Welcome to Switch! We want to connect real people to topics they care and are curious about, but without the jargon or BS. Join us as we chat about all things sustainability-related and how they intersect with our daily lives - from eating out, to what we wear, to the latest technology and more. We also bring in guests doing cool things for people and the planet.
Ep 18: Staying Curiously Conscious with Ethical Influencers
Ashna and Lydia
Season 1
Episode 18
Today we are with Besma, founder of Ethical Influencers, a digital community doing good. From sustainable storytellers to honest podcasters, ethical fashion instagrammers to zero waste vloggers, EI’s members are collectively working towards a better world.
EI supports a diverse range of creators to improve their content, create connections with like-minded brands, and most importantly, get their voices heard.
Besma also created her own blog, Curiously Conscious, so she knows all about the blogging and influencing world herself!