Homespun Haints: True Ghost Stories

How to Build a Haunted House: A true ghost story interview

Becky Kilimnik and Diana Doty Season 6 Episode 23

If certain styles of buildings make you cringe, is it because the architecture makes you uncomfortable, or because some styles are more prone to being haunted?

Today, we speak with author Beth Castrodale about the supernatural aspects of architecture. Do you live someplace that’s prone to ghost activity? Find out today, on Homespun Haints.

Beth’s 4th book with Regal House Publishing, The Inhabitants, is coming out September 10, 2024. You can preorder the book at or on Beth's site at

Tired of websites that have been Frankensteined together using subpar body parts? Check out Becky and Diana's digital media and web design company, The Concept Spot, and let's make some digital spookiness together!

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