Getting to 50/50: Conversations to Bridge the Gender Gap

Persist with intuition: A Conversation with Marylene Delbourgh-Delphis on persistence and ingenuity regarding gender equity.

Marylene Delbourgh-Delphis Season 1 Episode 6

Marylene Delbourgh-Delphis and Pratima Gluckman discuss persistence and ingenuity regarding gender equity.

One of the first European women to start a tech company in Silicon Valley, Marylene Delbourg-Delphis has been the CEO of four companies and has helped multiple companies of all sizes in all sorts of business areas as a management consultant or a Board member. She started her professional life in Academia (Philosophy and History of Sciences), and was also a journalist and an author. Her new book, Everybody Wants to Love Their Job: Rebuilding Trust and Culture, relies on her extensive experience as an executive, a considerable body of organizational studies and an in-depth analysis of the emotional makeup that drives employee belonginess and a culture vibrancy using Workrise, a new platform based on behavioral economics methodologies that she co-founded.  Website: