Museum of Femininity

Angelica Kauffman and Mary Moser

May 28, 2022 Charlotte Appleyard

In this episode we explore the lives and careers of Angelica Kauffman (1741-1807) and Mary Moser (1744-1819), who were the only two female founding members of the Royal Academy of Art, founded in 1768. 
We will discuss Angelica Kauffman's fame and her unladylike focus on the masculine and epic History painting, considered to be the most respected and accomplished genre of art. As well as her huge achievements and highly successful commissions.
We will also discuss Mary Moser's career and commitment to the Academy, her work for royalty and her influence among other Academicians.
Of course we will also explore some of the ways being female affected Moser and Kauffman's place in the RA, including ways in which they were excluded, as symbolically represented in a famous group portrait by Johan Joseph Zoffany. 

Women Artists by Flavia Frigeri

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