Woven in Truth Podcast

Watering Well: Embracing Process

Jenn Schultz Season 1 Episode 53

In this refreshing episode, Jenn Schultz joins the podcast to discuss waiting & watering. Although seasons of planting and harvesting can be exciting, so much of life is just about showing up in the in-betweens. "It’s time to get excited about this stage, to appreciate the process God has us in, and to put on lenses of faith to see the transformation that is happening within us as we water.” Don't underestimate God's hand in seasons of watering, there's miracles in the mundane! 

About the Speaker:
Jenn is a recovering perfectionist and a writer at Whatyoumakeitblog.com, encouraging women to live loved and wholehearted, right where you are. She’s a wife and mom living in the Pacific Northwest, and you can usually find her with a cup of decaf coffee and a good book.

Episode Notes: 

Appreciate the Process; Miracles are happening in the watering. There’s something growing, even if you can’t see it. Why? Because God is behind the growing.

It’s time to get excited about this stage, to appreciate the process God has us in, and to put on lenses of faith to see the transformation that is happening within us as we water.

The Bible talks so much about water!

  • Baptism - Romans 6:3-4 - we were baptized into Jesus’s death and raised with him!
  • Streams in the desert - Isaiah 35:3-7 - God comes to save us and water comes and refreshes a land that was once parched and dry and hopeless - Moana
  • The Word rains on the earth - Isaiah 55:10-11 - the Word always achieve God’s purpose
  • Living water - John 4:13-14 - you never thirst with it - it becomes a spring welling up to eternal life
  • Quiet waters - Psalm 23:2-3 - he restores my soul
  • Parting of the Red Sea - Exodus 14:29-31
  • Jesus walks on water - Matthew 14:25-27
  • Jesus calms the waves - Mark 4:39-41
  • Jesus turns water into wine - John 2:7-10


Don’t disparage the time of watering! It is a valuable time. 

It’s important to remember: All the miracles that happen are God’s…BUT -  we participate in the transformation and the miracles. How? By showing up. 

The Bible tells us of both one-time and ongoing sanctification.

God has made us holy, AND we are still being made perfect. (Hebrews 10:14) God has forgiven us from our sins AND he continues to refine us. 

We train; God transforms.

4 ways to water well

  1. Posture 
    • What stands out to God? 
      • Humility - David - “a man after God’s own heart” - Psalm 18:27-32
      • Faith - the bleeding woman - Mark 5:25-34
      • Eagerness - Bereans - Acts 17:11
  2. Practice 
    • How do we train spiritually? 
      • Keeping in step with the Spirit - growing in fruits and setting aside acts of the flesh - Galatians 5:19-25
      • Participate in the divine nature and keep growing - 2 Peter 1:3-9
      • Offer yourself as a living sacrifice and renew your mind - Romans 12:1-2
  3. Patience
    • 2 Peter 3:8-9
    • Philippians 1:6
    • Romans 8:28
  4. Progress
    • how are you keeping track of your goals and wins, even in the mundane? journaling, planners, prayer journal, etc

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Follow Jenn on Instagram or check out her blog!

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