The Melanated Social Work Podcast
The Melanated Social Work Podcast is hosted by four men of color within the field of social work; Josh McNeil, Marvin Toliver, Michael Grinnell, and Jesse Wiltey. Join us as we discuss social work, mental health, politics, music, liberation and many other topics.
The Melanated Social Work Podcast
Episode 37 with Dr. Tanya Sharpe: Social Work Views from the 6
Melanated Social Work
Season 3
Episode 9
In this episode, the folks of Melanated Social Work connect with Dr. Tanya Sharpe, the founder and director of The Centre for Research and Innovation for Black Survivors of Homicide Victims (The CRIB). Listen to hear about her journey into social work, what brought her to Canada, and the groundbreaking work that she is doing with The CRIB.