Getting to 50/50: Conversations to Bridge the Gender Gap

Re-entring the Workforce After a Career Break: A Conversation on Persistence with Elizabeth Andrew

Pratima Rao Gluckman

What's it like to reenter the workforce in the tech industry after a nearly two decade gap on your resume? Elizabeth shares her story in this episode of Getting to 50/50 where she and Pratima discuss the challenges of agism and of being a female in the workforce. Find out how persistence impacted her, and take away a few key pieces of advice for any age woman in the workforce.

Elizabeth Andrew is a top-producing technology sales executive, startup advisor, and TEDx speaker, who has established herself as a leader, motivator, and role model with her inspiring story of career reentry by breaking barriers into the San Francisco technology space – at over 50 years old, after a 17-year career break. She had a great run as a top-producing sales leader and senior manager at HelloSign, where she broke sales records and was the lead contributor to the rapid revenue growth of the company which led to the $230M acquisition by Dropbox. Elizabeth is an Advisory Board Member for several startups, serves as an advisor to Women Serve On Boards, and was selected for The CLUB of Silicon Valley's 2016 Incubator leadership program. In her early career, Elizabeth was a VP and Director with Wells Fargo Asset Management, where she opened up the New England Region as a Mutual Fund Wholesaler and grew territory assets from $0 to $70 million.