Bonus. Butterfly Kisses (w/ Erik Kristopher Myers)
The Plotaholics Podcast: Movie Reviews
The Plotaholics Podcast: Movie Reviews
Bonus. Butterfly Kisses (w/ Erik Kristopher Myers)
Oct 21, 2020
Shane Wilson and Bryan Tann

In this very special bonus episode of The Plotaholics Podcast, we sit down with writer/director/actor Erik Kristopher Myers to discuss his film, Butterfly Kisses.

Butterfly Kisses is a high-concept found footage horror film that serves as much as a deconstruction of that genre as it does an example of the genre. Butterfly Kisses tells the story of Gavin Yorke, an aspiring filmmaker who finds a box of tapes containing the raw footage of a student film from years ago. The footage attempts to prove/ disprove the existence of local urban legend, Peeping Tom. Yorke becomes fixated on proving that the contents of the tape are legitimate, and he hires a documentary crew to follow his pursuits. What follows is a joy to watch--especially for fans of the slow-burn, found footage genre. 

Other random topics of discussion:

  • Genre theory!
  • The slow but undeniable death march of the cinematic experience through a wasteland rendered theater-less by a global pandemic.
  • What the hell is Disney doing with Star Wars?
  • Can anyone save us from a Mandalorian finale that includes a de-aged Mark Hamill?
  • How will the death of the cinematic experience change our expectations for big brands like Marvel?
  • How is being in a band like being the director of a film?
  • Did you know that chick in Blair Witch almost ruined the whole thing because she was in national commercials for Steak 'n Shake?

Sit back, relax, and let The Plotaholics introduce you to the Internet's angry step-grand-uncle who, as it turns out, is a very pleasant guy. 

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