy. 


For us to reach a level of consciousness and the knowledge of all there is, we have to go back to the etymology of the words of our indigenous Ba-NTU dialects. The English language is limited hence it limits also our inner-standing of our own concepts and this is because we try to accommodate English by interpreting Ba-NTU concepts in a Eurocentric manor and loose the meaning in the interpretation. Example: the etymology of the word “Spirit” comes from the Latin word “Spiritus” which means “to breath”; now ask yourself what does the word “to breath” mean in your Ba-NTU dialect because to breath is a function performed by the body. In my dialects it means “ku hefemula/ukuphefumula/ho’hema”; so the word spirit in its essence cannot be what we use it for. English is a limited language so we cannot say our ancestors are in a spiritual realm because we do not have that concept of spirituality in our dialects. We cannot also say our ancestors connect us to God because also the concept of God and angels is not our concept. These concepts are based on believe and fear while our concepts are based on the knowledge and love of our ancestors.


In conclusion, let us re-learn and protect our BaNTU dialects because these are organic dialects that NTU recognizes. Remember, everyone can be a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, Hindu, Buddhist or any other religion but to be mu-NTU/mu-NHU/mo-THO is a birth right only for the royals. We, the Ba-NTU are the only people that bear the name of the Source known to us as NTU.     


Blackroots Science (Xikombiso Khosa)


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