The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast

Ep. #535: Hormones, Loss, and Fitness questions answers! UNHINGED

casey shipp

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The episode is filled with practical advice on fitness, emotional health, and the steps necessary to achieve a balanced and healthy life.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:15 Addressing Weight Gain and Sciatica

00:38 Holistic Approach to Health

01:42 Emotional and Physical Trauma

04:50 Hormonal Imbalances and Solutions

06:38 Understanding Emotional Regulation

12:58 Practical Advice for Hormone Health

20:50 Empowerment and Self-Love

22:40 The Emotional Struggle of Weight Loss

23:13 Relationship Dynamics and Weight Loss

23:30 The Fitness Blocker Quiz

24:31 Addressing Laziness and Weight Loss

25:00 Acne, Cravings, and Hormonal Imbalances

28:05 Failure to Launch and Business Struggles

30:18 Low Energy and Postpartum Challenges

36:18 Identity and Aging

40:35 Perimenopause and Hormonal Struggles

42:15 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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If you're new to my content, welcome. I cuss a lot. honestly, women find me when they are ready to have it all. When you want it all, you find me. Specifically cracking the weight loss fitness and hormone code. I'm happy that you're here. And let's get into the second question today. So this question said she wants help with weight gain has sciatica, difficulty getting mobility back to lose the weight. Okay. I help women do the same thing. I can't tell you how many women. have come in. Maybe they're struggling. They're doing all the right things in the gym and spending all the money and doing all the things, but just something's not working. They're stuck and they find out why they're stuck. We handle things from the root issue, which is in the nervous system. So we teach you how to regulate your nervous system. We teach you how to balance your hormones. We have physicians. We work with food and gut testing. It's a holistic approach and actually, which workouts to do based on where your hormones are at, where your nervous system's at. Everybody's got different moving pieces and That, it works every time. Seriously, it just works every time. Weight gain, so sciatica was the problem. And, oh, I am intuitive, so if I channel anything, there will be that as well. Because right when I saw sciatica, I was like, okay Not feeling supported and something is a pain in your ass. So it's like cat. I'm not going to say your name. If you were to just close your eyes and said, who's a pain in my ass right now, or what is a pain in my ass? Just what's a pain in my ass. Whatever comes up is the energetic reason thing in the thing you need to pluck out. Okay. So there's that one. So handle whatever the pain in the ass is, and then we're going to build your core strength. So what you can do. Honestly, too, there's some adrenal fatigue here, I can already just tell. Obviously, if you've had injuries, that is trauma to the body. Not to mention what it did to your emotional state. I've been through a lot of trauma. I've been through physical trauma, financial trauma, emotional trauma, you name it, trauma. And, being a high performer go, fitness model, All these things, when I went through, childbirth, total hysterectomy, each little thing chipped away at who I thought I was, it threw me into, my viral load went up, my Epstein Barr went up my It flared up old traumas. This is why you see women who have babies, they go into postpartum, they're not sleeping. And that triggers them into, the low dopamine serotonin and stuff, which will bring up old traumas. PTSD will surface and all that. When really doctors will go put them on SSRIs and all they needs hormone fucking therapy and a trauma informed approach to regulate their nervous system. So a number one, work on your core strength. You could do things on YouTube, core, easy flow yoga for core or what I would recommend is doing a, the full approach that we do food and gut tests. Cause that is going to help you lose weight without working out. Also the emotional clearings and really clearing out the depression, clearing out the loss, because you went through a loss. You went through fucking depression from being injured. When you're able to do shit and you're, like we were in our 20s, we could go work out for two hours, we could go do all these things, and then you get pregnant, you have a kid, or you go through something, you lose a parent you get divorced It's just like a, it's a heavy burden and you have to learn how to clear that out of your nervous system and keep going. And then recover what was lost. Cause nothing's ever lost, it only changes form. So there's a lot of mindset work here. So A, you need to do food and gut test and probably start with Clear my shit. And if you want access to that, anybody, if y'all want anything that we're talking about, Go either, if you're listening on the podcast, Go to kcshipp. com forward slash apply. That's gonna send you to book the console. It's like a 15 minute console and we'll take down like what's going on and then give you these things. Hey, if you need to clear my shit, we'll give you that. If you need the food test, we'll give you that link. We'll just help whatever's coming up. If you're watching this and you don't want to do all that shit, just put results in the comments and then that'll send you the options so that you can get the exact thing you need to get where you want to go. Most people would go straight into trying to lose weight. If you had sciatica. Don't do that. I would say to focus on A, what's the pain in my ass, emotional. B, get the food and gut test so you can at least start doing that and clear the inflammation and know exactly what to do. Sometimes just having a plan helps a lot. So you're doing that and then core, focusing on your core and then you pair that, the food and gut with your core and then clearing out some of this stuff from your nervous system, you'll start losing weight and feeling better and then you can do specific workouts, but you can do hormones anytime. Because your adrenals are low. And if your adrenals are low, it's only just going to be harder. Your thyroid, your adrenals, your iron, like your IGF one. Probably gonna need some IGF 1 to repair not IGF 1, to check your IGF 1 and then take whatever we recommend for that. Alright, next question is, over the last three years, I've gained 30 pounds, started HRT, I eat a balanced diet and workout, and I work 8 10 hours, 5 days a week, what in the fuck? How y'all do this, I will never know. I don't understand, it's crazy. I do know, I used to be that. So let me just help you. I see this often women going in and do an HRT or getting their hormones fixed or done or whatever. they'll still be struggling with hormone issues, hormonal issues. Here's why this is why y'all know how I always talk about fix that one thing and you'll never need another weight loss thing again. I'm you or me. I'm not saying that you won't need. A coach because I do challenges. I'm doing a challenge with y'all right now. I don't need a coach. I just need to be held accountable and doing it with y'all where we hold each other accountable. Adrenals. HRT, sometimes when we do it and it's not working, tells me right off the bat, A, you're training too much, you're not eating enough, and there's underlying trauma in the nervous system. So there's a lot of trauma in the nervous system. There's an EQ quiz that I have, emotional intelligence quiz. It's like a 12 question a quiz. Those of you that are in the program, it's like a 52 question because it's more in depth. Just put quiz in the comments and we'll send it. That's going to show you right there. You're going to be like, Whoa. fucking did not know that this was going on beneath the surface so there's a lot there i'm already like looking at your picture here i can tell you right now you're running from a lot of stuff you don't feel safe you don't feel safe resting you don't feel safe being seen you don't feel safe with life just being easy and relaxed you feel like if you relax and let things go other shit may happen there's codependency here there's a lot of shit in the emotional coding with you right here So there's that, but can you get results without doing that? Yes and no. You could just understand your nervous system and trauma because I can tell you right now, when I tell a woman like you to do less, sometimes she's ready to say, I will do anything you tell me. But sometimes that addiction to controlling our environment so that we feel safe is really strong. You may think I'm going to get fat. And I will tell you to do the anxiety clearing takes about 20, 30 minutes that will clear the anxiety that will clear the charge from your mind and body, and you'll be able to be calm and think clearly and make a better decision. So for you, it's going to be about managing your emotional regulation, this is why no diet plans work. they give you a workout and a diet and maybe here follow these macros, maybe even, Hey, here's your hormones. You're doing HRT and it's still not working. Hello. It's because what about the root cause? What about your adrenals healing your adrenals, getting you out of fight or flight, helping you to understand that less is more. And to like really just learn how to honor your body, tap into your knowingness. What is it that I'm feeling? Relaxing, taking more baths and doing less strenuous exercise. Clearly it's not working. So I would like to see your IGF one and your adrenals. So if they're, if they've got you on HRT, but they're not handling your adrenals, it's a waste of fucking time. So Hormones need to be addressed in the adrenals. Take the trauma the fitness blocker quiz. We had to call it fitness blocker because if we say trauma, you bitches won't do it because you're like, oh, I don't have trauma. Why do I share my marketing secrets with y'all? Because I know you're smart. That's why. All right. But seriously, just, it's a fitness blocker. Don't you want to know why you're blocked? Then go take it and then take action. All right. She said, this is why I love you, what you do and why nothing else was working for me. Happy I found you. I am happy that you found me too, Angie, because if I could just have a thousand clients like you or students or buyers or friends or whatever we call ourselves these days, like dear God, you are totally our unicorn. You are the unicorn person. I just want you to know that. It's because Angie is open to all this. she understands it's psychosomatic it's the mind body thing. And spirit. It's all of it. It's not just one thing. If you do hormones, you have to do something else. You have to, it's all of it. the reason you would say it's overwhelming is because the overwhelm is the part that we fucking get to clear out. It's cause you're in fucking survival mode cause you have shit tons of trauma and your adrenals are fucked. Get your adrenals fixed, learn how to fucking work out, and what foods to eat, you're gonna start feeling better and go, Wow, that was so easy. Exactly. I think hormones is my problem, but honestly, I don't know. It's gotten worse and I feel like something's just out of balance. This tells me that this young lady is intuitive. I personally love working with intuitive bitches. I can already tell. We've got an empath on our hands here. Trust yourself. You know if something's off. I have questions. I have so many questions. I would love you to fill out the intake form. Matter of fact, go do it. kcshipp. com forward slash Is it intake? Hold on. Because if I tell you to do it, everybody else is going to do it, which is fine. It's just, let's do the apply. Let's go fuck it. Let's do intake. Casey ship. com forward slash intake. And if that doesn't come up, it's intake form. Casey ship. com forward slash intake form. It's a very in depth form. Okay. This is not for everybody. So everybody don't need to go fucking do it. You can do it if you want to. It's just it's where we send people when we want to give you like really customized information. I'd like to know a few of these answers questions and answers to the questions we ask because based on how you answer that, it's going to tell me a lot. Now, it's hormones. are you working out, but if you feel like there's something else, then it is something else. And it's probably going to be you. I do suspect you're at a time in your life. You're going through a lot of fucking change. Maybe even that. Midlife crisis, maybe 36 year old type shit, where you go through it in 25, you go through that quarter life crisis. There's a big change coming up for you. You're feeling that also y'all 2025 is a big reset. 2025 is the year. 2023 was the fucking feminine awakening. It kicked a lot of our asses. 2024 has been the surviving out of that. It really feels like 2024 to me feels like fucking survival and it's fun. It's like a lot of growth, like there's a lot of growth and I'm really trying to find the gratitude and more and more gratitude and beauty in this. We are 2025 is going to be the Okay, we have done it. But for those of you that are being lazy and you're not doing the fucking work because you're still just acting in your trauma shit, like I'm busy, let me do it later, I'm scared to do it. Yeah, you're going to pay the fuck up. Just letting you know. It's just like, how long are we going to go? I'm just speaking from my own experience. I know that when I look back and I've pushed things off because it was inconvenient, I avoided the shit out of it because it was inconvenient and there was like, I had a lot on my plate. Oh, I'm having to pay for it now. And it's, I just feel that conviction and passion. please don't be like my old self, please. God, no. Just can we just be like, okay, I'm feeling this. Let me just trust and say, yes, thank you. Let's just embody that. Okay. Next question. Let's see, where are you struggling with, what are you struggling with right now? And she says, eating enough and not knowing which workouts are best for me. This one would be easy. Okay, not eating enough. That tells me a few things. One, it could be hormones, okay. Number two, because if your hormones are whack, specifically cortisol and thyroid, if your thyroid is low and your cortisol is off Yeah, those two things. You're not going to be really hungry. We have, and you're probably listening to your hormones, which means even if you're not hungry, you're not making yourself eat. Most women don't. Or, if you're really busy, got a lot going on, that tells me there's definitely trauma embedded in there. Excuse me. Yes, trauma embedded in there. So you need to do the quiz till you understand what I'm talking about or you don't, if maybe you don't want to understand it, maybe you're just like, just fucking tell me what to do to fix myself. Fine. I don't think you're broken. I know you're not broken. We're just going to enhance and we're going to improve and optimize. Okay. So get your hormones checked. If you want our physicians put in results in the chat, in the comments, DM me results. Or, go straight to kcshipp. com forward slash apply, fill that quick little form out, and that, that'll help because we can look at it and see alright, here's what you probably need to do. But you need to get with our doctors. We have a ton of options, very affordable options. If you want to work with our physicians, you need to get in immediately, get the full panel that we look at done. And then the workouts. Specifically, any woman that's tired or you're stuck, I would say start with anything that says low hormone. Start with the adrenal workout, it'll say adrenal, or start with the EMOM. If you don't have it, it's in the app store, called the Hot Body App. Okay so that's going to tell you which workouts to do. Now here's what I want you to do though. I want you to get your hormones done. Based on the outcome, and now if you're in one of our programs, whether it's the Fit Hormones 27, if it's the Accomplished in 8, it comes with hormones now, Mastermind, Bad Bitch, we've got a ton that come with the hormone doctor stuff. If you're in the Fit Hormones, or the Bad Bitch, or the Mastermind, we do coaching calls. We do all that stuff where we can actually look at your hormones and be like, all right, here's what I would do, but just get the hormones. So you understand, all right, is it hyperthyroid? Is it Hashimoto's? Is it adrenals? Is it just, what is it based on that? You can then choose the workouts. And I'll say this in the workouts, I'll say, make sure you're eating to at least 2000 calories and make sure your hormones are healthy. Like I say that in there. So that's what you need. Okay. Angie said, Yesterday I did not want to work out and I procrastinated, But then I heard you in my head saying, Why are you not loving and showing up for yourself? And then I got it done. Good job, Angie. You did the override, Because a lot of us are addicted to the way we are. And it's just the way we are. So to change who we are, we have to change that. And override sometimes that emotional Feedback. And consistency. Y'all, you ain't even gotta be talented to be fucking consistent. It's crazy. And that is my weak point, my weak area. I'm not gonna lie. Everybody sees me as consistent. Y'all. I swear to God I'm not, I don't like schedules. I don't, you won't catch me doing the same thing at the same time every day. I used to be this way. The older I get and the more like emme feminine into my feminine, I get, I'm like, you just uhuh. I need things to be changing and shit. Consistency is not my strong suit. I'm disciplined. I can be very disciplined, but consistent. Let's talk about that later. Okay, here we go. This says, what are you struggling with? Okay, I can't lose weight no matter what I do. I have done all these tests. My hormones are quote normal, I have seen all the doctors, I work out 3 days a week, and do yoga 3 days a week, I walk, I eat clean, I have large fibroids, and have to get a hysterectomy to remove them, I'm 40 pounds overweight, and I'm age 50, and it's making me insane. First of all, And you're into metaphysics, mind, body, soul, healing. You just said it. I can't lose weight no matter what I do. There's your first problem. Like reading this whole entire thing, there's lots of frustration. And I know what you're going to say. Damn, if I could fix it, I wouldn't feel that way. Cue the guru zen music. Okay. Y'all ready for this? Yeah. Here we go. Here they go. They're ready for this. What you have to do is right now, if you were healthy, we're 40 pounds lighter and things were working out for you and your body was working with you how would you feel? How would you feel today? What would you do differently? How would you show up? And that's what you do. But Casey, I'm not yet. Everything I've ever done, and this is scientifically proven now, like metacognition meets weight loss. First, we're not denying you. I've been there. I've fucking been there. So it's okay to feel frustrated. I would suggest doing my frustration clearing, removing the charge from your body, And there, when you don't have any of the frustration, there will be some clarity and there will be some certainty. So we are what we say and we are what we think. Even if you say all the positive affirmations and you're still not doing it, it's because you're not, it's because you're not feeling it. There's no emotion to it and you don't know how to integrate. So number one is let's acknowledge this frustration. It sucks. It fucking sucks. And hysterectomy, I've had one. Fibroids, this tells me there's tons of feminine wounding. There needs to be a womb rites of passage for you. I suggest a Mar course. I think that link is in my bio and Instagram. If you need it, just send me a DM that says a Mar a M a R or go look at my Lincoln bio. You need hormones ASAP. You need clear my shit ASAP to really clear these high negative charges and get back to what you know, because you are a magic fucking creator. You were created by a creator. Hello. So you can create whatever it is you want. But there's a lot of beliefs that things have to be hard. And there's a lot of, also I'm picking up, is safety. It's something about, there's something in you, and there's journal prompts that you should totally go through. I suggest going through Drop the Fuckin Weight Struggle course. And doing, go through the first four modules and do that homework. You're gonna be like, holy shit, no wonder I struggled. So I would do clear my shit, clear the frustration, drop the fucking weight struggle, and then you can get your hormones done now. I mean it wouldn't hurt anything, but you're gonna feel so much fucking better when you do those. I can just feel it already. So there's that. Okay questions here. That song is exactly what I was thinking. Yeah, I just love jog jams. Where can we find the clear my shit teachings? Just comment results and that will. prompt us to do a 15 minute chat with you, figure out which ones you need and get them to you. So just put a result, DM me results because they're not anywhere on the, what do you call it? They're not in my links or they're not in my bio or anything like that right now. Honestly, they've been hidden. Not going to lie for good reason because y'all need to know how to use them. Okay. Here's another one. Ready? Oh, cool name. I gain. Wait, because I'm getting divorced, and I'm drinking too much, and I need some more time for kids, and business, and new lover. I'm stressed out. Okay. Here we go. Number one. You're not going to like my answer. You're not going to like what I have to say. I do think you're ready though. I do think you're ready. This is all about you taking full responsibility. There is a part of you that is an inner child that's lots of parts of you, lots and lots of small parts of you that are running the show, that feels disempowered, that feels like, when is it going to be my fucking turn? I do so much for everybody else. Nothing ever works out for me. Everybody, it just must be easier for everyone else. So there's a underlying theme I pick up on your energy when I'm reading this. you may want to weigh the ego with what's going on, which I know, I can tell you've got these two energies. You've got a very sweet, you're like a sour patch child. Where you're there's part of you that's sour, whatever, but parts of what I'm saying, you're like, I'm open. Because if you really want a lover, I've helped so many people manifest a lover. and babies because when you learn how to do the work and clear your shit and truly embody health and love yourself and create true freedom and confidence in your body and create a body that you're proud of and that you love everything can fucking change because you take those same energetics and you take those same skills that you learned the blood work and how to use exercise to create new energy like you can use this in any area of your life let's just call it supreme witchcraft workouts, okay? Whatever. That's for funsies. But your lover, your kids, all this, you're just in fucking survival mode. It's been modeled to you. You know nothing different. And my heart goes out to you. Truly. I understand. So I would say this, you need some empowerment. You need some fucking money. You need some fucking, and money's already in you. It's already around you. You just need to go to do the Start, go down the line. Food and gut test. Start eating better. Start being like, aware of what's going in and out of your body as a form of love. I said this today, I was like, self love is fucking currency. Are you rich or are you poor? Start with the food and gut test. Get your hormones checked. So you start paying attention to yourself. Those two things right there are going to make you like really look at yourself in a different way. Instead of just picking yourself apart and being miserable, you're going to be like, okay, now I see why I've been feeling shitty. Okay. Now I see why. So those two tests are huge, but then you look at it and go, okay, now what, how do I integrate? And then here we go. Where I want you to start is resilient as fuck the course called resilient as fuck. And then I want you to go through relationship by design. Money codes and clear my shit. Those four courses paired with our food test, gut test, hormones, and workouts will, you will not be the same. You will be, there will be a one fucking 80. People will look at you and go, who, what in the fuck have you done? Like there, you're going to be one of those where they say it must just be easy and then you'll look at them and go, oh, you have no idea what I've been through. True alchemy. So that's what I would do to really alchemize your situation. Okay. Next one. Where do I feel, where are you struggling right now? This one says weight loss, and if you ever want me to read your questions, all you gotta do is join my free Facebook community. Link is in the bio and Instagram. It should say just to join my free Facebook community or if you go on kcshipp. com what I do is when you enter the community we see all of what you say and then sometimes I'll come on and I'll do Q& As. Okay, weight loss. Why can't I seem to get there? How to get over it? All this shit I hold on to it just doesn't serve me. Sometimes all we need as a woman is connection. Sometimes all we need to know that is that other people are really struggling. The struggle is real. And that you're not alone. Sometimes that's all we fucking need. And then it's just okay, I know it doesn't fix it, but it just feels real. Nice. Okay, so weight loss. Why can't I seem to get there? How to get over all this shit I hold on to that does not serve me? All right, ready? There's some stuff going on in the relationship. Specifically with men, whether this is your dad your brothers or men. I can't explain it. Why can't you seem to get there? There could be shame that I'm just getting a lot of channel shit with you. Let me give you the 3D. How about that? So you need to take the quiz. You need to take the fitness blocker quiz. Yeah, you need to take the fitness blocker quiz. You're very intuitive. That's all I know. You're very intuitive. And I don't know if you know that. I don't know if you know that. That may be something huge as well. I even yeah. Here's what you need. You need the quiz. So put quiz in the comments if you want that. Take the fitness blocker quiz. That's gonna show you like, holy shit. Okay, now I get why I'm stuck. Why nothing's worked. What I want you to do, same thing. Food and gut test hormones. Start there, and then I'd love to see how you feel after you see the results. I'd like you to start, because I do feel like there's maybe parts of you that's oblivious to this. Energy codes, or reset and restore. Energy codes, or reset and restore. is what I would do. That, those two are inside of the Bad Bitch Bundle and the Mastermind. I don't know if we sell them a la carte. That's why I say just put results in the chat and we'll make sure you get the right thing. But that's what I would do. Alright, this next lady here. This is prime example. I said lazy answers will be declined. What are you struggling with? And her answer was wait. The reason why this particular girl was struggling is she's lazy. She's lazy. She's not giving context. She's not sharing herself. So she's just meh meh, her attitude is shitty. That's why. Or I'm in a hurry, she's in a hurry, that's why you're fucking not losing weight. Okay, the next question. What are you struggling with right now? Acne, cravings, all the time, and weight loss. So let's talk about this. Acne I used to have it. I still have scars and We have to get those microneedles. Yes, we do. See, look. Okay, acne, adrenals. It is in the adrenals, specifically the how you convert. So I would like to see the blood panel with our doctors and see what your DHT is. Next, definitely do the food cravings. I don't know if y'all have seen it. It should be pinned in my free group. that has the acne photo. Holy shit. What we did with hers, I can't tell you how many people we have helped with acne. And it's all hormones and food. So really for you, I would do the food test, food and gut tests, hormones start there. And then I don't even know what you're doing for weight training or exercise. Let's see. Let me tap in and see if there's anything that I'm feeling. Obviously you're doing way too fucking much. You need to do Reset and Restore. You need to go through Reset and Restore. So Food and Gut Test, Hormones, Reset and Restore, and then Easy Workouts. I'm talking like probably do the Adrenal Workouts. It's in the Hot Body app and or Emom Workouts. It's in the Hot Body app. We have a couple of offers too. Very inexpensive that come with a couple of the E Moms, so like I said, if you want that, just comment E Mom and we'll send those. But, yeah, I would say, the cravings, okay, so when you get the blood work done, just tell them to check for Candida. it should be in what we request, so if you get into my program, it should say that. Let's see if you have Candida. Sometimes, if you're on birth control or have taken it for a while, you could have Candida. your thyroid and your adrenals are off. you probably don't eat enough as well, so there could be a micro macro nutrient lack here. So I would personally, for you, if I had to do a makeover, I would do food and gut, hormones. Based on those two things, I would help you with your diet and workout, make sure you're solid there and you know what to do every day. And then, because that's how you live, like you eat, everybody eats. And everybody hopefully works out. All you're going to have now that's different is a plan. It's literally like you're not taking away anything. Even if you don't work out, you can still benefit greatly from doing what I'm saying. So do those things and then start with reset and restore. There's something in your energy that says, I don't believe I can. So I want you to do the self doubt clearing. I want you to go to clear my shit and do the self doubt clearing. A lot and even the belief generator and journal codes Spend time in there. Reset and restore. There's a lot of emotional trauma here. I don't even know if you are aware of and if you're not aware of it, you could totally take the fitness blocker quiz. Yep that's that one. That would have you fixed right up. But there's also parts of you that says, I just don't have time. I'm just overwhelmed. start with the food and gut tests and hormones. To reset and restore when you walk. That's good enough. It's enough. Some of y'all just need to embody that. It's enough. what I'm doing is enough. Okay, next. Let me answer your question here. I struggle with failure to launch. I get started working on my business and then I go astray. I get so stressed and I know that's why I can't lose this belly weight. Alright, so here's what your thing is. Alright, number one. if you get started on your business and you go astray and you leave your body, I work with very heart centered feminine women who are building businesses who also know they need to get healthy in their adrenals on this stuff, but really it's mostly, energetics on business, authenticity, and why you look at everybody else and wonder how they're doing it, so I have an offer for this. And we have a bundle where you can bundle it with the help and The mindset emotional offer. All right, number one, you're very creative. You're very feminine. And I have a course called chaotic and powerful and unbothered and focused. Those would be great for you just to understand yourself. And that way you can chat with us and get chaotic and powerful and unbothered and focused. So you'll understand yourself as a powerful, creative, feminine, badass. So one part is you are spirit. If you're a creator and you're a business person or an artist or anything like that You have that part of you that will just lose track of time that will get wrapped up in it. I get it, I can hyper focus and turn on, you get in the channel and you're getting these, you're tapped into source and you're creating and you just get busy and it's fun as shit. Alright. So there could be some spiritual practices that you could bring into place here. Also masculine, so masculine, but see this is what right here is what I don't understand. You said, I struggle with failure to launch. Yet you're going ham in your fucking business. So that's not true. So you do launch cause look at what you're doing in your business. It's just not with your body. So that tells me there's one of three things. Either you don't feel safe in being hot as fuck and having it all. There's guilt there around whatever it is. You don't actually really want it because maybe check your intentions on why you actually want it or. You're afraid you don't believe that you can actually do it or you're afraid of what's going to happen. So you need to address one of those three things and you'll find the answer in there. Does that help? Let me know if that makes sense. Yep. Okay. So the next question is low energy levels, bloating after meals, fat around stomach. what hormone test do you recommend to see where my levels are at? Okay, so let me help. So low energy, like I said earlier about age, babies, I see you've got a baby in your photo here. That clearly means you've been through trauma. Child birth is very traumatic because it's a life change, not to mention what your body goes through, not to mention what goes on a spiritual level. Like it's a lot. So let's get your hormones done. Once again, food and gut test hormones. I think more coaches are going to just pay me and she could totally rip off my shit. Like why would you not just do the bundle and do millionaire matrix and hot moms and we just make money together and change the world. Like why not? So food and gut test hormones, specifically the adrenals. Reset and restore energy codes. I think you would like that. Also, you need money codes. There's some weak shit in there that you don't feel, that you don't see yourself as someone who could just have money and feel powerful with it. There's some limiting beliefs there. And if you really have those types of limiting beliefs around money, you're going to cock block yourself on everything. Everything, fitness, business, what you get to have in this life, everything. Okay, fat around stomach, yep, exactly. That's all about your personal power. Stomach is all about your personal power and that's why I said energy codes. We go over this area, solar plexus, over the gut and belly love. Okay, here we go. Next one. Okay. She said yes. Okay. Yes. Very much. It makes sense. Sent the DM. Just make sure you answer everything, get it booked. And then we can see what's going on and help get you what you need so that can stop and you can create what it is you're creating because you have something to give the world. It's very important that you do this. I can't explain how important it is to really go after what you want and making sure that happens because in that's when you become the best version of yourself. You want to clear trauma, go for the craziest fucking goals. Alright. Yes. Good deal. Yes, please. I just want to make money and help others be, behaving, be shaving, and feel amazing. Or you want to misbehave, either one. Yeah, do the bundle. The bundle right now for Millionaire Matrix. The summer bundle is killer. If you run a business and you want to get healthy and you've got some blocks there, the bundle, just the shit. Okay, here we go. Oh, this one's a good one. This one says body weight cellulite. Oh god, I'm mining fucking cellulite. Self confidence, marital issues, money issues, feeling like a failure, and I want to straighten out my life before it passes me by. I need a strategy for making money online while getting healthy and in shape. It's almost like we just fucking created this, this is some sage spray. Ah, sage and rose. What is it? It's sage, jasmine, rosemary, and rose. It's so amazing. Okay. Here we go. Are you ready for this shit? Cellulite? it's, we're just going to say, ain't suppressed anger. Okay, We're just going to say that. Okay. Self confidence. Marital issues. Money issues. You need a whole makeover. You need to start with food and gut test, hormones with the workouts and Amar, go straight into Amar and money codes, bitch. You won't even fucking know what that will do for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you're going to have to probably, you said money's a problem, so that would probably stand in the way of you being able to buy that. So you need to find the fucking money. Find the money, get a loan. We have people that we have suggestions, if you do need a loan or PayPal credit or something, but do payments, do something and commit, but Amar. Okay. So food and gut test hormones in the, when I say food and gut tests and hormones throw in there, the workouts and food, because that's all in there. It's step one, two, three, and then Amar, this is your, This is a rite of passage for you. This is, Oh man, it's this phoenix energy. it's like you are creating a best chapter in your bestseller. so many women have done this, they come to work with me, they get into the content, they clear some of their shit. And then they do millionaire matrix and make money with how they did it because do you think if you clear this shit Or learn how to make it building blocks for creating a beautiful life That other people and women like you would pay to see what you did. Abso fucking lutely It's how i've made multi seven figures online helping people and I started with nothing Years ago 15 years ago I've got videos of me way back in the day with babies in the background everywhere because I built this shit Like, I've been doing this. So this, to me, sounds like every good story. If you ever notice most good stories and shit start with some shitty shit. It's not like I was actually really rich trust fund baby, I was beautiful my body was great, and this wonderful thing happened. Probably, but that's not the good stories, right? So that's what it sounds like to me. Hi. Oh so that's how I do. So food tests, hormones with specific workouts. I would do the adrenal. Just fill out the application so we can see how much weight you have. If you're like over 200 pounds, unless you're six foot, if you're heavy, I don't suggest you jumping inside of Casey's regimen. I've got some workouts to do that's easier for you because you could be, You could put yourself in a bad situation if you try to force what you're not ready for. So it depends on how much weight you have on you. So I would say to do the application so we can give you guidance on which way to go. But yeah, there, this is just that's what's going on. And your environment. You're gonna probably need to change your environment. But you're gonna change your environment when you change you. You are the environment. So if y'all wanna change everybody around you, just change yourself. And everything else will shift. It May not be fun, but whatever. Oh, this one says, If I hear one more fucking lady tell me of their age, And I fall into this trap. I need to make an email about it because it's disgusting. And I got disgusted by myself today when I said it. Like this lady here. She says, I'm 50, I have a total hysterectomy 12 years ago, Hashimoto's, hypothyroid, and something else, and lupus, and this and that. Okay, this is an identity problem. This is an identity issue. A lot of people aren't going to want to hear that. Because it's an identity. Who are they without their identity? It's today I searched fitness over 40 and it was like, oh fuck no. It was like, disgusting. I don't want it like that. They were like, fucking, Ew. Ugh. What happened? It went from these hot girls just looking hot and whatever to like, fucking mediocre bodies that, no! I'm so tired of that. Just it was it just no, I'm over 50. I'm over this like I understand and I do I get it that yes It's not like it was when we were 20. However, my hormones were worse at 20 So what the fuck, I have a total hysterectomy So what I know is that life as you go through life and the trauma and the compound and the years and you change and you Grow and you become wiser and all these things We change. Yes. I'm not trying to go and power lift 300 pounds. So are we going to change? Yes. Does it mean you have to just give the fuck up? Oh, it's because of my age, I'm this or fit over 40 or 50. Ooh, that's, I look good for my age. Who the fuck says that somebody that's trying to convince themselves that it's okay to be mediocre. Do you think Dolly Parton thinks like that? No, you think Cher thinks like that? No. You think Madonna thinks like that? No. Then why the fuck are you thinking like that? So first what you need to do is adjust your mindset. Trash your identity, and get a new one. I mean that with love. I don't mean like you suck. The parts of you that are on top of the world That have built up this story of all these labels and why things have to be hard and just who you are. It's just it's old. Let's just, you said it. You're over 50. She's old. let's trash it and create new. Let's become the wise woman where you say, I am, I have a banging body. I feel good. I'm this. I've got a best seller because I overcame this. And you know what? Age doesn't matter. Matter of fact, I'm 56 and I look good, baby. You see the difference? So a lot of this shit is identity problems and mindset fucking problems. Yes, hormones and everything else, but that's the easy shit. Yeah, there's that one. Okay. I'm going to take one more question because I'm out of drink and I wasn't prepared. Fully, but I can come back because I would like to do a lot more of these. Because I have a lot. I don't want to feel behind, okay, Next one. Ashley Cooper said, I know. Ugh. And I saw it today, Ashley, and I was like, The fact that there's no hot fit over 40, and I'm just going to say it. Let me, y'all want me to just say it? Let me just say it. Okay, when I saw this, I'm like, where are the people that age gracefully? In their face and stuff, where it doesn't look like you see it, and they're ripped the fuck up, but their face looks like it matches, where's the sexy, like I said, Cher. Let's give it up for the queens. Let's give it fucking up. These people who have aged gracefully, and look great, and their body looks great, and it just, it feels and looks great, and it's not like repulsive. I'm ready. And I saw it as a need. I was like, this is an industry need, Casey. Clearly you need to do this. Clearly, Casey, it needs to be you. So just blaze the trail. And you become that bitch. Why not? Why not? And as I get older, like I'm getting my tits out. These are way too big now. They've run their, they've run their thing. It's been seven years. I've had huge tits. I've had every size tits. And turns out, the titties we came in with, 19 or whatever, it was the best, best set ever. But then you only have them for two years. I only had my 19 for two years. And then I, you lose fat or you gain fat and then you have babies and whatever. But it's like I'm gonna get these out. I'm gonna get them resized. Smaller so I can wear cute shit. We're gonna go there. Whatever. Okay. One more question. Okay. I am struggling with perimenopause symptoms. Hot flashes. Mood swings. Fatigue. Weight gain. And I've never struggled with my weight ever. So it's very discouraging and my doctors are just brushing it off as I age. Ooh. Yeah, getting gaslit by the doc's not great. But you know what? It's not their job. Truly, their job's to keep you like, it's to get you some flu medicine, make sure you don't get cancer, to take babies out of your vagina, to take a fibroid out, to, doctors really aren't there for girls like us. It's to literally, when some shit goes down, they're there. They got our backs. If our fucking finger falls off, or we need our uterus taken out, they have our fucking backs. But it's rare that you get Don't go to regular white coats to do this. Okay, get with our doctors, but here's the deal You just want the hormones and It's fine. And I'm so tired of also seeing these perimenopausal things and it's like kind of mighty I have a total steroctomy. Sure, get your hormones done You'll feel better, but you're still gonna have to fucking like work out or maybe not. Maybe you don't want to work out maybe like Maybe you're okay with just being mediocre. I don't know. I just don't like mediocre. Like, when I first started my fucking podcast, that song by T. I., that No Mediocre song, was my intro. If it's normal, I don't want it. Not saying normal's bad it's just not me. Alright, but I am the older I get, you just get these things, you just want to give up and be normal, but then let's, no, we just let that die. We just do Mercurius and let it shed. Anyway, I'm struggling with perimenopausal symptoms, hot flashes, all that, so yeah, you need to get your hormones done, you need the food and gut test, I guess I shouldn't even say anything more. I can feel the things just seeing y'all, what you say and your name. Ooh, Hashimoto's stress, weight loss. Ooh, I'll come back. Y'all want me to come back and I'll handle Hashimoto's. That's a whole nother conversation. All right. I'm going to hop off. Get me some drink and answer the messages that came through and then I'll try to come back on, but I don't know. I'll try. I can't make any promises because I need to get ready for, I've got a training tomorrow. If you want me to ever answer any of your questions, Then join the free Facebook group and we actually that's where we get these questions from. If you want any of the resources, all you got to do is go to kcshipp. com forward slash apply or all you got to do is comment results, or DM me results, and we will make sure to get you the right thing.