The 2024 History Council of New South Wales Annual History Lecture was given by Professor Frank Bongiorno, professor of history at Australian National University. First held in 1996, the Annual History Lecture was inaugurated by the HCNSW to underline the importance of history to current issues and concerns. The lectures are original works that constitute a significant contribution to historical knowledge.
The title of the 2024 lecture is
Making Their Political Mark:
How have Australians remembered politics?
2024’s Annual History Lecture was held at the Chau Chak Wing Museum, Sydney University on the 10th of September. It was recorded by Zoom, with post production by the HCNSW team using Canva Pro.
The photographs featured are by Tim Harris Photography.
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HCNSW Cultural Partners:
City of Sydney
Macquarie University, Faculty of Arts
Museums of History NSW
National Archives of Australia
Placemaking NSW
Reserve Bank of Australia
State Library of New South Wales
University of New England
University of Newcastle, School of HCISS
University of New South Wales, School of History & Philosophy
University of Technology Sydney, Australian Centre for Public History
The History Council of NSW is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.