(The) Bad News Bears (1976 vs 2005)
The Plotaholics Podcast: Movie Reviews
The Plotaholics Podcast: Movie Reviews
(The) Bad News Bears (1976 vs 2005)
Jun 28, 2021 Episode 107
Shane Wilson and Bryan Tann

The Plotaholics Summer Showdown continues as we look at two films released 30 years apart from one another. These two films are essentially the same, but one is still way better than the other.

We’re talking, of course, about 1976's The Bad News Bears, starring Walter Matthau, Tatum O’Neal, and Jackie Earle Haley and the 2005 remake starring Billy Bob Thornton, Greg Kinear, and Troy Gentile (Barry Goldberg).

This week we pick apart the themes of both films and make those comparisons of a timeless classic vs. its remake. 

We also bring up G-Baby (RIP), meat and ‘taters, and a whole variety of other topics! It’s another amazing episode!

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