Redesigning Life with Sabrina Soto

Unlocking Personal Potential Through Vibrational Alignment with Mary Beth Schrudder

May 03, 2024 Sabrina Soto and Mary Beth Schrudder Season 1 Episode 63
Unlocking Personal Potential Through Vibrational Alignment with Mary Beth Schrudder
Redesigning Life with Sabrina Soto
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Redesigning Life with Sabrina Soto
Unlocking Personal Potential Through Vibrational Alignment with Mary Beth Schrudder
May 03, 2024 Season 1 Episode 63
Sabrina Soto and Mary Beth Schrudder

Have you ever felt like there's a hidden force shaping your reality? Join me and the remarkably insightful Mary Beth Schrudder, as we unravel the mysteries of quantum physics and the law of attraction. Mary Beth brings her transformative spiritual experience to the table, explaining how our consciousness intertwines with the universe's energy, vibration, and frequency, and how this understanding can empower us to shape our lives intentionally.

In our heart-to-heart, we tackle the intricacies of manifesting our deepest desires, emphasizing the role of self-worth and action. We discuss the incredible capacity of the brain to rewire itself and how altering our identity can redefine our personal realities. I share a pivotal realization about the power of positive thinking and its influence on our relationships. So, tune in and prepare for a transformative journey that might just reshape your own reality.

Mary Beth on Instagram

Contact Mary Beth

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever felt like there's a hidden force shaping your reality? Join me and the remarkably insightful Mary Beth Schrudder, as we unravel the mysteries of quantum physics and the law of attraction. Mary Beth brings her transformative spiritual experience to the table, explaining how our consciousness intertwines with the universe's energy, vibration, and frequency, and how this understanding can empower us to shape our lives intentionally.

In our heart-to-heart, we tackle the intricacies of manifesting our deepest desires, emphasizing the role of self-worth and action. We discuss the incredible capacity of the brain to rewire itself and how altering our identity can redefine our personal realities. I share a pivotal realization about the power of positive thinking and its influence on our relationships. So, tune in and prepare for a transformative journey that might just reshape your own reality.

Mary Beth on Instagram

Contact Mary Beth

Speaker 1:

Hi, I'm Sabrina Soto. I believe the best conversations are with friends who are really able to open themselves up and share their lives, both the good parts and the bad. You're going to be listening to some of those candid conversations and hopefully gaining some insight to help you redesign your life from the inside out. Thank you for joining us. Mary Beth Schroeder, I met you through another podcast and what I loved about you were on a guest and what I loved is you sort of described the law of attraction and manifestation and vibrations and frequency, which I think a lot of people can get confused about because it gets a little too esoteric and you really sort of just simplified everything and I thought I think my listeners would love us to have a conversation about that, because I feel like a lot of people are in transition right now and seem lost and I am including myself, and I think we all need a refresher sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely, and I agree with everything you said. So I guess the most simple way, like if we're talking quantum physics and law of attraction, is just to know, first off, that everything is energy and everything is made up of the same energy. But the only difference is things vibrate at different rates, speeds, levels, so it's organized differently. So, like something really dense, like this table, is vibrating really slowly, you know, and, um, higher frequency, things are vibrating fast. So that's the main thing, but we're all connected at this energetic level. We're all connected. So what that tells you with quantum physics is that everything's consciousness, everything is, and what that tells you is we got to be creative with our consciousness, right, we need to be creative, conscious beings, which we are, and that is what my coaching is all about is helping people remember their power and remember all of the ways that we can actually influence our day. We are not victims and we shouldn't be living this life by default.

Speaker 1:

I want to get all into that and I think this is going to get really meaty this conversation. But why don't you sort of explain to my listeners what you do and how you came across coaching in this capacity?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure. So my whole life I've been actually really into spirituality and I've always had just interesting paranormal and spiritual experiences that I totally get sound crazy to people who've never had firsthand experiences. I get it. I didn't have that option in my life because I've always had that, and when I was 18, I had what I call a quantum experience, and now these days it's it's coined as a spiritually transformative experience and it happens to a lot of people. But I was only 18 and this was back in 1992. Okay, and so there was no internet. I did not know what was happening to me, all I was doing. I was completely sober, by the way I was reading Thank you for clarifying, because there was no plant medicine, there was nothing.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't even meditating. I was just reading a book on near-death experiences and what I believe happened now is my soul, my spirit, remembered like, oh yeah, I was kind of awakened from my amnesia. We all come into this incarnation forgetting who we truly are, forgetting we are all connected to God and how powerful we are. So I think it woke me up just reading that book. Some people do years and decades of meditation and breath work and everything just try to or plant medicine, anything to try to get a glimpse. And I was there for two weeks and it was quantum. It was like I was getting all of these downloads and information about quantum physics, everything Anytime I had a question. It was just so I knew. I knew like I just think something and I'm telepathically getting the answer. That's what I mean by downloads for your listeners who might not know what that means.

Speaker 1:

I use the same term downloads.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was magical, you know, getting blocks of thought. Blocks of thought that's what Abraham Hicks would call it and um, but I didn't know who that was back then and I try to tell people about my experience. And everybody thought I was loco, completely a kook, because, and I get it I thought I was loco, completely a kook because, and I get it, it doesn't sound reasonable, but these days I found a lot of people because of the internet that have had very similar experiences. But mine lasted about two weeks and then I slowly, I was in this highest vibration. You can imagine, basically, I've never had it since then, by the way, since I was 18, not, not like that, not for two weeks straight.

Speaker 2:

And then I slowly started to vibrate out of that, just slowly, over time, and at the end of that two weeks I was completely like, honestly, it was sad because I got depressed, because I vibrated back down, and then the contrast was just unimaginable to how amazing you could feel. It was bliss. It was bliss, it was love, like I felt just oneness, connected to God and everybody and everything that's. The thing is we're all made up of the same energy and I was able to see that I was in that quantum world where I was able to actually see we are all connected at this energetic level. So from there on out, I think that was a long way of answering your question.

Speaker 1:

That's how I got into coaching, and you coach people into sort of getting out of their own way, but even teenagers and people in recovery as well, right, Absolutely so.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to help people heal their relationships and also addictions. Those are my main things that I do. And what are addictions? A lot of people are like, oh, I don't have any addictions, but you know, addiction is so much more than alcohol and drugs. Um, we can actually be addicted to, and most people are overthinking and negative thinking about ourself, which, when we're talking about consciousness, think about, you're literally creating your reality. So if you're thinking negative thoughts about yourself, guess what? You're creating that in your physical reality all day, every day.

Speaker 2:

And we need to really be mindful and be present and aware of our thoughts. And this is something that I work on every day, sabrina. It's not something that you just do and you're like okay, I've reached my goal, I got my degree and this? No, you actually have to focus every day on being mindful, just being present. It's great to say daily affirmations, but we also want to feel it. Law of attraction is so much more about feeling than our thoughts, because if we have those thoughts but we don't feel it too, then we're not actually going to manifest it. So it's getting that mind and heart coherence. We have to have both, because our thoughts are electric and our hearts are magnetic and we are electromagnetic beings.

Speaker 1:

There is science behind this. I mean Einstein. Energy matter interchangeable. Our thoughts are energy and they vibrate at a frequency and whether you're thinking really great thoughts or bad thoughts, it is attracting like a magnet, like you mentioned things towards you. So you mentioned earlier about this experience that you had at 18. I think a lot of people listening feel like, well, I'm never going to experience that, I've never experienced that in my life and I have only experienced glimpses of that in deep meditation. For someone who really feels like they're in a rut. What do you tell clients? What sort of tools do you give them? Or what sort of exercises would you give a client who feels a bit stuck in their life?

Speaker 2:

of a client who feels a bit stuck in their life. Yeah, so the first step in healing anything is self-awareness, because 95% of our day, every day, is run on subconscious programming. So only 5% of our day are most people being conscious creators. That's when we're in the creative mode, when we're actually conscious and aware of what we're doing. And then, out of that 95%, that subconscious programming, about 80 to 85% is considered negative, negative thoughts, and we're doing the same stuff as the day before. And then we wonder why isn't my life changing? Well, you've got to break out of that subconscious programming. So the way to do that is just by being really present and aware of your thoughts. What are you saying? What are you thinking? You could do affirmations and at first the affirmations are going to feel, you know, like we're lying to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the thing you're saying. I completely understand and believe and know to be true that unless you actually believe what you're trying to manifest, that you're worthy of it, which comes down to self-esteem it won't come towards you. So how would an affirmation work if you don't necessarily believe it?

Speaker 2:

You know repetition works. Also, what I do with my coaching one-on-one is I'm able to actually see pretty easily somebody's limiting beliefs, their subconscious programming. The hardest thing for people to see is themselves and that's why they could really benefit from a coach or someone. And if you can't hire a coach, there's a lot of free information out there on the internet, on YouTube videos. You could do guided meditations and breath work anything that's going to raise your vibration.

Speaker 2:

I created a deck of cards called Addiction Recovery with the Law of Attraction, because I had a problem. I had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol which I didn't even realize and it just took me a long time to realize. When I actually added a niche of addiction recovery and I was reading about addiction, I was like holy moly, this is me. I recognized myself in this addiction and so what I did is actually my cards were a download, another download. I was in the really high vibration, walking my dog in the Abraham Hicks cause, it being in the vortex. I was definitely there in nature, beautiful day and my mind was actually kind of blank, which is unusual, so I was in that's what's called receiving mode. I was in receiving mode and suddenly I just got this full download of that. I needed to do this deck of cards to help people recover from addiction and to do it in a spiritual way, so that's kind of like. What I do the most is spiritual recovery. I'm a spiritual transformation um coach, so that's what I, that's what of like. What I do the most is spiritual recovery. I'm a spiritual transformation coach, so that's what I, that's what I try to help people do. And I made this deck of cards.

Speaker 2:

Of course, you take action on it, right? A lot of people think the law of attraction is just all about um, thinking positive thoughts, sitting on a meditation cushion and just hoping things come to you. But that's just a, you know, that's just a small piece of it. That's great, but we also need to take inspired action. So that's what I did with my cards, because when something, an idea, goes out there, when we're inspired that way, anyone on that frequency is also receiving that idea, and I think that's happened to a lot of people. Probably a lot of your listeners could say, yeah, you know what? I had this great idea. I didn't act on it and, like, within a year, I saw somebody else there. There there's my idea. Why didn't I do anything, you know, and so the people who actually act on it, they're the ones who have it manifested. So part of manifesting is actually taking action too.

Speaker 1:

And we're manifesting all day, but I do. I heard of a story that Prince wanted to create some piece of music. Was it you that was talking about this? I?

Speaker 2:

talked about that in his on a psychic story that he said like they had.

Speaker 1:

All of the band members had to get into the studio really late at night because if he didn't create it, that another artist would, and I think that is yeah, but I think that is true and I think what you're saying is the inspired action is important, and even more important is having that moment of silence in our day, and I think now more than ever, with social media and the internet and our smartphones and iPads and everything, we are in a state of constant noise, and when we are in a state of constant noise and doing, it is very difficult to get inspiration or signals or some new idea, because we never allow that space. So I think that that really is important. Especially, I've noticed in my own life the, the ideas, the creativity that comes out of my life comes in those moments rather than in the doing. Would you say that's true in yours as well?

Speaker 2:

You totally nailed it. You totally nailed it and it's funny because I talked about this a lot. When I'm in the shower, I always get these crazy ideas. I'm connected and part of that, I think, is the water conducive electrical right, right.

Speaker 1:

If everything's energy, it has to be, because I feel the same way when I take showers or when I take a long bath. It's like this cleansing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, plus the other part is what you were saying we don't have any distractions, we're unplugged.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually, sometimes I bring my phone into the shower, which is weird. Yeah, I know, I know I'm going to stop doing that.

Speaker 2:

You know what you sound like. You're a little bit like me, so what I've started to do recently is go on walks and be out in nature without my phone, and it's hard to do because we're so addicted to our phones. That's another addiction. We got food, we got work. A lot of people are addicted to work.

Speaker 1:

Some people are addicted to people 100%.

Speaker 2:

That's actually the majority of my clients right now are in relationships that are toxic and codependent, and it's so I'm working on them with that addiction and, you know, going back into their subconscious programming and you know what was it that attracted them to this person and why is it so hard to break free from it? A lot of that's just our programming and there's, there's a way out of it.

Speaker 1:

Anybody listening going through a horrible breakup or in a relationship where they feel like they're never going to get over just a side note. I need to talk to you for a second. Just trust me it, you can get through it and it there is a way out, and you're not always going to feel this way. So that's just a complete side note, Cause I could do an entire podcast about addiction to people.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you could do an entire series, because same here. You know, anything that I teach is something that I've healed from. I have been in the toxic relationships I had addiction. I mean you mentioned um, what an earlier talk that we had addiction to love. I believe I had that. You know I had that and get yourself in these bad situations and I think I might've acted impulsively. I have a very highly addictive personality, Like like I've been told by a psychic, the highest possible. So that's another reason to have for your listeners to have hope, Because if I can break my food addiction, my sugar addiction, addiction to caffeine, addiction to alcohol, I sound like a lot of fun, right, I don't do any of those things anymore, but I feel so much better and I have so much energy and life is so much more fun, and I you could have not convinced me of that, though, when I was in the middle of all that addiction. You could have not told me that life could be so much better. Everything is better. I have.

Speaker 1:

I've done the podcast for a few years and I was able to have Holly Whitaker, who wrote the book, quit like a woman and it's to this day one of the highest downloads of any episode that I've done. And I think that there are a lot of people that are dealing with an addiction whether it's alcohol or love or food or shopping that are really in a state of shame to be able to say it out loud, and so they find the healing in listening to podcasts in secret because they don't really want to share it with their family and friends. And I think, especially after COVID, a lot of people are dealing with that. So for me, I think that there is a lack of self-esteem there of not feeling enough, worthy enough to live a beautiful life and self-medicating with shopping or food or people or alcohol or whatever cigarettes.

Speaker 2:

Or trying to fill a void. Oh, I had every addiction. To be honest with you, anything good, I wasn't I, I, I wasn't good at moderation. That's just not my thing. And there's a saying um, I think it's St Augustine that abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. And boy, that's the truth for me. And then you know, it's the people listening Some people can moderate, some people, and that's great, that just. But if you're like me, you know you you're more like a dial than a switch, like I mean, actually it's the opposite, you're more like a switch than a dial Like a moderate, correct.

Speaker 2:

I'm all or nothing type of person. So, um, I had, I chose abstinence because I was never able to get to that perfect moderation and some people can but also I wanted to. I wanted to say, like you said earlier and I wanted to circle back because it was so true about self-worth, most issues, most of the time, when people find, well, I can't manifest, this law of attraction is not working for me, it's because all of it is subconscious programming with some variation of I am not worthy, so you can't really manifest anything. That's outside of your personal belief system. So that's why, like having a coach or really listening to podcasts, like you're saying, if you can't afford a coach, getting involved with following people like follow me, follow Sabrina.

Speaker 2:

We talk about law of attraction and things like that on our Instagram. Well, I don't know if you do, but I talk about law of attraction on Instagram. Follow people who actually know how the law of attraction really works. It's not just about positive thinking. It's called the work for a reason you actually need to dig in and figure out the root cause of your unworthiness and you change those beliefs and then, therefore, you're able to change what you're able to manifest.

Speaker 2:

Because, then? Because we're always manifesting. What are you? Are you manifesting negative things or positive things? Cause law of attraction works both ways. It works. People think it's only for the positive but it's not.

Speaker 1:

You know, when I watched the secret a long time ago, back in 2006, I it was this weird feeling, I think, probably very close to the experience you had when you were 18, because it was almost like, oh my gosh, I know this.

Speaker 1:

It something clicked inside of me that I felt um energized, as if somebody was just reminding me of something that I already knew.

Speaker 1:

But what excited me the most of watching that is that I realized how much power I had of had to take control of my own life and my own success or things that I wanted to bring. Because I think when I first watched the Secret, I felt like everything was up to everyone else in my life. The opportunities that were going to come to me weren't up to me, it was who was going to give me that opportunity. And for the first time I realized that I have the power to bring the opportunity to me. And what I do know for a fact is the universe can be fast. The universe can be very fast, delivering whatever you want, if you take inspired action, really believe that you're worthy of it, and if it does require the participation of a lot of other people instead of just maybe something you want to fast manifest on your own. That can take a little bit more time because things need to be brought into your orbit.

Speaker 2:

So everything needs to vibration line up and not everybody's going to be a vibrational match and in that same frequency, but it's.

Speaker 1:

it can happen way faster if you get into alignment and I think you know, again talking about the science behind that, everything is energy. You were saying, like the table, of course it's vibrating at much slower vibration, but we are all energy and it's about being a magnet to bring those good things in. How would you, how would you give somebody um, I don't, I don't know how to say it, but like the baby steps of getting this started, because I think a lot of people, especially if you're black and white, they go well, I want to quit this habit, start like quitting it all together today. Just that's too much. I think it's powerful even to take baby steps. Do you agree?

Speaker 2:

100%. A lot of it's just self-awareness and repetition. So noticing, catching yourself during the day like, oh, I just did that. Interrupting your patterns is a good way of saying it, because we all have patterns. And just really being mindful, trying to be in the present moment, because most of us aren't, we're thinking about something from our past that happened. We all have patterns.

Speaker 2:

And just really being mindful, trying to be in the present moment, cause most of us aren't, we're thinking about something that from our past that happened, or we're worried about the future. So all of our like Eckhart Tolle would say, all of our power is now, it's in this moment. So, as as often as possible. Um, instead of if you can't meditate for a long period of time maybe you're like me and you have a bit of a monkey brain and you're all over the place there's something called meditation supplements, where you could just be present while you're drinking your tea or coffee, just being present. It doesn't have to be so. That's a great baby step, because you don't have to do this long drawn out meditations.

Speaker 1:

I feel like a lot of people go forget it. First of all, I don't have the 20 minutes to meditate. Don't think I can do 20 minutes of meditation, so I just won't do it at all.

Speaker 2:

It's like no, even if you do that thing, if you don't have 20 minutes to meditate, you need to meditate a lot longer than 20 minutes.

Speaker 1:

I you know, I learned that in transcendental meditation but I do believe that even two minutes of doing it, and one thing that I started doing for myself which is new and I just started implementing this in the last year of my life is when I do take baby steps to to do a new habit, even if I go walk around the block when before I just if I said well, I don't have an hour to work out, so I'm not going to do it at all.

Speaker 1:

I will do that. Those small, little mini wins in my day at the end of the day when I'm brushing my teeth and it sounds corny, so just bear with me. But I just look at myself in the mirror while I'm brushing my teeth and after I brush my teeth I just say I'm so proud of you, I'm so proud of you, and it's one of the last things I look at myself and say and I do feel like that has been helping my self-esteem it's those little, tiny, micro changes that I've been making that have transformed my entire life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what you're talking about is neuroplasticity. It just takes tiny little things to rewire your brain. We used to believe or psychology used to believe that we're just stuck with the. You know, our brain is just the way it is and you can't learn any. You know, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But that's not true. We actually can completely rewire our brain, and that's what I did.

Speaker 2:

Like, I changed my identity. I am no longer that person who used to go and order red wine, you know, every time she went out to eat dinner or lunch, sometimes, you know, a mimosa or whatever. Yeah, I'm no longer that person. Like, I took it out of. It's not an option. It's no longer an option. I changed my identity, um, in order, like Joe Dispenza Dr Joe Dispenza, he's a fabulous person to follow Um, he says you know, in order to change your personal reality, you need to change your personality.

Speaker 2:

So you just need to do that. Um, it's, it's. You can't just keep doing the same old stuff and expecting different results. What's that's the definition of crazy, right or insanity?

Speaker 2:

You got to make these changes and something that I want to talk about with law of attraction, because I don't want to forget to say it, because it tripped me up for so long. It's like the one thing I couldn't connect the dots on and it's so important because I'm sitting there. I'm a law of attraction expert, right? I've been studying this since 2006, just like you. That's when the light bulb I was like oh yeah, this is what I've been trying to tell people. When I think this way and feel this way, this happens.

Speaker 2:

I always noticed that my whole life. But then that movie put the name on it the secret, the law of attraction. So I kept attracting things that I didn't want, and I'm going to talk specifically about relationships. I kept attracting men who you could call a narcissist, like very manipulative, controlling, and I used to be like but we attract what we are and I'm not manipulative, I'm not controlling. And it used to bother me and I couldn't reconcile this, like how is this happening? And I'm doing everything right, I'm keeping a high vibe. Well, that's when I learned from Greg Braden Greg with two Gs, greg Braden, another wonderful person.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm writing that down.

Speaker 2:

Greg Braden. He did an expansion, definitely write it down. He did an expansion on law of attraction Greg Braden, seven mirrors. I'll send you the link after this, but for your audience, look up type in Greg Braden seven mirrors of the Essenes. It's an expansion on law of attraction, and the main one that I was stuck on was we attract.

Speaker 2:

We don't only attract what we are, we also attract what we judge, and I had a huge judgment of people who lied, people who cheated and manipulated. I judged the crap out of them and so that's why it kept showing up in my life. I also focused on it and anything this is law of attraction 101, anything we focus on gets bigger, it grows, see it more. And what am I doing? I'm focusing on my ex or something, you know who, who was this way, and then I keep seeing this show show up in my life in different forms, different men, and I'm like but I know I'm not this way. So we don't only attract what we are. And there's six other mirrors he talks about, but judgment was the one that I could. I didn't know about that. I was recreating the same pattern over in my life and what it is is, it's anything.

Speaker 1:

We have an energetic spark with, so I so you know I'm putting that empty so that is so important and I just made all of your listeners advanced because that was something that I didn't know for so long and I just like I got chills when you just told that story because I I went through the same situation years ago where I was attracting relationships that were really unhealthy and I started looking within the same way that you and then I started almost panicking like am I? Am I a narcissist? And then I, like I just went sort of down this spiral and it is true because I did have a lot of judgment on people who were dishonest.

Speaker 1:

Mike Dooley, who's one of my favorite new thought teachers. He's also been on this podcast. He always says thoughts become things. So you're just throwing it out in the universe whether you want to complain about the same coworker every single day or your mother-in-law every single day. You're perpetuating the situation and I believe that stopping for me gossiping and stop. I of course I still complain because I'm a human being and it just feels good sometimes, but yeah, but stopping myself and my one of my best friends, trish and I, we talk about law of attraction, manifestation.

Speaker 1:

We have to stop each other from complaining when we get on the phone and I'll be like, nope, no, we're not doing this. So even catching yourself doing those small little things and the judgment that you just talked about, the judgment, which was a huge thing for me too, stopping the judgment. Gabby Bernstein has the book Judgment Detox great book, by the way but I think that is a big part too of the law of attraction. And creating the life of your dream is to be able to be in the now, in your own space, and to understand that we are all connected. We're all trying to do our best. Wait, I want to tell one quick story.

Speaker 1:

I was in a work situation many years ago that was really horrible, and every time I would walk into work, it was just this I was sad, I was hurt, I felt, um, that I wasn't. I felt disrespected and I was working with a coach at the time and she had told me to reframe it. And, mary Beth, I swear it seems like magic, but I instead in the morning thought, okay, they're doing their best. They want the, you know the same sort of best product, just like I do. We're all in this together and which sounds crazy, because this person, these people, these two people in particular, were still, I thought, going to be jerks, but they weren't. And I walked into work that day and sort of everything shifted. So you do have the power to put in better thoughts, to create a better atmosphere, no matter how bad you think it is.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know that I have so many stories like that in my own life too, and and here's another golden nugget so, um, if you've been in a toxic relationship and you want to stop the way, this is how you apply it, because we can't just tell people don't judge, like, how do I not, how do I not judge, you know, and it's like a pattern and this is just, this is it's true, like a lot of times it is true, like that person did victimize you and they, you know, it's not like you're saying anything, that's not true. But so here's how you heal with, with, um, the toxic relationship. This is what worked for me. Um, I start to think of them, of someone who treated me poorly. They were with compassion, okay, they were once a baby, they were a clean slate, you know, and something happened to them. And isn't it sad that they feel as though they have to lie and manipulate to earn your love? Isn't it sad? You know?

Speaker 2:

you start to just, not in an egotistical way, like where you're like looking down on them, but just think about it with compassion because, yeah, because we, if somebody who's confident, for instance, isn't going to do that, they're not going to go out of their way to manipulate people, they're just, they're just going to be themselves and they're not going to try to um, lie and cheat and steal there's, there's definitely something that happened to these people that they're, they're, they're acting in that way. So I think it's just really important to get to that place of compassion. Compassion so then then you can get to nonjudgment. It's, it's and it's a journey, and then you're going to find yourself judging again and you just don't be mad at yourself, just catch yourself and and analyze things and witness. You know, we had an earlier conversation we were talking about. Neither one of us are positive vibes only people.

Speaker 2:

You need to feel your feelings. That's another important thing to anyone listening. Feel your feelings. We're not saying only think positive thoughts all the time. Use your thoughts as indicators, use your thoughts as guidance. That's your emotional guidance system.

Speaker 2:

And Abraham Hicks has a little story that they tell of where you know, just like if you're driving your car and you're running low on gas, you see it's almost on E. You don't just put a happy face sticker over it. You want to know you're on E and that's what our emotions are doing for us. They're letting us know hey, there's something that you need to shift here, there's something that you need to do, there's an action you need to take, and the baby steps would be okay. Well, I'm feeling very anxious or fearful about something, and you don't expect to jump straight up to joy.

Speaker 2:

But there's always going to be a better feeling thought. There's always going to be something that you could feel better than you do right now. And then there's things you could do, like go take a walk, like you said earlier, get out in nature If you have animals, go pet your cat, go pet your play with your dog. It could be just listening to positive messaging, getting on YouTube and just finding all of this free information, people who are already where you want to be, let them be your role model. That's what I hope that I am to people a role model for someone. Hey, if I can do it with my high addictive personality, highly addictive personality, literally anyone can do it. You know, being a role model, that is what I hope to be to people most.

Speaker 1:

I could talk to you for hours about this. I, for anyone listening, I'm going to put Mary Beth's information in the notes her Instagram, her website to get in touch with her. And also for anyone listening, like you and I, we both said we've been really studying this for so many years. Also, for anyone listening, like you and I, we both said we've been really studying this for so many years, healing is not linear and I still have a roller coaster. I still need to be reminded. And just like working out, you don't work out once and build muscle and then you're done. It's like you constantly have to do that. So, podcast, meditation, youtube, it's daily work and it's fun. It doesn't have to inundate your entire life, um, but it's just about the baby steps. Thank you so much. You have to come back because I wanted to offer you something.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to offer your audience something, um so my addiction recovery with law of attraction cards for for your listeners. If they use the coupon code Sabrina, um, they can get 25% off of those cards on my website.

Speaker 1:

I'll put that in the notes too. Thank you so much. You're so generous. I'll put that in the notes. So if anybody wants to get a deck of cards, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much, it was so much fun.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate it, thank you.

Quantum Physics and Law of Attraction
Manifesting With Self-Worth and Action
Changing Your Brain, Redefining Your Reality
Daily Self-Care Practices for Addiction Recovery