Clarity For Parents Of Athletes

#CFPOA #34 A Power You Might Not Realize You Have with Gabe Nosseir & Angie King-Nosseir

Gabe Nosseir with Angie King-Nosseir Season 1 Episode 34

This pandemic has no doubt become a polarizing experience and topic for many people, especially in the United States.  The commonality is all the "negative" emotions lead to the same place- fear.  No matter what the exact details are, whether it's fear of health, safety, lack of money, domestic violence, child abuse, government, or loss of rights, all those things point to fear.

The good news is we as individuals have the power and access to maneuver through COVID-19 and what is happening in our world and each of us individually can help literally thousands of others simply by helping ourselves.

Gabe's wife, Transformative Coach Angie King-Nosseir returns on this episode to discuss this and give you tips and more in this episode.  Of course this always trickles down to your children!

Want to share your opinions?  Feel free to email- or connect with Gabe or Angie through social media.  Find the links on or Angie's website,