Coffee Sketch Podcast

139 - The Vegas Experience: Music, Architecture, and Conversations

Kurt Neiswender/Jamie Crawley Season 5 Episode 139

In this episode, Kurt surprises Jamie with the revelation that he secretly went off to Las Vegas to attend a concert by U2 held at the newly opened Sphere venue. They discuss the architectural marvel that is the Sphere, its automated design process, acoustics, and the awe-inspiring multimedia experience U2's performance provided. They also discuss architectural elements of the Bellagio resort, where Kurt stayed. Related to this, they touch on how psychology influences casino design. They close the episode with a reflection on their year so far and their excitement going forward.

 Secret trip to Las Vegas
 The architectural marvel of the Sphere
 Kurt's Bellagio resort experience
 Psychology in Casino design
 Reflections and looking forward

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Kurt Neiswender:

Hey Jamie, how's it going?


Hey Kurt, how are you?

Kurt Neiswender:

This is the show. This is the show. Welcome to the show. Welcome. Welcome people. All, all the listeners.


All the listeners who are going, wow, these guys are on a roll again. Like suddenly they're, they're back on track.

Kurt Neiswender:

It's like it's like your favorite baseball player who's on a hot streak, you know, yeah, we're very streaky.


Oh, are we going to do it like a, like a two minute, like subreddit on our, like our fictional extra show? Yeah, since we podcast, we were just talking about like that whole multiverse thing for a moment.

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, I can, I can at least say, you know, for those that do watch. Sports were in the end of the college football season, and I would, I will say that Florida State got robbed of a playoff slot with an undefeated season, and they got the old bump because an SEC team had to get into the playoffs with two losses, one loss, one loss, one loss, Alabama anyway, no


big fan of Alabama here but you know, I will also say that it wouldn't have hurt me. To not see Alabama or Texas in, in the playoff, I mean, cause, you know,

Kurt Neiswender:

well, you know why I don't, I mean, why I'm not a fan of Texas now, in addition other you know, the, the, yeah, friends of the A and M crowd is that they're coached by Steve Sarkeesian. Who got himself fired from USC. So how come this guy can't do what he's doing at Texas at USC? It's so annoying. I just, I don't even want to get into it. It was a


lot of sun

Kurt Neiswender:

got himself into the playoffs and then well, he's been in the playoffs because he was Saban's offensive coordinator


for a little bit. I just yeah, I don't even like that guy anyway. Yeah,

Kurt Neiswender:

but. Since I'm a resident of Michigan, I will root for Go Blue because they made it all the way to number one. And I mean, there's a whole kind of, all kinds of sort of scandal around them too.


Oh yeah. No, I mean, I am totally picking, I'm totally rooting. They, they, they are going to be our, that's the podcast home team folks now is for the year is the Wolverines. So

Kurt Neiswender:

University of Michigan, Go Blue. So yeah, we'll see. We got to wait about a month. They make you wait. So anyway, yeah. So it's our, our little fun aside, since we're new. Not necessarily known for being the most accurate or unbiased sports.


I think it's the unbiased. I mean, there was that one time we bet on the Super Bowl. We're not talking about that.

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, we might have to do that again because who knows another Michigan team might make it into the playoffs, the Lions.


It's going to be the Niners, buddy. You know, my Niners are going to be, like, all over it. So. Well,

Kurt Neiswender:

they are having a good year.


Yes. Yes. Yes, they are. You know, but yes, folks, you have not, like, tuned into the wrong podcast. There are moments where we do dip into our. Our sort of alternate universe sports podcast you know, something that we joked about the baseball for a long time. You know, we do talk about the soccer the football and then, you know, Kurt is now, you know, relayed in his, you know, admiration for the college football playoff system. And, you know, I wasn't sure you were going to go there because of how, how well USC did this year. Right.

Kurt Neiswender:

But thank you. I


think, you know, as we were saying, we're influencing the folks, you know, who help with the technology side of the podcast in their playlists, especially the green room. And they're listening to the show. It's great. Good. I'm glad. I think we're also having a little bit of an influence on, on some other podcasts. Yeah. I just, I listened to because I was traveling, I did listen to, I'm not surprised. I caught up on it. I caught up on a couple of podcasts multiple episodes and our good friends over at Arkiespeak. Had a very interesting discussion about, uh, Cormac's affinity for F1.

Kurt Neiswender:

So they're, so they're weaving in the motorsports.


Yeah. Well, and they even, they even said, this is the part of the podcast where we go into sports. And I just was like, no, I think I've heard that before. So,

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, well, we're, we're making them, making them. That's my friendly jab.


That's my friendly jab.

Kurt Neiswender:

So, yeah, I think I think our friend Cormac, Cormac will be joining my final reviews next week. Well, hoping to. He's still, he's got, he's got quite a busy schedule right now, but, so is this


Détente? Détente?

Kurt Neiswender:

The the make piece? Yeah. Yeah. I it's it's costing me a free lunch. It's, well, you know, it's about as peaceful as, as one, one can be and sorry, trying to try and make sure I stick to the time. Cause you know, I'm, I'm in, I'm in charge of dinner tonight. And so, but the, yeah, so that's looking forward to the, actually one other little anecdote. About final reviews is I got I invited my an old classmate of mine who now is a professor at Mississippi State in Starksville, Alabama, or sorry, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama. Wow. I'm going to edit that part out. Wow. That was really, That was an extreme brain fart of all. Starksville, Alabama. How do you like that one?


Kurt, really good on the math skills. Also pretty, pretty stellar on that geography.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. Geography. Number one. So Dwayne, Dwayne, my old, he's USC. Let's move, move past that. And he's now professor at Mississippi state in the architecture department. He's, he's real big into like. I'm going to probably, you know, it's like computational stuff. Actually, some of the stuff we'll probably be talking about in a minute with your sketches and your site visit, we'll call it that. Computational robotics things like that down, down in Mississippi at state. So he's going to be flying in for the reviews on Monday and Tuesday. So yeah, they're going to, they're going to wrangle him for, for a two day, two day trip. Up here. So excited for that. And maybe I'll, I'll chalk up my geog, geographic blunder to, to a little sleep deprivation.


Or just the surprise that your university is going to pay for them to come in. That's

Kurt Neiswender:

like somebody, they threw money at the table and you know, I, I don't like unspent, I like spending money that's available. So I, I was like, you know, beep, bop, boop, you know, call up a friend, say, Hey. You know, you want to want to come up here. So yeah, there's a, there's a budget for that sort of thing. Awesome. And hopefully in the future we budget for another that



Kurt Neiswender:

So, you know, we got to play it cool. Cause you know, they don't, they said, don't just invite your friends.


Well, we're sort of like work colleagues.

Kurt Neiswender:

That's true. That's how we met. Yeah. Yeah, let's


let's keep this professional

Kurt Neiswender:

Livestream the final reviews. So so moving moving moving ahead Sir, what are you drinking these days?


I am having that that crazy dark roast that I've been you know, it's a Mike, apparently it's really good because it's like, I'm not sure about that dark rose, dad. But no yeah, it's I, I am, I've gone through the bag. This is like, I think the last the last day of it. So but I think I will be purchasing it again.

Kurt Neiswender:

Awesome. The I, I actually. I've moved into, I had to go and restock on some, some rootless, the damn fine cup of coffee, the OG blend or


holiday sales right now. So no, I, I have, I have. I've been, you know, seeing things and like enticing me to, and I realized, you know, you and I need to chat about maybe getting a few more of the, the, the coffee sketch podcast

Kurt Neiswender:

roast. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We should probably you know, you know, we, we might be interviewing a couple of non, let's say affiliated. Non architecture folks, it might not all wrap around sketching as much in the near future, but, you know, we should maybe see if Sean would join from rootless and, and, you know, have a little fun, but, uh, you know, I paid full price for, for my recent acquisition. You know, went, went to the coffee shop, paid full price.



Kurt Neiswender:

an extra tip jar, right? No discount is that's right. That's right. I think if, if I, it's, it seems funny if I, it would seem funny to me if I ordered it online, given that they're in town. Yeah.


I don't think you do. Yeah. That would be kind of.

Kurt Neiswender:

That's what I did on a Saturday, small business Saturdays. So, so thanks. Yeah, that's the that's the coffee cup and the sports update for the week. And we're on a roll. We didn't, I don't know. We were talking about that in the. Yeah.



Kurt Neiswender:

138. 139. This is 138. Oh, no, did I get the math wrong again? I thought I thought we did 2.


Oh, we did.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, we got 2 out. So, well, well, not out yet. Yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's going to land, I think, tomorrow or Friday and then. For now, this is 139. Yeah,


let's, let's, let's pause the podcast for a moment while Kurt figures out. Oh yeah, I'm gonna type that at the top.

Kurt Neiswender:

Does your thing still say 138? It does. But mine says 139. Okay,


as long as yours says 139.

Kurt Neiswender:

That's so weird. I'm like, I'm


just constantly, I am just one episode

Kurt Neiswender:

behind. You need to hop in a time machine and go around the earth.


Yeah, or just like a multiverse portal.

Kurt Neiswender:

The multiverse, which is one of our favorite brain, brain teasers. So let's, you know, let's, let's reveal the sketch because. You know, the clock is ticking and I just can't, can't, can't really


hear about this anymore. Kurt is really worried about cooking dinner, folks.

Kurt Neiswender:

So, you know, when you, when you get put in charge of a, of a, of a meal, you know, you don't want to let the people down.


Recipes. Recipes. Yes.

Kurt Neiswender:

Gotcha. I'm working. I'm working. I'm in the, it's in the, it's in the. So so anyway, that we, we won't start a cooking


podcast. It's all right.

Kurt Neiswender:

It's going to be fun. It's not going to be a cooking podcast just


yet. Not yet. That's, but the holiday episode is coming up. So or

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, we're going to go there. Holiday recipes put together. It's all about cookies this time of year. It's like how much sugar in how many different ways can I ingest? And, and get away with it is at least that's my, that's my mantra. So, so, so this is what happened. So Jamie snuck off to Las Vegas, didn't tell, didn't tell co host Kurt about it. Kurt had to find out via Instagram. Of this, so the image on the left which is from the sphere in Las Vegas, which is now host to a residency by you to for at least, is it a year or


more? No, they're or is this there? It's going to be short. I think it'll, it'll go into this. It goes into the spring. They just announced a few more dates. But yeah, it's, it's, it's going to be coming to a close here relatively soon,

Kurt Neiswender:

which is, I'm sure it might expand reboot, but I forget where I first, um, I think our, our, our, my fan favorite 99 percent invisible might've talked about the sphere or one of our. It might've been Evan Troxell. I can't remember some, some of our, our fellow podcasters that talk about architecture might've, might've come across the radar, but so the sphere is this, oh, I can't, I mean, I, I should just let Jay, Jamie was there, so I shouldn't be talking about it. So, so, so we got three things. We've got a couple of sketches. Analog. And then on the left is a, uh, one of Jamie's photos from the U2 concert in the sphere. So, I guess I'll leave it to you, like, are you going to play the


video? Are you going to

Kurt Neiswender:

play the video? Oh, yeah. Here. So let's yeah, so let me get that going. So there it is. Oh. Jamie's got the audio. We're multitasking.


And so,

Kurt Neiswender:

so what is that



It's pretty amazing.

Kurt Neiswender:

How many seats in this place? Like a 20, 000 or is it more


or less? 18, 600. And it's you know, architects was the architect was populous. But yeah, I mean, it is I think the thing that I was sort of, you know, keenly aware of going in that was just sort of the, gosh, I hope this really is as great as it looks and is, is the part about the sound it's like, gosh, I really hope it's going to sound as great as I, I imagine the visuals to be, um, and the acoustics were actually really, really great. aNd the. The thing that I've, I've, I thought about and sort of shared with like a couple of people recently just this week as after I've gotten back who've who've asked was they're like, well, where were your seats? You know, you look like you're pretty high up. And I was like, you know, it's, I think the, the folks I've, I've seen a couple of videos of, of people who've been on the floor, you know, posting. And, and I think that that's the whole thing is that. If you, if you are on the floor, it's, it's about proximity to the, to the artist and it's the sound because you're really not going to get the visuals that you're seeing here. You're not going to get that experience. And, and that's great. I mean, you know, the band is fantastic. I can't really imagine another artist you know, of their type that, that could, or that should have been the first one to open the sphere. You know, I, I made the joke, like, I think when I posted this or, or maybe it was just in my head was this is like zoo TV, like 21st century,

Kurt Neiswender:

Right? And they're known for really sort of cutting edge stage stage backgrounds or stage sets and. Mixed media and stuff like that. So,


oh yeah. And that's, and that was the whole thing was, you know, I mean, and I, I did, I mean, I, I joke about it, but I did go to the zoo TV tour, so I, I saw them in Dallas and and it was, you know, like you said, it's, it's a multimedia experience, I mean, their music is fantastic, they've got a great catalog, but as artists, you know, their, their, their live performance is also about the spectacle. And interweaving kind of mixed media or multimedia with the songs, you know, kind of curating that whole, you know visual and vibe and, and, and they're not certainly not the only artists who, who does that. But this space, this sphere, and it is literally a sphere is, is pretty remarkable.

Kurt Neiswender:

So that screen is 360, like it goes around the back of you and all that.


I mean, it's, it's bleacher seating. So the, you're basically getting 270 degree curvature, and then probably, um, probably similar, well, a little bit more kind of over the top, cause it goes over the top. And then it does peek out behind the upper seating. Wow. So the, the deck, I was on the third, third level. There's a whole nother level above us of seats. And, and, and it was fantastic. It wasn't the pitch. You know, in sort of the view cone you know, was, was fantastic. The sound was great. yoU know, really kind of getting in and out of it. You know, that whole experience to come sometimes going to shows, you know, with that many people, especially at a new venue can really, you know. Stress out

Kurt Neiswender:

like it's it's yeah, the, the movement and sequence of space and stuff like that. Yeah, it can be


their, their lobby space. Yeah. The lobby space, all the, the, the different you know, anterior rooms and stuff is it was great. I mean, I was, I was significantly

Kurt Neiswender:

impressed. Well, it costs like what, 2 billion.


So if you've got the money,

Kurt Neiswender:

it's, it's fascinating to me. And then the outside too, is a big screen as well. Right. They can also display imagery, high definition digital led screen on the outside too. So,


I mean, that's visible for like forever.

Kurt Neiswender:

I think it's visible from space.


I mean, cause you're, I mean,

Kurt Neiswender:

you're, I think it is. I'm not joking. I think, I think it is.


Well, I mean, they might've like I did hear on our, our friends podcast that during the F1 race, they had like helicopters in the air and they, they were doing the countdown. For the race on the top of the sphere for the helicopter cameras and, you know, yeah, the numbers. Yeah. So the vantage point was like from above and when you think about it, you're looking at a race course. You know, from above, from the helicopter shot or the blimp shot. Right. You know, and seeing the countdown, you know, digital, that would have been really cool. I have not seen the video, but it's, it is that kind of a you know, it's, it's another wonder of the world, you know

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, that's cool. I actually one of, I forget the podcast that I heard it on. But,



Kurt Neiswender:

the with the, the cost of this thing and the YouTube thing and all this, you know, they're just trying to find different ways to like, engage it with any and every sort of event. Right? So using it as the countdown clock and stuff like that. So,


yeah, I think they found what they were looking for here. So

Kurt Neiswender:

my brother in law, Joe is watching. He's he's ice climber


as you're typing that in, like folks, he realized that Kurt just like type and focus and then like tunes out. You

Kurt Neiswender:

lost me. Yeah. Yeah. I lost him. Well, you know, I mean, I can barely do math. Geography is a problem. So multitasking.


You're one hell of an architect.

Kurt Neiswender:

That's, that's, thank you, thank you. That's a, that's a, it's proof, proof, folks, that, you know, you don't have to be 100 percent in all these things in order to become an architect, so.


So speaking of the architecture beyond the sphere itself You know, Vegas is a weird spot.

Kurt Neiswender:

I mean, yeah, it wasn't your first rodeo. Yeah. But, but the yeah, Vegas is weird. It's, it's strange. The people watching is a thousand percent, you know, even if you just people watched and didn't spend any money on anything. It's like entertainment, free entertainment. Right. Right.


Well, and, and so the, the sketches that we've got up on the screen queued up for today are, you know, so, you know, the, the purpose of the trip, obviously go see you two at the sphere, you know, that's, you know, but you got to get there, you got to stay there and then you got to do something during the day and then you got to get out of there. So during the day it was, you know, it's walkabout time. And and of course with me, that means, you know, finding, you know, kind of interesting people watching places, you know, looking at the architecture of the spaces, you know, finding those interesting. I mean, the other benefit of Vegas, which is kind of a weird aspect is there's a fair amount of art in unexpected places, like really kind of quality fine art. Or, or just really unique kind of progressive art. And so, you know, I, I always sort of find myself, you know, giving myself a little bit of latitude and time to kind of wander around and go find some of that stuff.

Kurt Neiswender:

So, well, so real quick, one, well, one thing about the sphere that I forgot to mention was there's a YouTube channel I like to watch. it's called pro architect and it's a an architect out of, I think he's based in Germany. But he, he actually, he, he's a big computational design. Like, I, I find his channel interesting because he talks about like leveraging software to automate certain functions and, you know, that we would say manually draw or things like that. But he did the computational design for the sphere. As a consultant to populous to quantify the size and shape of all the panels, the screens, the connections and fabricate all those custom components. And so he does talk. He did talk about it on his. YouTube channel not too long ago, I think right around when this thing was opening up and, and how he was, you know, so he kind of, he's carved out a niche in this, this space of design service to where he's worked on some pretty high profile buildings, which he doesn't always get to talk about. Because they're, you know, shrouded in NDAs, non disclosures and legal documents and things like that. So, but he finally got to mention, I mean, obviously the thing is finished now, but so he can talk about, uh, these different things, but. You


know, helps push the needle on, on technology. And like, like you say, it's, it's how do you, how do you integrate something as an idea? You know, into something like this, which, you know, as you were describing, it's a, it's a, you know, over a billion dollars to build it. You know, however one feels about the expensive money for that you know, we, we probably would have some opinions about that too. But I think that the, from a design point of view, it's like, okay, I've got this idea. How do you execute that? Right now? And then and what kinds of consultants do you need to bring in to help realize that creative impulse? And so, yeah, that's, you know, people like who you're talking about, you know, are critical to that. And, and it's a, it's applying sort of some of those architecture and design skills, but just in a very different, you know, different way. Mm

Kurt Neiswender:

hmm. Yeah. The problem solving. Yeah. And I mean, you know, when something has never been done before, I mean, that's the, that, as you put it, you know, sort of the eighth wonder of the world, or maybe we're up to the


ninth. Yeah, I'm not sure. Like, I guess if you count the Astrodome, but that's Houston and you know how I feel about Houston. Yeah.

Kurt Neiswender:

Right. Well, it's gone now. So now we have to replace it with the the new dome. But so, so the, where are these two particular sketches moving back into the analog? So this is,


yeah, this is in the Bellagio and, you know, so you're getting that sort of, you know, Roman, you know, architecture this is like Jamie goes to find coffee and wanders and, and seeing sort of displays and art and space and but it's you know, what's unique about these two is, you know, done in situ, you know, so done in person. And on site, someone asked me, like, why the pencil? Did you forget your pen? No, I didn't forget the pen. If, if people have looked at sort of some recent posts, I've been experimenting a little bit with watercolor lately. So if I'm going to do a watercolor or, or I think I might do a watercolor. I will do sort of a quick underlay in pencil. Also, when you're in expensive places, you know, where they're selling expensive stuff, none of which I bought, they don't really like you to have pens. People, you know, just generally speak kind of like in the museum, like they're okay with the pencil, but they're not crazy about the pen. Not, not that I was going to do anything, but I didn't want anyone freaking out. So yeah, this is multiple reasons for these kind of quick pencil sketches to kind of, you know, block space. I mean, what's, what's neat is, you know, these spaces just like Italian architecture that we studied in school. They do play with perspective. There's, you know, you're, you're moving lots of people through lots of spaces and you're, you're playing with scale. In these cases, you're playing with scale and, and style to replicate places that exist somewhere else. So there is a bit of a, kind of a movie kind of quality to it. But it makes for a wonderful, you know, experiment in sketching.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. Yeah. The, that whole scale thing and, and yeah, like the Bellagio as, as an example is, you know, the, the ornate detail and, you know, sort of copy, you know, copies of Roman, Roman columns, beams, and, the ornamental aspects to, you know, all the, the non structural components and things like that, but set it off. And actually, it was I don't know if you ever learned this part about, say, like, casinos in Las Vegas or casino design in general. But probably cause we, you know, we know a few architects that do casino work. And is that like the, you know, the, the, they spend a lot of time like the casino floor specifically, but, you know, kind of all throughout, like the carpet, carpet is very busy, like it's over the top, like, or detailed ceilings are usually really busy and distracting. And so it sort of forces your eye to like look in the middle, which in the casino is usually where all the games are. You know, so there's a psychology to like the materials and the space and sort of foreshortening perspective and things like that. So, so yeah, so it's really interesting. And then, and then, you know, these don't look like. The gaming floors, but as you're moving through the rest of the hotel interiors, they're almost like all all roads lead lead to Rome. But in Las Vegas, like, all roads lead to casino, right? Yeah, lead


to the slot machine. Yeah. But I, I think that like the one thing that I learned in doing sort of the second sketch we have on the screen was and this was an outdoor patio space. The light was sort of, you know, you're playing with sort of natural light for once. I mean, you're in Vegas and, you know, most of the time is you're in artificial spaces, you know, with a lot of artificial light. You know, you know, sometimes there's some skylights and things like that, especially in the Bellagio. But kind of very kind of conservatory, like they kind of really mix some sort of French architecture with some Italian stuff. But in this particular location you know, it was an outdoor patio and sort of these great coin vaults. aNd the, the shade and shadow was sort of just something that sort of, as I sat down for a second, I was like, that's kind of great. I'm gonna, I'm, I am going to go ahead and sketch here and, and that's, you know, some people ask like, how do you pick a sketch location? You know, sometimes it's as simple as that. It's it's kind of, you know, looking at it for just a quick moment and kind of realizing that there's some tech, in my case, sometimes a technique that I want to employ, and I knew I was going to be doing pencil stuff because I I had been doing that earlier in the day too, and you know, sort of shade and shadow of those, those vaults was sort of something I wanted to kind of, uh, get after in the sketch and you kind of like people aren't, you know, you don't, you know. I'm not crazy about like doing live people, you know when in these kinds of environments.'cause you, you don't know how people are gonna react to you sketching, so you're kind of being real settled about it.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. iT's not like yeah, you can make out who they are, but Yeah. Yeah. People, people get weird and, and it's Las Vegas. So,



Kurt Neiswender:

Well, that's cool. So, so let's see. Kind of wrap up here. The secret, the big secret reveal that you were in Las Vegas didn't. So what, when did you fly out? Friday, Friday, then back Monday, Sunday,


Sunday morning. Yeah. So it was like, then it basically ended up being about 48 hours in Vegas.

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, I think another a friend of ours, Jeff Eccles was. Did the same thing the same weekend. I think he might've been at the show, the YouTube show the night before you did. I think. Yes, because he's all his posts showed up before a day before your yeah.


No, I have I have I have since conferred with with Jeff and yes, that is back the case. So both of us glowing reviews for both nights. Yeah.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. That's that's really exciting. I'm glad you got away. I'm sure sure it was overdue. Based on the, the year, the year it's been, you know, not, not like it's been bad, but you know, there's, yeah, we're at the end of the year. It's like time to, time to recoup. Yeah.


Yeah. It's, it's good. I mean, you know, it's been a crazy year, probably a crazy year from everybody. But yeah, always fun. I was glad I did it. And and I'm glad we're back on a roll,

Kurt Neiswender:

buddy. Yeah. Thanks. Me too. I I think that's, that's the sign of. Like, at least I'm not, you know, I'm not going to be taking secret trips to Las Vegas and if I was, I guess I wouldn't be telling you because then it wouldn't be a secret. But my, my recoup, my recouping, or let's say. Sort of re, re, what's the word I'm thinking of rejuvenation reset is in focusing time on things I enjoy, which is this podcast is one of one of those things. And so that's. That's why I'm that's why we're on a roll. And so yeah, and we, we, you know, one thing I should shut the last little data point that I guess I need to hit before we say good night or good day. Is we do have, we have the subscribers on YouTube is growing. You know, so if you've listened this far, thank you. And if you subscribe, I don't, I don't always like to sort of advertise for subscriptions and things like that, but you know, Jamie and I are going to keep, keep doing this and have fun with it. And so, you know, if you feel like subscribing, we would not be mad about it. And we'll keep putting more things out there for the rest of this year. And obviously in. On, on into the years ahead. So


season six is on its

Kurt Neiswender:

way. That's right. It's hard to imagine 139 today. And still, we still got time left in the year to put them in, put them in the can. So, yes. So thanks. All right. We'll talk to you at one 40, Jamie.

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