Science on surfaces - Tips, Tricks and Tools

34. Challenges of an academic career path – a conversation on productivity, creativity, and funding

Biolin Scientific

How important is it to be productive to succeed in academia? And what about being creative?

In this episode, we once again have the pleasure talking to Prof. Fredrik Höök, Professor of Nano and Biophysics, at the Department of Physics at Chalmers University of technology. Prof. Hook was our guest in episode 29. Then we had an interesting conversation around several aspects related to research and life in science. At the end of the session, there were still lots of questions that I was curious to ask, and fortunately, Prof. Hook kindly agreed to continue the discussion in an additional episode. This time, we talk about some of the challenges of an academic career path and how to strategically relate to these. 

We pick up the conversation essentially where we left it - Prof. Hook had just mentioned that he decided to go for a career in science despite all the risks and uncertainties involved. We talk about what those uncertainties are, and how they can be addressed and related to. We also discuss the potential need for a backup plan, the role productivity, inspiration, and if it is important to be creative to succeed with an academic career. Prof. Hook shares his best advice to those of you that dream about pursuing a career in science but who hesitate, or think it seems too risky. He also shares his view on what personal qualities that are needed to be successful in academia. 

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