
What You Should Know Before Viewing Homes

• Tia Moore • Season 2 • Episode 4

This episode has been transcribed for your benefit. Please see below. 

Hello. Hello friends. It's Tia Moore your host of NextView podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. Before we get into this very short nine minute episode of the podcast, I wanted to give you a quick heads up about what I'll be discussing today. I know that there are homes that are on the market that you can access without a realtor. And so I want to talk to you about safety protocols and also in that same breath, talking about the benefits and the reasons why you want to have your hired representative with you, even though you can't access the home by yourself. I'll talk about what location should mean for you. Everybody says when you buy a home location, location, location is the most important, but most people, most times you don't hear people explain what does that mean? So I'll go over that and explain what that means to you and for your lifestyle.

I'm also going to be talking about what to think about if you decide to purchase a house that's near a school. Floor plan functionality when you're viewing homes and things like that. I want to make sure that once you go out and you're looking at houses, the information in is in this podcast can help you make a decision that's going to prevent you from being beat out in the market with somebody else. Because here in Phoenix and maybe different in some other markets, but here in the Phoenix Metro area, inventory is extremely low. And when we have such a tight market with low inventory and high buyer demand, that means you have to be able to make a decision quickly. So if you're equipped with enough information to help you make a good and smart decision, then I feel like you'll, you'll get the home that you need and you'll be really competitive in today's market.

So give it a listen. Like I said, it's a short nine minutes and after you listen, be sure to leave me a review and let me know what you think. I'll see you guys next week. Okay guys, so viewing homes, the last episode we talked about what you should expect when you do a consultation with a realtor. Well, this episode we're talking about what to expect when you're viewing homes. So you probably have seen the open door signs and the offer pad signs and then you can text and they'll give you a code to go right into the house. Okay. Completely okay to do that. That's no problem in doing that. However, I recommend that you do not make that move without your real estate agent. A couple of reasons why. One, for safety purposes, you don't want to go into a vacant property by yourself.

There has been more than one occasion where there have been, you know, people in those homes that should not be in those homes and it's put people in unsafe situations. So I w I don't want any of you guys to have a situation where you're, you're putting to a situation and you get hurt. So that's one reason you shouldn't do that. The other reason for that is because if you are currently working with a real estate agent and you want to make sure that they, that you do get representation, and sometimes if you go into a property without them, then that can affect your ability to use them as a realtor. So have a conversation with your preferred realtor about that so they can go detail with you about it, but just don't go alone. But safety and plus because you want and you want to keep and you want to have representation.

When you go into a house, what should you be looking at? Well, I'm going to tell you it is, I don't want you to forget, be in the heat of the moment. You need to be looking at where is this house located at? And some of these things you can look at even before you get there, you can just pull it up on Google maps. But do you want to back up to a main street? Let's say for example, it's a busy, busy road and there's lots of traffic on it. Do you want your house to backup to that road? Is the house on a corner? Is it a corner

Speaker 1:

Hello. Hello friends. It's Tia Moore your host of NextView podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. Before we get into this very short nine minute episode of the podcast, I wanted to give you a quick heads up about what I'll be discussing today. I know that there are homes that are on the market that you can access without a realtor. And so I want to talk to you about safety protocols and also in that same breath, talking about the benefits and the reasons why you want to have your hired representative with you, even though you can't access the home by yourself. I'll talk about what location should mean for you. Everybody says when you buy a home location, location, location is the most important, but most people, most times you don't hear people explain what does that mean? So I'll go over that and explain what that means to you and for your lifestyle. I'm also going to be talking about what to think about if you decide to purchase a house that's near a school. Um, floor plan functionality when you're viewing homes and things like that. I want to make sure that once you go out and you're looking at houses, the information in is in this podcast can help you make a decision that's going to prevent you from being beat out in the market with somebody else. Because here in Phoenix and maybe different in some other markets, but here in the Phoenix Metro area, inventory is extremely low. And when we have such a tight market with low inventory and high buyer demand, that means you have to be able to make a decision quickly. So if you're equipped with enough information to help you make a good and smart decision, then I feel like you'll, you'll get the home that you need and you'll be really competitive in today's market. So give it a listen. Like I said, it's a short nine minutes and after you listen, be sure to leave me a review and let me know what you think. I'll see you guys next week. Okay guys, so viewing homes, the last episode we talked about what you should expect when you do a consultation with a realtor. Well, this episode we're talking about what to expect when you're viewing homes. So you probably have seen the open door signs and the offer pad signs and then you can text and they'll give you a code to go right into the house. Okay. Completely okay to do that. That's no problem in doing that. However, I recommend that you do not make that move without your real estate agent. A couple of reasons why. One, for safety purposes, you don't want to go into a vacant property by yourself. There has been more than one occasion where there have been, you know, people in those homes that should not be in those homes and it's put people in unsafe situations. So I w I don't want any of you guys to have a situation where you're, you're putting to a situation and you get hurt. So that's one reason you shouldn't do that. The other reason for that is because if you are currently working with a real estate agent and you want to make sure that they, that you do get representation, and sometimes if you go into a property without them, then that can affect your ability to use them as a realtor. So have a conversation with your preferred realtor about that so they can go detail with you about it, but just don't go alone. But safety and plus because you want and you want to keep and you want to have representation. When you go into a house, what should you be looking at? Well, I'm going to tell you it is, I don't want you to forget, be in the heat of the moment. You need to be looking at where is this house located at? And some of these things you can look at even before you get there, you can just pull it up on Google maps. But do you want to back up to a main street? Let's say for example, it's a busy, busy road and there's lots of traffic on it. Do you want your house to backup to that road? Um, is the house on a corner? Is it a corner lot that you want? Is there a stop sign at that corner? Uh, do you have small children that you have to think about where that could be a problem? Um, is it, does it face a busy road? Cause that's very possible. And a lot of our cities will, particularly if you're in Phoenix, is your front yard pretty much on a main road? Um, is it near a school? If it's near a school, are you okay with, you know, getting traffic two times a day when school, when stool starts and when school ends, all those things are important. And sometimes people say, well, we're okay with it and that's fine and dandy, but you're always, people are always okay with it until they go to sell it because when you go to resell it, that's when it could be an issue. Let me give you an example. Um, earlier this year we had a client that had a beautiful home. They owned it for 20 years and they backed to a main road. And if you're here in Arizona, it's McKellips. That's a very busy street and there was a ton of traffic and that's all you heard when you walked into the backyard. They had a pool and it had waterfalls and it had a hot tub and it was going, they even had surround sound and you still heard the traffic over all of that other noise that was supposed to help drown out the traffic. Well, every single time somebody came into the house, they said, I love the house. The backyard is beautiful. It's my dream, but I just can't back up to that main road. So, so that's, that's the number one thing you don't want to, you don't want to get into. So be sure to just think through these things. And when you're looking at homes, definitely think about how your family or how you and your lifestyle fit within the home, but also think about how it's going to affect if you want to resell it. So are you going to open for five years? Are you going to own it for 10 years? And will you be okay if you have to take 5,000 less than market value or even 10,000 less than market value just because of backs to a main road or a situation that's similar? Look at the layout of the house. Is it functional for your lifestyle? For example, do you like entertaining? How will it look if 20 people were in your kitchen, how will it look if 20 people in your backyard will that fit? Now, as I say it, that you like entertaining. If you entertain once a year, it may not be a big deal. I wouldn't recommend making your decision to purchase a home based on a one time a year event. More so focused on what happens in your daily life because that's what's going to affect you the most. So how long do you plan on living in the house? So, for example, if you did have to have a home that had a less desirable floor plan that you really want, could you put, you get through it for three to five years or two years or however long until you're able to save enough money to move into your dream house. Maybe think about are you going to be buying new furniture? Are you going to be bringing old furniture? Okay. If you're going to be bringing existing furniture, does it fit in your home? Did you bring a tape measure? We always take a tape measure to our showings, so we'll have that for you. But just make sure that you're thinking through those things. Because again, the last thing you want to happen is for you to move into your house and realize it's, it's not functional. That's, that's it's too late at that point. So you don't want to have that. You want to look at that. And when you're looking at home, um, figure out what is the feel of the house, you know, going to the living room. Where were you spend the most amount of time, master bedroom. How does it feel? Do you feel good waking up there? Will you feel living good living in that home? How far will it be to and from work? Maybe you need to test it. Go back to the house in the evening. If you looked at the home in the morning, go back to the house or the neighborhood in the evening and see if you like the neighborhood at night. If you looked at the house at night, go back during the day and see what you like. How's the traffic pattern? How are the neighbors? You always want to look at that before you've actually made the decision and when you're looking at the house I'm with with my team, the next few home professionals, we preview the home for you before we look at it because once we've met with you and we have a really clear understanding of what you want and what you expect, we can save you time and we can save you energy by knowing that and we can say, Hey, this house came on the market. It looks exactly like you want it to look. And it has all these things that you'd like, you know, it has the walk in closet, it has the big backyard, it has no neighbors behind it. Um, or back to a golf course. Whatever your desires are, we're going to make sure we're taking those into account. We may even call you and say, Hey, we found a home. It doesn't hit all the marks, but these are the things that it does. We've looked at it and it's absolutely beautiful. I think it could be a good fat when that happens. We'll tell you that upfront when it's not going to just spring that on you upfront. We're not an HGTV show. We're not property brothers. We're gonna. We're gonna make sure we disclose that to you. For example, I had a client moving here from California. He had very specific criteria that he wanted and there was one house that I sent him and he said, no, I don't want to look at that one. And so when he, when he came out from California and we did our home tour, there were three houses we were looking at, but then I added the fourth one. That was the one he told me he didn't want to see. I said, I know you said you didn't want to see it, but we have some time. Can we go and look at it? Because I think you would like it. I just want you to feel, get a feel for him. And so we looked at all the houses that were his first priority. First. He actually did not like them once he got in. And then we looked at the fourth one, the one that I recommended to him and he was like, you know what? I love this house. I can't believe it. It does hit all my marks. So sometimes the pictures don't tell the full story. But previewing a home gives us and extra edge on the competition because we know exactly what you're looking for and we're going to look at it and we're trying to make sure that you get a really good purchase. So, um, for, in that particular case, he bought the house. He loves it. He still lives in it. So it's all, it's all really good and it's a, it's a pretty cool neighborhood. The other thing we have is homes that have not hit the market. So you might be, you know, searching for homes on our exclusive mobile app. You may be searching for homes on Google or Redfin or Any of those websites, but what you don't have access to is things that have not hit the market yet. And so there have been many times where I have sold a home that I have listed to a buyer that comes to my office and says, Hey, this is what I'm looking for. And I'll say, you know what? I have something that's not even on the market yet. The buyer's happy, the seller's happy. Everybody gets it. And they don't have to worry about competition from other people looking at it too. They've gotten a leg up on the competition and got the home that they want it. So if you're in the market to buy a house, those are things you want to think about when you're viewing it so that you can make sure you make the best decision. So remember, I am a licensed real estate agent in the state of Arizona. I lead the next few home professionals team at exp Realty. If someone you care about has a real estate need, or perhaps you have a real estate need, be short. Have them contact me by calling or texting.(480) 281-3078 we're always happy to accept your referrals and we're always happy to answer your real estate questions. It could be a big question. It can be a small question. We're always here for you. If you found this episode valuable, be sure to leave us a review on whichever medium you're listening to it on and be sure to subscribe, subscribe, subscribe so that you can get notified when we have new episodes. Thanks so much guys, and have a great day.