The DiscoverU Life Podcast

How Husain Went from a Former NFL Football Player to Guiding People Towards Allah?

February 22, 2024 DiscoverU Life

The success of others is what fuels our desire to do more, and to move forward with hope.
 It might also make you “jealous” in some part of your heart, but as long as it’s constructive, you’re good.
 We’re all feeling stuck at some point in our lives, be it family, work, or connection with Allah.
 And we do know that Dua is the language of the heart and a heartfelt conversation with Him (swt).
 But how to make Duas that actually bring a positive change in your life?
 What makes a person consistently obsessed with doing whatever it takes to achieve? 
 That’s what our guest Husain Abdullah has shared in this interview.
 How Allah carved his journey from being an NFL Football Player to guiding the Ummah to Deen.