Holistic Life Navigation
This podcast explores holistic stress and trauma recovery. I am your host, Luis Mojica. My work, Holistic Life Navigation, was modeled after my own journey in healing myself from chronic illness and PTSD. I share this podcast with many brilliant minds who, like me, healed themselves through unique, unusual, and unorthodox ways.
For more information, please visit: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com.
Written, produced and recorded by Luis Mojica. Edited by Fredo Viola. Intro/outro song: "Witch Love" by Luis Mojica.
Holistic Life Navigation
[Ep. 34] How Dairy Affects The Body | Karen Hurd (Biochemist & Holistic Nutritionist)
On today's episode, I welcome back Karen Hurd to teach us about dairy & how it affects the body. Personally, I have linked all of my childhood illnesses to dairy. I had high cholesterol, was 50 pounds overweight, suffered from debilitating asthma, and had really painful cystic acne all over my face, neck and back.
Medications suppressed the symptoms for me, which offered some relief, but they did not go away until I removed dairy from my diet when I was around 18. I am 33 now and I have none of these conditions anymore. They've all completely reversed.
So I had Karen on to tell me what dairy was doing to my body and why so many of us will find relief from inflammation, auto-immune conditions, and chronic illness just by removing dairy from our diets.
For more information on Karen's work, visit her website at http://www.karenhurd.com/.
You can learn more on the website: https://www.holisticlifenavigation.com/
You can follow Luis on Instagram @holistic.life.navigation
Questions? You can email us at info@holisticlifenavigation.com