Re'eh: Kashered and Chosenness: A Path to a Higher Conscience
The Pen & The Yad
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The Pen & The Yad
Re'eh: Kashered and Chosenness: A Path to a Higher Conscience
Aug 29, 2024
Rabbi Michael Siegel & Jonathan Eig
Episode Artwork Re'eh: Kashered and Chosenness: A Path to a Higher Conscience 14:47 Episode Artwork Eikev: Blessings: The Jewish Path of Satisfaction 13:04 Episode Artwork Vaetchanan: The Sh’ma, Oneness, Unity, and the Search for Our Essence 14:45 Episode Artwork Devarim: Integrity and Leadership 14:59 Episode Artwork Matot-Masei: Should I Stay Or Should I Go: Israel vs. The Diaspora, Then and Now 16:23 Episode Artwork Pinchas: To Stand Or Not to Stand Up for What is Right 13:26 Episode Artwork Balak: Weasel Words and Words That Matter 15:40 Episode Artwork Chukat: Do We Dream on a Star, or Are Our Dreams Deferred? 11:16 Episode Artwork Korach: Populism: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 13:53 Episode Artwork Sh'lach Lecha: How Courageous Are You Really? 14:09 Episode Artwork Beha'alotcha: Does Judaism Respect Other Religions? 14:43 Episode Artwork Nasso: Maybe Abstinence Should Be a Jewish Value 11:21 Episode Artwork Bamidbar: The Power of a Census: Encountering Hatred 15:35 Episode Artwork Bechukotai: Blessings and Curses: Who's in Charge of Them? 14:12 Episode Artwork Behar: Putting Meaning Into Our Words 12:13 Episode Artwork Emor: Rabbis Are Not Priests 16:31 Episode Artwork Kedoshim: Our Struggle with Cruelty as Individuals and a Society 12:37 Episode Artwork Achrei Mot: The Scapegoat: Then and Now 16:00 Episode Artwork Special Pesach Episode • April 2024 15:58 Episode Artwork Metzora: We Are All Vulnerable 11:52 Episode Artwork Tazria: The Resonance of Our Words 16:04 Episode Artwork Tzav: Assuming the Flawed Humanness of Our Leaders Instead of Being Surprised By It 13:53 Episode Artwork Shabbat Zachor: Remembering Amalek in America 16:31 Episode Artwork Pekudei: We Are Off to See the Wizard: Not Oz, but G-d 13:07 Episode Artwork Vayakhel: There is Nothing Like a Good Ritual to Bring a Community Together 11:36