Greatness Podcast

Greatness Podcast (Ep 117) | Steve Davies and Cara Robb Discuss the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association Womens Leadership Development Program

Gretchen Gagel / Steve Davies and Cara Robb Season 1 Episode 117

Have you ever experienced a man apologizing for an all-male panel at a conference? Five years ago while attending my first Australian Pipelines and Gas (APGA) Conference in Darwin I saw APGA CEO Steve Davies do just that. Steve was so proud of the fact that he had convinced many of the industry's top leaders to come to Darwin for a senior leader panel, and then it sank in - no woman. And Steve said that on stage - I'm embarrassed that there isn't a woman on this panel and we, as an industry, can do better.

Steve's courageous statement created the spark for my work with APGA to develop the Women's Leadership Development Program modeled after a similar program at the American Gas Association. Our first cohort sold out in 24hrs, and as Steve says, ". . . women in the industry were crying out for something that was targeted at them and their experience in the industry." Our purpose - to retain women in the pipeline industry and provide them with the skills they need to continue to advance their careers.

Seven cohorts and 175 women later the outcomes of the program make my heart sing. One participant told me that after 10 years of a stalled career she's had two promotions in two years, and 90% of the participants report an increase in confidence. Steve also comments in the podcast that the program has inspired member companies to pay more attention to and place greater value on inclusion.