Museum of Femininity

Marriage in Georgian England

August 15, 2022 Charlotte Appleyard

In this episode we will be discussing the role marriage played in the Georgian period (1714-1837)
We will outline the ceremony and the traditions as well as some of the reasons why people married and how this differed in social classes. 
We will explore the pomp and ceremony of royal weddings, and how the press often painted a very different picture to reality. As well as the changes in marriage laws, in order to combat scandalous runaway marriages, some of the pitfalls to marriage and the dangers women faced if they made the wrong choice. We will also explore a case of Harriot Mellon, who went from daughter of an Irish Peasant to a millionaire duchess, through two advantageous marriages, and how this caused ripples throughout society, shining interesting light on the strictness of etiquette and knowing your place in the social order. 
The Time Travellers guide to Georgian Britain by Ian Mortimer,between%208%20AM%20and%20noon.