CSA Security Update

Objectives-based Security - Enabling Security Teams to deliver desired outcomes

June 08, 2021 John DiMaria; Assurance Investigatory Fellow

"There is a proliferation of security products. As more high-value assets come online, the cybersecurity threats grow and the application environments rapidly change. Security teams are stretched thin trying to continuously map the desired business outcomes to disparate product configurations in these environments".

"What we lack as an industry is a cohesive and a high-level approach to enabling security teams to deliver cybersecurity outcomes. A different approach to security is needed".
~Vishwas Manral, Forbes Councils Member~

Join us as we interview Vishwas Manral Forbes Councils Member, founder and CEO at NanoSec (acquired by McAfee) and chief cloud architect of cloud security at McAfee as well as co-chair of the Cloud Security Alliance, Silicon Valley. We discuss a more powerful common sense approach to laying the ground work for a more robust cybersecurity posture that will ensure organizations are more resilient by using the core business requirements as the input. 
