Museum of Femininity

The Ottoman Imperial Harem

July 31, 2021 Charlotte Appleyard

In this episode we will be exploring the world of the Ottoman Harem during the 16th century. We will delve into the lives of concubines who lived within it's confines, the hierarchy within the harem as well as the benefits of life there, in addition to the disadvantages. 
Furthermore, there are many misconceptions about the harem, relating to Orientalist ideals and a romanticisation of the exotic. 
This will be achieved through a discussion around the lives of two favourite concubines Hurrem Sultan (1502 - 1558) and Nurbanu Sultan (1525-1574) both of which rose above the ranks to achieve real power and earn the love and respect of their Sultan's. 

Harem (Suleiman the Magnificent Documentary) | Timeline