“Bee There. Do That.”

White is Right, when it comes to Kenyan Coffee & Barista Pros

Yolanda Busbee Methvin Season 2 Episode 4

Like you, I’ve grown tired and out of patience while waiting for this Covid 19 drama to die down. And yet here on the Continent, we’re told, most countries haven’t even yet seen the peak rise in cases. Well I don’t know about you, but I’m tired! In need of coffee to make the most basic of decisions on a daily basis. Yeah, usually only one.Continental coffee. East African coffee. Kenyan to be precise. 

"Now, when you start talking about the history of coffee in this country, before pre independence, Africans were not allowed to grow any cash crops, coffee was a cash crop. So prior to, I would say 1961 or 55. I say 1955 after the emergency, which was during the Malmo fight for independence in Kenya- the natives never grew coffee." - Peter Kinyua

"...And so 95% of our coffee is exported. And we are trying to market it in Europe, in America, in Australia, even now.  But how embarrassing is it that we don't have the proper knowledge from tree to cup to sell it properly? So first, people are just buying it because of the quality. Not because we really have this good information about coffee? Yeah." - Esther Otieno

This episode feature my chatting with Peter Kinyua, CEO of Servicoff Ltd., and Esther Otieno, Founder @BaristaPro filled me with desire. Truly buzzing, after about five cups of coffee recording this episode, I'm a new recruit; a learned devotee!  Come catch a buzz with me. You'll leave with the munchies. Promise!

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Thanks for listening.

Yolanda Busbee Methvin
Host & Chief Pollinator


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