Mind Your Own Dog Business

The 10 Common Traits Of My Most Successful Clients

October 31, 2019 Kristen Lee Episode 24
The 10 Common Traits Of My Most Successful Clients
Mind Your Own Dog Business
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Mind Your Own Dog Business
The 10 Common Traits Of My Most Successful Clients
Oct 31, 2019 Episode 24
Kristen Lee

In this episode of the dog business industry-disrupting, Mind Your Own Dog Business Podcast, Kristen Lee breaks down the ten traits shared commonly across the board with her most successful dog training and dog walking business owners. 

From getting out of your own head to a radical trust in business strategy, these common denominators affect ALL business owners. The best part? You have the power to decide to adopt these traits and start making massive momentum in your dog business today. 

It's real. It's raw. It's uncensored as fuck. It's what the dog business industry needs.


The Grassroots Dog Business School 

Check out more episodes of Mind Your Own Dog Business

Connect with Kristen:

Online: https://thekristenlee.com 

Instagram: @dogwalkercoach

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kristenleegrassroots

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of the dog business industry-disrupting, Mind Your Own Dog Business Podcast, Kristen Lee breaks down the ten traits shared commonly across the board with her most successful dog training and dog walking business owners. 

From getting out of your own head to a radical trust in business strategy, these common denominators affect ALL business owners. The best part? You have the power to decide to adopt these traits and start making massive momentum in your dog business today. 

It's real. It's raw. It's uncensored as fuck. It's what the dog business industry needs.


The Grassroots Dog Business School 

Check out more episodes of Mind Your Own Dog Business

Connect with Kristen:

Online: https://thekristenlee.com 

Instagram: @dogwalkercoach

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kristenleegrassroots

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the mind your own dog business podcast. I'm your host leading expert in dog business strategic Kristin. Leave guys yet ready for your journey, your journey to cutting edge marketing and sales, creating a standout kick ass dog business grant along with mastering your mindset that's gonna smash. All of this glass ceilings that have been holding you back and catapult your dog was us to the next level with actionable steps you can take right away. We're going to empower you. We're going to grow you as you step into your authentic self, not only as a dog trainer, dog Walker or what ever slice the pet industry you find yourself in, but as that bad-ass entrepreneur, my mission is to disrupt the current norm. Cut through the noise, cut through the bullshit and power the incredible women of the dog business industry to step into the spotlight, reclaim, control, and transform not only their businesses but their lives. It's real. It's raw, it's uncensored, and it's what this dog business industry needs. Let's do this guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

what is going on everybody, and welcome to today's episode of the mind, your own dog business podcast, the leading the most Epic dog business podcast for all of you. Amazing dog industry entrepreneurs out there that keeps it real, that keeps it raw and gives you the transformational motherfucking steps that you need to start moving forward and taking back control and growing your motherfucking dog training business or your dog walking business and special shout out to all my pack. Walk listeners out there. You guys always hit me up on Instagram telling me how much you love us. So this is my shout out to you, West coast EAs. Love you girls, love you, love you. So this episode is a really good one and I know I always, always like guys is a really good one, but this one is a really fucking good one. This is one that you can actually start to see and take note to where you're aligned or misaligned with your business because today I'm going to be talking about the 10 common traits of my most successful clients. And these traits guys aren't just limited to my clients, myself or my business. But these common traits are across the board, even outside the dog industry. So if I look at my past mentors, these common traits are shared. If I look at my current mentors or educators cause I heavily heavily invest in my education and knowledge cause I am just a fucking education key can junkie. I'm always out there looking for stuff she sent me. I'm always like Oh I'm gonna buy this course. But these are the common traits that I see flat across the board. And the reason why I wanted to share them was a couple of weeks ago I was being interviewed on a major news media outlet. What soon to be announced, soon to be announced. And we were talking about how the on demand apps like the rovers and the wags and you know the bidding type, uh, apps like the thumbtacks and the barks.com has opened up this door for so much possibility and growth to people that actually wanted to follow their dreams and start to work with dogs full time. And I brought up to the point, it's like it's great and it has shown a lot of opportunity and growth and everything else. If the, you know, the common person wants to get out of the corporate job, but what is, what has happened? And what's transpired is almost a dilution, a dilution, not a delusion, but a dilution of the talent pool out there. And the anchor asked me, she's like, okay, so what are some of the things that people can do to define their success? Now again, I know success is subjective. You can be successful if you have a$10,000 basis, you can be super successful if you have a$10 million business and vice versa. So I started to break down all these traits and I'm like, Holy shit, people need to hear this far and wide. Not just in this little media outlet, while it's a major media outlet, but people need to talk about this. We need to start talking about this more because these traits guys are super vulnerable. They're super real and they're super polarizing. So we're going to talk about them. And I want you guys to take special note to see where you are in alignment with them, where you're out of alignment and if you agree or disagree because you know what that is your truth and this is my truth. So before we get into this super quick, just want to give you guys an exciting announcement. So as you guys have heard, I am with motherfucking grassroots dog business school. Oh Holy crap guys. It is like the Ivy league education for all dog business entrepreneurs out there and we are actually going to be launching a super, super exclusive membership drive over the next couple weeks. And again with grassroots, like everything else, we're very, very picky on who we enroll. And we have a dog, a dog biz adviser speak to potential clients and potential students to see if they are going to be a good fit because you know what we believe community and tribe is number one to foster a super healthy, sustainable and that subjective word, successful businesses. So if you're interested in learning more about grassroots dog, this school, it's really fucking cool because it goes from every anywhere from like your business basics, like you know, like the niche stuff and the marketing to super advanced parking where you're starting to build you know, automations and some funneling and actually some really, really high ticket sales of selling, you know, your board. And from 10 K plus two actual third way dog training skills and growing you not only as a business owner but also a doctrine or two. So if you're interested in learning a little bit more about the grassroots dog at school, connect with me@wwwdotthekristinlee.com forward slash dogmas school and fill out the application. We'll see if you're a good fit. And then if you are, and even if maybe you're not one of our dog business school advisors, we'll connect with you and give you the help that you need and get you on the right path with your dog business. And if you're a dog business entrepreneur, it doesn't matter what you call yourself, you're a dog trainer, Pakwan Walker pack hiker or just a dog Walker. Come holler at your girl www dot, uh, the Christen Lee. Dot God forward slash dog with school. And I'll also put it in the bottom of the show notes too. So what are some of the 10 common traits of the most successful? Again, loosely defined, subjectively defined entrepreneurs out there. And again, these traits, what is really fucking amazing about them? What's really just fascinating to me is you, if you are kind of introverted, if you are kind of like people shy, maybe have some social anxiety or maybe you were pretty loud and obnoxious like me, these traits can fit to everybody. And the thing is most of these traits guys are not something you're born with. This is why I'm giving you awareness around them so you can start embodying them and start being that mother fucking badass with your dog business. All right, so I'm going to go through these step by step and give some explanation where I feel it's needed. I'll Kristen explain them. I like mansplaining. Uh, don't get mad at me and my, my male dudes, you know, I love you. We got love for you to at grassroots with a male dudes. But I'm going to kind of go into some detail with some, I'm not going to as well. But anyway, listen up. It's going to get good really quickly. And you know me, I talk super fast when I get super excited about business stuff. It's my little business cosms alright, so the very first trait, and now these aren't in any particular order, so I'm just going to go with the flow. The first particular trait is the most successful business owners have objectives over goals. What does that mean? So one of the biggest things I want everybody to think about as a business owner, as a dog business owner is not have goals because goals are meant to not be met. They're almost like this loosey goosey kind of, um, I don't want to use word fantasy, but it's like, it's not really a goal until it starts to go into a form of an object objective. And what is an objective over a goal and objective is something that you can set KPIs to, to measure benchmarks. Okay, so what does that mean? KPIs means key performance indicators to measure benchmarks. So what it is, it's not like, Hey I want to make$500,000 in 2020 okay cool. That can be an objective. That could be, but we're going to break it down further. So what does that look like? Broken down further. So I'm going to make$35,000 a month. Okay, so what KPIs are we going to have? Key performance indicators to track that, to keep benchmarks. So what successful business owners do is they have a process around goalkeeping and objective keeping and measuring them. So that means it could be holding your account, your employees accountable. It could be, you know, having a set sales goal would, that means going to like, okay, so how much is I have to break that down per week. So not getting lost in the minutia of like really getting detail oriented, but having objectives and understanding that objectives are meant to be refined as well. Because refinement is fucking huge. So the first common tree guys, I'll repeat it one more time, is objectives over goals and setting KPIs to measure where you're at and checking in with your business on a quarterly, if not monthly, if not weekly basis. The next common trait is coachability. Wow. This is a polarizing one. So the reason why grassroots, the reason why me, Kristen Lee just doesn't allow almost like an open enrollment where you can just go sign up or you know, click and download and buy. Something from me is when I work with somebody, when I work with a business owner, it doesn't matter where they're at in their business. I want to connect with them first and foremost to see if they're coachable on the phone. Because you can be like, yeah, I'm going to do everything in the world. Yeah, I can't wait to rock my world. Yeah, yeah, I'm going to do everything. I'm gonna do everything. I'm going to do everything and I can't wait to go, you know, hit my things and this and this and that. And then when a coach or when an outside influence starts to step in as a coach, we are very, very invested in you, but we're not emotionally invested of you too as well. We want to see you do good. We do, but at the same time we also have to protect ourselves and have boundaries. However, what realize what actually happens is the coachability factor around it. Individual person. Now, for example, if I go to you, if I say, Hey so-and-so, let's just call you. You call you Jenny, Jenny, what I need you to do this month is to go connect in this copywriting course. I want you to practice three pieces of copy. And then once we post it in the group for feedback and then once you post in the group for feedback and we give you the green light that your coaches give you the green light, we want you to go out and do a, B, C, and D. okay? Or if somebody comes to me and I'm like, Hey, I know you're not where you want to be financially. This is what we want you to do. Go do ABC and D and I get the, yeah, but yeah, but truth be told, coachability is having trust and having a sense of proactivity and not, not knowing, not trying to say this in a nice way, not having to know it all because at the end of the day, none of us have all the answers and what really sets apart my clients that go like my Ashley and fucking Maryland, that is a single mom that goes and makes 35 fucking thousand dollars month or$40,000 a month against that one pet sitter that goes and does nothing, even though they have blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, accreditations and stuff. Is that that Ashley is the Ashley's other world are coachable. They trust the process. They're not like stuck in their own. Well, you know, I've been doing it this way so long and I'm the expert. No coachability, huge, huge factor. I feel like this is one of the biggest, I'm one of the biggest common traits that makes anybody successful. All right, moving on because I don't want to go too polarizing on that one. The next one, which actually goes along with some coachability too, is they get out of their own fucking self limiting beliefs and they move past the current problem and think ahead. They want to fix it. For example, if you are consistently stuck in your own problems in your own head where you're like, well, I obviously can't do this because I can't afford it, or I can't do this until I have X amount of clients. I can't do this until after Christmas time. When us, true entrepreneur or true defined dog business owner comes to me is like, I want to fucking do this. I'm still having my hands in the ground. I'm going to make it a way of doing this and I'm going to be coachable and I'm going to go try to figure this out. Yes, they get out of their own fucking heads, but when you sit there and you're like, well, you know Kristen, I'm just, you know, I just, I can't right now and I just, I, I can't get past the fucking fact that I've been fucking myself over in the years and I can't say no to people. And you know, people don't want to be on the phone with me and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and self limiting beliefs and people are cheap. What the people, the people that really defined the success, the people that are the success for stories, because success stories are actually minority guys, which is pretty crazy. You know that little bit of, I would say 15% of people, they get the fuck out of their own head and their own self limited beliefs. They put that shit in the back burner, they deal with it professionally and they move forward. They're like, okay, Kristen, can you help me do this? So for example, if I'm on the phone with you and I'm like, Hey listen, this is an invitation to work with me. It's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you're like, Oh my God, I can never do that. Cool. If you want help, what I will ask you to do is I will say, Hey, would you like help with that? And if I give you the plan, will you go out and do it? So getting out of your own fucking self Lemington beliefs. Another thing, guys on this, I see two, I see it all the fucking time on social media. It's like, well, you know, I just don't understand how how somebody like that can have results because you know, I've been doing this for 10 years and this is some bullshit and it's just a Rite of passage to be fucking burned out, right? And it's like, I just don't see how I can do this. I could just don't see how this could be sustainable. That's a fucking self limiting belief. So if you have that thought in your fucking head, if you're not ready to burn it all down, all the fucking bullshit in your head, then you're not going to be successful and you're not going to have the massive growth opportunities that are out there for you. The next one guys is resilience. Resiliency. See, I can't even pronounce it sometimes. Resiliency, right? Because we have to understand we are people. We are touchable. No, not anybody is untouchable, right? Like you guys might think I'm this like crazy bad-ass with all these tattoos. I have this MBA and I had all these careers and I go on the stage and I do this. I do that. Deep down, I am a human that is living in a human world, having a human experience right now, and bad shit does happen to me too as well. And so do my client. I have a client right now that actually lost her home, no fault of her own, not a financial thing, legit. And she's not homeless because she lost her home because of finance. But something happened where she was like, Oh fuck, but I'm going to take the best of this and I'm going to actually spend the time outside and camp with my family again, not homeless, but she's making a choice. And this fucking bitch is so resilient that she has had her best fucking quarter in sales, legit fucking best quarter in sales because she is not stuck in the toughness of her life. She's not stuck in her picture. She's not stuck in her story. Right? And it's the same thing. It's like I've known people that have gone through fucking divorces. I know. A fucking amazing, amazing, amazing client of mine. I'm not going to use her name cause it protect privacy, but she's gone through a terrible fucking divorce. She is a primary caregiver for somebody who has Alzheimer's and this bitch does not give up. She is not stuck in her fucking story. She keeps moving forward. Is her progress as fast as she wants to be? No, but her resiliency is what defines her. Meaning don't give up when shit gets hard guys, because when shit gets hard, you need to start welcoming that and then you're gonna be like, Oh my God, this would've killed me a few years ago. Like I, I say that all the time. But like the thing is when you don't give up, when shit gets hard, when you don't sing down into like a really, really, really, really like shitty feeling and like all my God, the world's worse. That's when you know you need to start embracing it. That's where the real work starts to happen. Now that being said, two guys, resiliency, get yourself a mother fucking therapist because everybody should have a therapist if you're an entrepreneur as well. All right, so the next common trait, this is what our booboo or fourth one or fourth one? Yes. So the next commentary across the board with very successful people, including myself, including my business partner, including my other coaches, including my team members and my mentors, everything is, we understand growth is refinement. It's something to be fine tuned versus a million miles an hour bro. And be the best shout louder, scream louder, do all this stuff in the things and show up everywhere bro. Right? Because the thing is, do you ever hear the old analogy? It's like, all right, you got to climb the mountain. What happens if you climb that mountain too fucking fast? You are stuck up there. So it's like if you run up Everest, you get there and you're like, Oh my God, I'm out of energy. I'm going to, you're going to die up in fucking avarice. So the best entrepreneurs, the most successful entrepreneurs, understand goat growth is not a one and done shot. It is a process, a process of refine it, testing, totally testing shit out. Being patient, patient may patient see I even fuck up. But being patient and knowing like, okay, you are going to fail. Like failing is an option guys. It's you're supposed to fucking fail as an entrepreneur. If you don't fail, how do you know when you fucking succeed? So you're able to fine tune. You're able to almost, it's almost like if you're cooking something in the oven, you gotta turn the gas down and up and down and up and down it up versus pulling out the gate going a million miles an hour because that shit is not sustainable after a while. Believe me, believe me. Listen guys, you are preaching. I'm preaching to the choir here. I would go 24 seven if I could. That's just me. I'm an Enneagram three. I am a type fucking a, I am a fucking Myers-Brigg, whatever the N J or whatever it is. But one of the things that has helped me understand and grow sustainably and have the opportunities I had is understanding, realizing, having patients that growth is refinement and fine tuning versus going balls out. Walls out 24 seven. Now the next one, this kind of goes to resiliency and also self Flemington beliefs too as well. But the most successful people that I know, and this is something where I struggled with a long time ago, is they're not stuck in their stories. They don't let their stories define them being victims of, and when I say victimization, I'm not saying true, true, true victimization, but they're not victims of their own woes and their bad stories. Like, Oh well I got sick last month and I got my period. I'm just so tired. I really don't feel like doing my copywriting. I really don't feel like doing sales calls. And then it was so cold out and I just couldn't do that. No, no, no, no, no. Listen ladies, gents. We are big boys and girls. We are entrepreneurs. We business owners, we are, you know, we are the breadwinners of our family. So if you are consistently in this victimization mode of that, even clients are cheap. My market doesn't want this. Clients are weird. My, you know, people just want the best in the fast and the quickest in the blah, blah, blah. Once you start getting out of that victim mode and understanding that you can define and design your own story versus being stuck in the story that you're telling yourself. That's where the growth is. That's where the success is and that's where you can have momentum to move forward, to stop being stuck in your story. We get it. I understand. We're all stuck in our stories. Sometimes we all get in our heads. Again, we're humans having a human experience on a human world. It's crazy, but this is what we're dealt with. So move on from your stories and your victimization mode and then if you need help, if something ever happened to you, please reach out to the right people so they can give you support in love they need. All right, the next one, next one is dedicated to business first. Always business guys comes first hundred percent of the time, all the time, and we have to understand this. Yes, again, we have a motion. Yes, we have other things going on, but the most successful business owners that I know and even myself included, is 80% of your time, if it's not, we need to flip it around. We talked about in the last episode, but 80% of your time needs to be dedicated to growth and operations. Meaning you need to be the motherfucking CEO of your business. So now if you are actually an employee of your business where you feel like you're the CEO but you're really not because you're doing all this stuff in the things we need to start making that flip over to where you are dedicated to 80% growth and operations and sales and design, marketing and everything else that contributes to the overall expansion of your business. Then 20% of the time to delivery. All right, so another thing too, it's like all right, dedicated to business first always is they understand you can't have a business plan. What this bitch Christian is fucking telling me not to have a business plan. What the fuck guys? I got my MBA. I've written plenty of business plans over over the last couple of years. Okay, I get it, I get it. But a plan is like a goal. Remember that whole thing, objectives and measurements and everything like that. You need to start scrapping it because a plan is meant to not to be stuck to you. Don't really hold yourself accountable. However, what the successful people do, again, this is into the dedicated to business first always is you adopt a strategy that is flexible and refinable and trackable, okay? Not just fucking flying by the seat of your pants of where, okay, I'm just getting checks in, I'm cashing them and I'm paying myself and paying my employees and money goes in. Money goes up. No, no, that's not being the CEO of your business. You are being an employee of your business. So business fucking first, have a strategy, have flexibility in your strategy and keep track of that. The next one, this is my favorite one. Okay. This is my favorite one. It's kind of with resiliency, but it's progressive arrogance. Okay? Press fucking variance. This is persistence in doing something. Despite it taking a long time and achieving your success or you know, you for having, you know, if things just keep happening where you just, you know, things happen. It's like, you know, in the beginning it's like 80% of your time can be spent working on your business versus being in your business but also just still being persistent as fuck. For example, when I first started doing PR shit, like I got told no, but I was a persistent mother fucker in that shit. What did I do? I started reinvesting some of my education and learning about a little bit PR. I reached out to old mentors that had PR backgrounds and I kept fucking at it like I was like a fucking annoying little Yippy dog connecting with people on LinkedIn and this and that and this and that and I wasn't being annoying. I was just being persistent. I'm fucking stubborn. I am stubborn PR perseverance is like stubborn is being stubborn too. And the thing is, I was so, I am so dedicated and the people that have this enormous success, these people that just are fucking unstoppable. The, like the Joe Rogan's in his podcast or you know, the other people that you see like, uh, the fuck, uh, God, I can't think of her name off the top of my head. Uh, Mel Robbins, the five second rule, lady fucking phenomenal book or the Bernay Brown's. Those bitches are persistent as fuck and they don't have shiny red ball syndrome, meaning they're not gonna move from one thing to the next thing, to the next thing to next thing, chasing the fix, and this is something I see a lot of business coaches in, not only in the dog industry too, but outside the dog industry do. And I see dog business owners doing this. It's like, okay, I'm going to chase the fix with Facebook hats. I'm going to show up every day on Facebook and do this and do that. No, it's being persistent as fuck, being slow, being calculated, and despite whatever it's taking forever. It's like, Oh my God, I've read, Brenton reached out and I had this vendor event, I connected with all these local places and nobody's called me back. It's like, no, now I'm going to go chase this, this, and this isn't, this isn't this and this and have shiny red ball syndrome. It's like, Oh, here, here, here, here. I'm going to dip my feet chasing the fix for the money. No, that's not oppressive. Eras. That is distraction and you are chasing. You are chasing the fix to something that is deep down and wrong. Now the second to the last, the second to the last commentary, Oh, because they're listening is the observe versus react. Huge. I'm talking to you dog trainers. I'm talking to you dog walkers. You don't react when shit goes down really quickly. For example, for example, you observe somebody having a projection of something, so I'll give you a good example. My example. You post a training video and somebody trolls you and it's got a keyboard warriors. We're going to go fucking freak out and then do this. Do that, do that. That's a reaction and observational. His point of view is actually listening to the person. Okay, and saying, okay, is this person a troll? This is a hater or is something they're saying in me is really resonating with me versus reacting. Okay. Same thing with clients. Have a client, for example, I'll give you a good one. A client doesn't get back to you right away. Oh my God, they hate,

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Oh, my daughter can be broken or

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no. It's like, fuck, what are we? We're again, we're humans living in a human experience and people have things happen. So it's like, alright, observe. See what the hell is going on. Understand two people have bad days versus being a fucking reactive dog yourself in your business. So think about observing. Now. Everything is a personal attack on you. Now, when people personally attack you, that's usually a projection of something else in them. It's a reaction. Can you see where I'm coming from guys? Because every time we give somebody a reaction, it's based off the reaction they're getting from something else. It's fucking like reaction, observe, observation, inception. It's crazy, guys. It's crazy. Okay, so observe versus react. Sit on something. Again, it goes back to that persistence, that persistence of, okay, I get this. If I see a trend, maybe I will act on it. Another thing, okay, this is a huge one. This is, I might even do a fucking podcast about the op op, uh, observed versus react. So for example, you have a client and they go back to you. You have to say, you have a hundred happy clients, 99 happy clients. I have a hundred and that one client does not like the way your services are. Your program is. So what do most dog business owners do? They start to fucking tailor around to the person. That doesn't mean shit. 99% of the people out there are happy. 99 other clients are super fucking happy. They love you. But then that one person gets so into your skin, you're like, Oh my God, something is, something is wrong with me. I'm a flawed human being. And you start to change it. That's a reaction versus observing. It's like, okay, cool. I can see where they're coming from. Maybe they do have a crazy busy life. Maybe they do need some extra support. Okay, so observe versus react. And the last common trait, the 10th commentary is they make decisions. What? So if you look at anything with Richard Branson, okay, so one of my mentors used to actually have Richard Branson as a mentor and one thing he used to say is like, Richard Branson wants it. They're up with this. Some of those button go, well, you know, I got, I got to think about it. I gotta go talk to my business partner. I've got to go talk to my wife or my husband or my, my best friend or my accountant down the street. You know what I mean? So they make decisions. They're like, yes or no. Now I get it. Sometimes you do have to sit back and kind of observe versus react. That's again, like the last one we just talked about. But if you're really truly stepping into that embodied badass CEO empowered as fuck, Doug was his owner, that's going to take over the motherfucking enrolled. You have to make decisions, guys. You have to, you can't sit there and hem and haw because that is not a leader. A leader's like, okay, cool. I want to do this. So yes, I want to do it. Then they ask for help. Coachability, can you see how this all goes in guys? So if you're sitting over there and my, okay listen, I'm going to make a joke at my husband's expense. He doesn't even listen to this podcast by the way, cause he's like I can't stand her. I listened to her 23 hours a day as it is. So my husband is the ultimate wishy washy decision maker and we were at the North face store today cause he wanted to get a new North face coat. And I said okay pick one and he had four and I'm like all right, what are the pros and cons of beach? And the end of the day he didn't make a fucking decision and now it's going to be raining here in North Carolina. And guess what? Because the consequence of not making the decision because he felt too pressured to make a decision at that moment he's gonna me cold as fuck. Needs to be rainy as fuck when he works dogs with clients this week. So think about that guys. Where are you not showing up and making decisions? It's a yes or no. Again, if you speak to one of our Dhotis school advisors, sometimes we're going to ask you to make a decision to move forward and we'd like to hear it. It's a yes or no, like a note is always a solid. But if you are not showing up and making decisions, how has that reflecting back on the people you attract into your dog business? So make fucking decisions guys. Whew. So I hope you found, I fucking know. I fucking know you've guys found this super valuable. So go through this again. Write it down. Give me a thumbs up. Let me know how much you fucking love this, where you might be finding some a little bit of misalignment. Shoot me a DM on that. I want to know and where you're like, Holy crap, I'm doing all this but it's not really kind of flow and it's not making sense to your business. Shoot me a message, we'll chat about it and we'll get you go into being that. I'm going to go through the whole list again, that objectively strategic planning, getting out of your own several live self Lemington beliefs, resilient growth, refining, bad-ass that's not stuck in their own stories that dedicated to their business and that's pretty oppressive as fuck that observes versus reacts and makes fucking decisions. All right guys, I hope you enjoyed this one. This is actually one of my favorite episodes so far. I can't believe how animated I got it. Thank you so much for showing up today. I really appreciate it and I hope you have an amazing day and I send my absolute love and affection and admiration and gratitude towards you. Take care guys. Bye.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there. Thank you for listening to another bad-ass episode of mind, your own dog business. If you haven't already subscribed, what are you waiting for? Oh my God. Go and subscribe now so you don't miss out on any of our content pack dog business jam sessions plus special offers that I'm going to only be sharing it with my amazing dog business entrepreneurial podcast listeners. Now. If you've enjoyed this episode, be sure to leave a five star kick ass review. So more amazing dog business owners just like yourself can find us and start to transform and disrupt their businesses and their lives unapologetically. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to tag me on Instagram with a screenshot of this episode and holler at your girl at dog Walker. Coach, you can find me dog Walker, coach, and I'll pop up and I'll give you a special shout out. All right guys, til next time. Bye.

Speaker 2:
