The Hotmomz Lifestyle Podcast

Ep. #538: Fundamentals of getting healthy and being physically fit

casey shipp

The Four Fundamentals of Health and Fitness: A Personal Journey

In this episode, I share the critical fundamentals for achieving health and physical fitness based on my own experiences. I talk about my unique, trauma-informed approach and why it matters. I cover four key areas: food and gut testing, hormone balance, tailored workout strategies, and understanding how trauma impacts our bodies. I also delve into the importance of emotional intelligence and personal growth, offering practical steps and resources that you can use to transform your health and well-being just like I did.

00:00 Introduction to Health and Fitness Fundamentals
00:16 Personal Journey and Unique Approach
02:29 Understanding Food and Gut Health
03:43 The Importance of Hormones
05:30 Tailoring Workouts and Diet
07:25 The Role of Trauma in Health
10:35 Empowerment and Personal Growth
13:24 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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This is the fundamentals of Being healthy and physically fit. I was just doing yoga because I needed some alone time I've been with the family all day and I was like, I just want to be alone and do some Yoga before bed. I even have tea like I'm in the gym. I brought tea and did some yoga and it was phenomenal But yeah, I'm gonna go over just the quick fundamentals of Getting healthy and physically fit and if you're new to my content while you're in for a treat I cuss a lot and I talk about things that I've never seen fitness people talk about but also I do suspect that you think there's something under the surface like if you've struggled if you've done all the things to try and lose weight and it just Hasn't worked out like it's been a struggle for a long time if we wanted to think about It's like embarrassing, but it's okay. That's why I'm here. usually people find my stuff when they're going through some type of awakening or they are literally at wit's end because they have tried Everything and they're just I don't know what else to do. They usually find me because we have a trauma informed approach. That's why people like working with us is because we focus on more than just workouts, more than just hormones. And even though we can't help, we've helped thousands of women lose weight without cardio and eating a ton of food and getting their hormones balanced. We do it all, but it comes down to one thing that nobody really understands. And it understands how to integrate with all of that stuff. And it's the missing piece. I've been in the game for 15 years, professional fitness model. I've got two kids had two C sections, total hysterectomy. In my early thirties, I was 55 on paper in my twenties. I was not supposed to be successful. I had chronic illnesses, overcome hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue, mystery illnesses, all of that stuff. Even rags to riches story went from. I just wanted to make, I just wanted to make 60 grand. I was, I remember thinking if I can just make 60, 000 a year, I'll be doing better than all of my family and graduate high school. And yeah, then I remember just, if I could just make six figures, if I can just make seven, that's fine. Just make eight. It's always there. A lot of you, so we're going to go over three things, the fundamentals, number one is the easy stuff and anything that I ever say in here and you want it, if I ever go over anything and you're like, I need that just comment results or DM me results and I'll send, or I'll make sure you get the right thing. How about that? We'll take care of you. So the number one thing is food and gut tests. So many women try to, they try to put their best foot forward and try to eat healthy, but I can't help but to hear. People think eating healthy is chicken, salads, yogurt, and shit like that, and I can't tell you how many food and gut tests that I've seen. Those are the top things that most women cannot have, especially if their symptoms are low energy, constipation, They suspect a hormonal problem. They've been doing all the right stuff in the gym and they're not getting results like chicken, dairy and granola is like the worst thing you could possibly eat. Even if you eat avocado toast or something healthy, that's probably absolute shit for your body. So get the food and gut test first. It can be with me or with someone else. I don't really give a shit. Number two, and I even had a girl the other day. She goes, I've been following your stuff for 16 months and I've reverse dieted myself. I've started eating way more food. I stopped doing the cardio, started doing resistance training just by listening to my free content podcast. She's, she got results. She's here now because she knows there's a hormonal problem and her White coats are just not gonna do the kind of blood work that she needs and or they don't know how to heal adrenal fatigue. They just throw you on like testosterone and thyroid and call it a day. Number two is the hormones. I don't care how old you are. You need this. I've had 18 year old girls come in. I've had 14 year old girls do this and i've had 80 year old women, 84 year old women to do this. Any age between. Work with our physicians. We have two different ones. If you want the resource, just put results in the comments or send me a DM for results and I'll make sure you get the right one. And get the panels that we run. In doing that, you'll see The levels that we have, I think they're pinned on my Instagram. If they're not, they're in my Facebook free group in the featured section. It'll tell you like, here's what we check. Here's the range goals. And one thing I see women deficient is IGF one, your insulin growth factor. That needs to be at 300 or more. I'm not going to get into why here, just trust me. And we'll do another live on that another day, but IGF one. is a big deal. Also healing the adrenals and that's the magic sauce right there. You can't just take adrenal supplements, okay? You need to understand how to embody the energy and work on the mindsets, mind, body, soul. Yes, I am that weird crunchy gal, but this is where the trauma informed approach comes in because we know how to regulate the nervous system. We don't run from emotions, but most people are numbing them out. this is why they struggle their whole life with weight is because they're addicted to the cycle. It's a cycle. That's why you're in it. But it's normal and it's familiar and anything outside that is unfamiliar and it's scary. So we say in that cycle because we know what to expect, the brave ones say enough's enough. I'm ready to break the fuck out and you get out. This is where the magic happens. It's when you truly want to grow as a person, that's when you're going to get really healthy. And that leads me to the third and the third fundamental of weight loss and being healthy and physically fit. Number one, food and gut test. Number two is the hormones. Number three is actually pairing the right workouts and diet based on your results. So for example, if you have low energy and maybe like depress, but depression symptoms, meaning you're not motivated and stuff like that, You have to train a certain way. You can't just go in the gym and do workouts like you think you need to do because that's going to actually put you in a further deficit and cause more problems and maybe possibly cause an flare up autoimmune flare up or something like that. So number three is understanding the type of workouts that you need to do. I do have videos on that free content. If you want the actual workouts that we use though, you could just totally download the hot body app and choose low hormone workout, adrenal workout, emom workout. They're all in there in the app store, the hot body fitness app. Understanding how to eat. If you have low thyroid, if you have low adrenals, there's some very specific ways that we have found over the 15 years of doing this and the thousands of women's bodies that we've helped transform. Everybody needs something just a little bit different. So learn how to fuel your body in a way that's very sustainable, And using the food and gut tests and just learn, educate, you have to educate yourself. Many of you went to college and you're very smart. You had to learn the skill. And so you have to understand that you've got to invest and learn this skill as well, or you're going to pay for it, obviously. Maybe how you're feeling right now. So number one, food and gut test. Number two, hormones. Number three, understanding which workout style to do and also how to eat properly. You can invest in this. You can do it in your own time. You can scour the books and the internet and figure it out yourself. You can pay people like me to rocket boost and learn things that, learn things in, three months. It would take 3 to 10 years to learn. You can, download, like you can just get to work or pay someone to help you to learn it. Educating yourself on how to feed yourself and heal yourself do. Number four and the final one. this is the main secret sauce right here. Understanding How trauma affects the body, how your unique life experience has everything to do with where you're at right now in life. And if you want to take the fitness blocker quiz to know, do you have stored experiences that are causing issues? Just take it, just comment quiz and we'll make sure we get you the right one. And you can see for yourself. Alright, also, quickie, just to know if you've got it, if you struggle with weight, if you've struggled in their cycles, if you're obsessed, and it's something that you constantly think about, if there's anxiety around food, working out, comparing your body to another, you feel like shit, if you see someone that's really hot, you have compensatory behaviors where if you eat tacos and you're going to go do extra cardio Oh, just chronic illness. That's a dead giveaway of trauma in the body that you don't feel safe. There's been a time and just think about it when things get harder, someone dies, COVID happens or whatever. If you gained weight or went to drinking or not working out or it shook you up and it caused your body to do something There's trauma if something happened and you moved and so your kids were born and then you just couldn't get back on track That shows there's trauma in the body So you have to address these things or also things that didn't happen to you. Maybe there's things that didn't happen that should have happened you know your kid they come out of the womb. They'd have certain Leaps they go through and then They crawl and they walk. You don't usually a child that skips important growth patterns. If a child comes out and they don't really crawl that often, but they start walking, there's going to be neurological things that happened. There's something that's not going to be developed. This is scientific. Science. It's science. So we have to do that. But nobody teaches us this stuff. It's emotional intelligence work and truly, it's personal growth. So it's like personal growth mixed with informed, a trauma informed approach to fitness. So understanding Why these cycles have happened to you in the past. Why your life has been the way it's been. So you can change it. It's awareness. It's metacognition meets weight loss. It's literally teaching you and helping you understand the awareness of What shaped you, what caused beliefs to happen and what caused these, just like many women think that cardio or think that eating less will make them skinnier. And if that was the case, then everybody could just eat 500 calories and be happy and healthy, but that's not it. you have to address the mindset and the emotional body and it's way beyond thinking positive. This is not, this is way beyond that. It's way beyond law of attraction as well. So understanding your emotional body is More than you do anything else will change your life. It has changed mine. It has changed thousands of women You will release the weight much easier We had a girl that just took the food and gut test and got in to do the clearings the emotional clearings of somatic work and understanding Why things were so hard for her? inflated the compassion, the validation she needed, and she truly could rescue herself. a lot of women are sitting there, waiting, and that's a victim mentality, to wait. If you have to wait, it's a victim mentality. Because, people that are empowered, they know that they're the creators, they are the only ones. If something is going to be changed, They have to do it and we're not saying like hyper independence because that's also, I'll do it myself That's a trauma response as well. So it takes discernment and intelligence to, to do this. And that's why, so if you do it with me or read a book, there's tons of things you can do. I'm just laying it down because I would give anything if I knew this, if I had known this 16 years ago. Chronic illness and hospital shingles. I'd give anything. I was sitting in the car listening to self help books and I knew that there was more to life than the one I was living. I knew something was wrong and I just knew it. I just kept reading self help books and I did so much personal growth work, Reiki, and still nothing was happening. It wasn't until I got into trauma work. I just surrendered to something else and opened my mind and heart truly. And said, I'm not going to do things the way I've always done them, obviously, because it's getting me this result. And my life changed forever, and it actually changed quickly. Hopefully, I had a girl tell me the day, she goes you helped me in 20 minutes, what took me 40 years to figure out. Get the food and gut tests, the hormones. Do the right type of workouts and you know stop over exercising stop doing so much if you don't have any energy and your Weights not coming off start eating more food Doing a little bit less getting more sleep enjoying your life a little more and letting some things go letting go of people pleasing let go what other people think about you and just choose you and If it's hard, you could be an empath. You could be highly sensitive. I'm highly sensitive, very intuitive, a lot of women that I worked with find out that they've always been gifted and it makes life really hard if you're highly sensitive because you feel everything, you feel everybody and everything, and it makes what you're feeling, Hard to distinguish. Is it mine or someone else's? So that's a whole nother ball of wax. We could have a whole nother talk for. So understanding just the emotional body, healing your energy, how you be, how you think, because it's a choice and you do have options and you do have a choice. So you could wake up today and start living like the woman who has the body and is, has health and has what she wants. You can't, even if you don't have it right now, just start imagining if you did, right? You'll be closer and closer scientifically is scientifically impossible for you not to achieve if you continue to believe and show up as the woman who already has. And knows what she deserves, what she can have, and that you're the most important thing ever. You are the most valuable, most important individual in your life, in the world right now. And when you show up accordingly, superstar energy, your life will change. If you want any resources, mind, body, soul, hormone resource, workouts. Anything put results in the comments and we will make sure you get the exact thing that you need to get you from point A To point B with ease and in record time. Talk to you soon. Bye